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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. I said it somewhere else already: Why do people still engage with hookers? You wouldn’t do it back home. Why do it here?


    Get a quality girl. Someone who owns her own car and condo; who has her own six figure salary; someone who can, without embarrassment or shame, be introduced to you friends and family, or taken to a company dinner; someone who has proper education; someone who lived abroad; someone who doesn’t mind paying her share of the bill; etc etc. Sure, someone like that can still screw. But how big is the risk compared to engaging with a prostitute, and how big is the chance that the relationship will work out well compared to a relationship with a hooker? 


    Whatever happened to this poor fella, whether it was suicide or murder, I’m sure it would not have happened if he had engaged with a quality girl. 

  2. 8 hours ago, tingtongtourist said:

    on this point i think if you are this sesative then you definately should not have oil massage in Thailand.

    And I think you are wrong here. I think I can expect to not being touched inappropriately when having any kind of massage at a normal massage shop. Of course, i am not talking about one of the naughty massage shops here, and I am neither talking about...


    8 hours ago, tingtongtourist said:


    the buttocks actually store up a lot of tension so massuese will apply massage to this area.

    Also in the Thai massage, where they apply pressure down on the upper thigh/ near groin area on each side.

    ...touching your inner thighs or other parts that are just close to the genital area. But...


    8 hours ago, tingtongtourist said:


    you dont give any details about this blonde western friend or what is her actual complaint

    ...rubbing a girls pussy is definitely not appropriate and not something a customer would have to expect or accept. 


    8 hours ago, tingtongtourist said:


    but if it was a lady from my own country i would dismiss as many like to  exaggerate  wildly and really are attention seekers


    I’m sorry for your bad experience with western girls. My friend politely declined, and we had a good laugh about it.

    • Haha 2
  3. On 4/16/2018 at 10:23 AM, marko kok prong said:

    Totally agree,my wife or any of the Thai women i know would never let a man give them a full body massage.

    A good friend of mine, a tall, very pretty, blonde western girl working as an expat here, had a similar issue but in fact with a female masseuse (Thai girl). One hour oil massage and at some point she started to massage her where she shouldn’t. 

  4. Disgusting and terrible. I hope he will receive just punishment. Whatever happened, nothing justifies such horrible action. 


    Ironically, just a week ago when another Brit was stabbed by his wife because of leaving her, I wrote that I will never understand how some people here end up with such low lifes as partners. As we can see here, it’s not always the poor Farang and the horrible Thai wife. A lot of low lifes on both sides, whether guy or girl, whether Thai or Farang. Should be a reminder for everyone to be careful of what kind of person you’re marrying there, and I wish this young lady and her three kids had not ended up with this sick guy. 

    • Like 1
  5. On 4/11/2018 at 5:59 PM, tingtongtourist said:


    i must ask, where on Earth (other than in the imiginary world of a Thaivisa member) do you find this thai lady ?

    Do i really need to explain how to meet women? 


    On 4/11/2018 at 5:59 PM, tingtongtourist said:


    six figure salary?? lol and own condo and car lol

    Whats „lol“ about that? Do you think all those cars and condos in Bangkok are owned by dudes?


    On 4/11/2018 at 5:59 PM, tingtongtourist said:

    In 10 years i have met countless farang here,  and NONE have a partner like this.(...)

    1. 90% of farangs dont have access to this kind of lady. you think you gonna find em on dating sites? lol

    So what? Even if that’s true, it’s certainly not my problem what other farangs do. 


    On 4/11/2018 at 5:59 PM, tingtongtourist said:

    2. Any Thai lady like this AINT gonna want a farang. if they have all those things they are usually arrogant and have

    Thai thinking:

    will not lower themself to be with a farang and prefer a Thai guy of the same stature.


    also just to add, the girl like you descibe sounds good but is many times more dangerous to farangs. why?

    -they are a lot smarter in how they fleece you.

    -most guys cannot say no to them.

    -they expect to live the like of a starlet. you will be broke in no time.


    and about splitting the bill..lol..it doesnt matter how rich they are, a lady like that will not tolerate a farang that " go dutchy" and ask half the bill.

    And how do you know all these details  about those girls, when they actually never date a farang as you claim? Maybe you shouldn’t judge people you never met. Because what you write is, based on my experience, utter nonsense. 

  6. On 4/10/2018 at 3:12 AM, tingtongtourist said:

    in an ideal world ok

    but cannot pick the psycho Thai girl straight away

    they are always so sweet and demure at first

    butter wont melt in the mouth


    that is the beauty of the psycho Thai lady!

    You don’t buy a used car just by looking at the nice coating. And you don’t even have to be a mechanic or engineer to understand a woman’s educational, social, professional, financial, and family background. Come on, it’s no rocket science. No ideal world needed. Just apply common sense. If she looks like that, speaks like a bar girl, can’t behave in public, can’t afford to share the bill, doesn’t earn close to or more a six figure salary per month, doesn’t at least have a bachelor from a reputable educational institution, doesn’t own a car and a condo, cannot hold a conversation about anything slightly more complex than what to eat,... then she’s not girlfriend or wife material. Not saying that there aren’t any poor or not-so well-off girls who can make good partners. But why take the risk? We don’t buy a USB-stick without having read at least a day of reviews and tests, but we marry the next best girl without proper checks? 

    • Like 1
  7. All these crazy stories... it would be interesting to hear what those girls‘ backgrounds are in terms of education, family, profession, financial stability. I suspect most of them fall in a category of girls that you wouldn’t wanna deal with in your own country, but somehow people manage to engage with all sorts of girls here and then wonder why things turn ugly. 


