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Posts posted by joncl

  1. Sure wish I could get your speeds. Tonight my TOT 4Mb package is pulling down about one-twentieth of what you are getting to Sydney. For me, many of the international website have been very slow for the last few days...I expect TOT servers are overloaded by current events.

    if what you are after is not time critical then do your surfing in Thai off peak hours, makes a huge difference here


  2. DTSV have started today, on screen TV adverts saying the C Band service will cease on 31st MAY 2010.

    Now that is interesting. I am getting DSTV in China but not using a smart card and I dont have a monthly subscription, just a one off payment and I have seen no such adverts on screen here, I wonder if its your supplier who is inserting the messages

    It was an advert from DSTV on DSTV SS5 during the F1 practise, so yes as DSTV is my provider it was done by them not by someone else. I have also seen it on the Universal channel today.

  3. Have you had recent experience of rejection if the HSBC Bank Letter is not dated the same day as your Application?

    I ask because it's a long, long way from my home to the Bank and then to go to Chaeng Wattana Office.

    Been the same for the last two years with HSBC accounts, and while I was there this month they were sending others away as their letters were all dated yesterday.

  4. Please note that the HSBC does not have Bank Books. One can only present copies of 3 months Bank Statements plus a Bank Letter confirming the current balance. I believe the Bank Letter must not be more than 7 days old.

    It must be dated the same day as your visit to immigration.

    This is important or they will send you away. Also take 4 months of HSBC statements to be safe as they want to see a full months statement not the part month that HSBC sometimes provides.

  5. Worked first time. Thanks

    Question. Channel 111 is Sports HD - should i be able to get this through a dreambox, or would i need a special box from true ?

    True ? We are talking DSTV in this thread, but to answer your question no, as True have paired their card to their set top box for HD and a matter of time before they do the rest.

  6. I just got this (the Google Thai to English translation)

    Thai to English translation

    Access to this information. Suspended temporarily

    By virtue.

    Emergency Decree on Public Administration.

    In emergency situations, BE 2548.

    The command center of the emergency situation.

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