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Posts posted by joncl

  1. Hi Gary, Can't open that link,

    Works fine on True here. Maybe it is down to your DNS if you can not see it as mentioned above.

    The settings are not done in Firefox but in your LAN settings and how to change them is different depending on the operating system you are using.

  2. OK so if you purchased from them, then it is 100% a clone box.

    Did you every do a google on that company before you purchased?

    Buyer be very aware .

    I am sure others will chime in with their comments too.

  3. The DM800 Wikipedia I wrote for the Pli software will help with all the basic things like pvr/ streaming etc (although there should be a HDD/PVR kit in the box that came with the DM800 and instructions in the manual about how to add the HDD) but will not help the CCcam issues as that is already covered in the sample config files in the Pli software as it should be with Gemini one would think.

    PLi® Images website - PLi® Wiki: DM800

  4. Sorry my bad, did not realize talking about "wrong" sw is not allowed in this thread. :)

    Anyone out there who could offer advice ?

    Just a word of warning / free advice - nothing else - clone boxes do not run the latest software so simple things go haywire for no reason, Gemini bricks/kills boxes - so your choice of software

    OK lets start at the basics -

    1. Identifying the card you are going to use. By doing this it will tell us what software to load on your box so you can watch TV. (Your dealer really should be doing this for you)

    Q: What is the colour of your card? Blue or Red/Grey ?

    A: Blue - download and install newcamd6.10 and activate the newcamd client and the cardserver under Menu Setup Softcam

    A. Red/Grey - download and install CCcam (any version) and activate the CCcam client only under Menu Setup Softcam (You may have to also configure this file /etc/CCcam.cfg with the correct CAM data as shown in the examples config file)

    Watch TV

  5. Hi,

    Anyone know good satellite guy in Bangkok / Onnut - Bangna area who knows Dreamboxes ?

    Having some trouble with the set-up. Using legit True card but can't get it up and running being total neeb with this stuff.



    I am one of the software/firmware developers and wiki writers and live next to Ekamai if that is of any help? But way off topic, so sorry OP.

  6. Oh, i think i'm running Project Gemini 2...

    Welcome to the world of clones, as Gemini is not on original boxes when they are delivered, but the DMM Engima2 is pre-installed on originals. Ask you provider / supplier to sort this out for you, that is they are there for.

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