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Everything posted by worgeordie

  1. Some people are never happy ,I disagree with everything the OP wrote , Thailand has been very good to me, I don't regret a single day of the 36 years I have lived here , I have visited nearly a 100 countries and Thailand is where I choose to live and where I will end my days.... Wonder where the OP will end up moving to ? best wishes to him and hope he finds happiness. regards worgeordie
  2. Here lays Worgeordie regards worgeordie
  3. Thailand , I have already paid for my plot in the Foreign Grave yard in Chiang Mai ,Hope I don't need it for a few more years yet though.... regards Worgeordie
  4. Learn her to cook it to your perfection , I have lived here 36 years, and have had food poisoning once and that was in a hotel ,I will be 80 in couple of months , must be the preservatives and MSG in the food ,if i had been living in the UK ,i am sure I would have been brown bread years ago ,the type of food I used to eat there. regards Worgeordie
  5. Have you ordered one of his 100K watches too ,your just the type of person he's looking to scam...... regards worgeordie
  6. From Faux News .....it must be true 😉 they aways tell the truth Plus they are eating the cats and dogs ,and maybe Guinea pigs too. regards Worgeordie
  7. Back in the UK ,driving trucks we would signal other truck drivers all the time ,speed traps,accidents ahead ,etc , it was the thing to do. regards worgeordie
  8. The way things happen here I am not surprised ,handing cash out, there has to be corruption somewhere , regards Worgeordie
  9. There are also many other diseases you can get here , so I would not bother coming George ,just Google them , anyway I remember in past posts you called Thailand a <deleted>hole and were never coming back. regards worgeordie
  10. They will I am sure ,have upped the electricity supply, before all these electric vehicles hit the roads , regards worgeordie
  11. Message to the Government ...Please do something to weaken it.😁 regards worgeordie
  12. Must try harder , there's a lot more corruption out there if you have a proper look... regards Worgeordie
  13. Don't get upset , but have you checked the Fuse ? regards worgeordie
  14. Don't owe anybody, anything ,and never have, self financed my businesses ,never took loans out, paid cash for all my vehicles ,and properties ,If i cannot pay for it I don't buy it ,until I have the money to pay for it, then got out of the rat race at 42 and moved here, the problem is some people today,they have to have and have it now , like the reported queues of people to buy the new iPhone ,JUST because it's new ...... regards worgeordie
  15. For all you MAGAS , get in quick ,he's doing a Crypto coin , with some other criminals ,I am sure it will be a winner like Truth social , anybody buy at 60 Dollars.😟 regards worgeordie
  16. Tighten the belt again , although its nearly cutting me in half as it is , 😋, regards worgeordie
  17. Silly boy .....I suppose you never check the total of your bill is correct either , just pay what they tell you , regards Worgeordie
  18. I just completed this quiz. My Score 90/100 My Time 102 seconds  
  19. Not quite the same , they have blades and a light on the bottom , same screw fitting though ,lots on Aliexpress regards worgeordie
  20. No ,they are not going to ruffle your hair , but the OP was not looking for a fast powerful fan , and I think that would do him nicely ,moves the air about ,its quiet , cheap ,has remote ,and the LED light is very good, 3 speeds, 3 settings for the light ,and is easy to install ,just buy one of those screw in light fittings,and fix it in place of your ceiling light , regards worgeordie
  21. Seems like a good time to start borrowing money ....🤪 borrow where from i wonder .... regards worgeordie
  22. I bought a small ceiling fan off ALIEXPRESS ,there's quite a few reviews for them on Youtube,all good they don't look much but could be just what you're looking for, 3 speeds ,and it also has an excellent led light on it, it has to be fixed into one of those screw fittings ,easy to do and they are very cheap B500, Just search small ceiling fans on Aliexpress ,mine delivered in a week, also has a remote regards worgeordie
  23. He tuned in ....then dropped out , everyone has to die ,and will, it's inevitable regards Worgeordie
  24. Try getting it back off her .....and report back regards Worgeordie
  25. how much would you ? .... not a lot I expect if you even have to ask , then what about your children ,would you go all in for them if they needed long term care regards worgeordie
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