    • Like 2
  8. 31 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

    So now you know.

    No, I still don’t. We are talking about two consenting adults here, or at least I hope so. Neither one was forced to engage in a whatever-sort-of relationship with the other one. 


    So I don’t see why either one of both is at fault when the relationship doesn’t develop the way the other wanted or expected it to develop. That’s life. And I believe it happens to guys, too. 


    Particularly, when someone “expects commitments” from me, don’t I have the right to refuse such commitments? Were these commitments discussed before the relationship, or why do I have to agree to them so to not be labeled someone “using” and “throwing away” someone else?


    Maybe the guy was under the assumption that it’s just a fling. Would you agree when he complains about that girl „using“ and „throwing him away“ after she made clear she doesn’t want a casual thing and therefore leaves him? After all, he thought they had a fling, now she’s moving on—did she „use“ and „throw away“ him? Or was it just a case of different expectations and plans?

    • Like 1
  9. Most of my investments are home, but I am now paid on a Thai bank account. So I am wondering how to invest the money. 


    My investment style is pretty boring and low/moderate risk. I generally invest long-term in low-cost ETF index funds such as MSCI World. Interest rates on fixed deposit accounts or similar are too low back home. Stock-picking is too time-consuming for me. That’s only a bit of gambling money i put aside every now and then. Not interested in property or any high-risk investments. 


    I split up 70/30 between ETF and cash. 


    I am wondering how to best invest my Thai Baht?


    1. Transfer it home and invest there? That would eat up part of the return because of high transaction fees. Not sure about the fees but I generally like to keep costs low. On the other hand, would feel a bit safer to have the money there than here. 


    2. Invest here?

    - Are there any good online brokers? I prefer to do everything online. Not a KO criterion, but would be nice. 

    - Are the usual ETF index funds available here for low fees? 

    - Are there any other products offering acceptable interest rates at a low/moderate risk level? I heard that fixed deposit accounts actually pay a bit more interest here than in Europe (3%?)

    - Are there any concerns regarding how safe your investments are here?


    (PS: Cash reserve and insurance are already take care of.)


    • Like 2
  10. On 11/29/2017 at 7:51 PM, allane said:

    These expenses won't be incurred in Thailand; why would the Thai Revenue Dept. allow them to be deducted here ?

    Because these expenses, as they are related to working here, thus generate tax revenue for the country. At least that’s the reasoning why I can deduct such expenses back in my home country: 

    Everything that is related to finding or starting or performing work that’s generating tax revenue (including moving closer to your work place, learning/development, applying,  etc.) can be deducted somehow. To me that makes perfect sense, as these expenses are directly related to generating tax revenue. Same as a company isn’t taxed based on its revenues but profit, why shouldn’t an individual be allowed to deduct his cost first? 


    On 11/30/2017 at 3:39 PM, glamont002 said:

    The Thai Revenue Code has no similar provision. Not deductible.

    Thanks, that’s what I wanted to know. 


    On 11/30/2017 at 4:50 PM, Koguma said:

    Since you have to continue paying taxes to your home country regardless, you can still use this deduction (like the CPA above, I assume you're American as well) when you file your US taxes.

    No, I’m not from the US. And I won’t be paying tax back home anymore. Thus it makes perfect sense to me why I cannot use this deduction back home anymore. These expenses will not generate tax revenue for my home country, they actually lead to a loss of tax revenue (because I will now pay tax here in Thailand).


    On 11/30/2017 at 5:04 PM, SiSePuede419 said:


    And just what kind of high paying job do you do in Thailand that you're so worried about income taxes? 

    None of your business. And, by the way: A teacher earning peanuts would be equally (maybe even more) interested in keeping his cost low. 

  11. I’m looking for a credit card offering  benefits such as collecting frequent flyer miles, hotel reward points, other bonus points, cash backs, etc. Ideally fees should be low. Any recommendations?


    Additional question: How long do I need  or what are shortcuts to build a sufficient credit rating history? I assume banks don’t just hand out a credit card to me on a blank local bank account. Are there any ways to prove your creditworthiness with foreign accounts or just through your employment contract stating a certain salary? 

  12. I will start to work in Thailand again next year. In my home country, I can lower my income tax by declaring certain expenses I had. One significant example is all cost related to moving to a new place if it is connected with a new job. However, since I will be moving abroad and will be paying tax here (and not in my home country anymore), the cost of moving here won't be accepted as deductions anymore.


    Is there a way I can declare these cost in my income tax declaration here in Thailand because they were related to finding and starting a job here?


    What other (legal) ways do exist to get part of your income tax back?

  13. My mom believes she can make a good deal buying gold here compared to European market prices. I don't really have a clue about it. 


    - Is gold cheaper here than elsewhere?

    - Can I trust those gold shops? Since I don't know how to tell, i am worried i could be  ripped off  with fake or overpriced stuff. 

    - Do you recommend any place?


    Specifically, she would like to have a very simple golden chain bracelet. Nothing super fancy or artistic. She just thinks it's cheaper here. 

  14. On 29.9.2017 at 9:57 AM, JackThompson said:

    I think consensus was that her ETD will not allow for going anywhere but "home" - so even if she could refund the ticket, it's a no-go.  She'd have to wait here months for her 'real' passport to finally be delivered by her embassy - the whole time on overstay.

    One idea, in case she cannot raise the additional 20k THB needed, was that she leaves to a neighboring country where she can teach English to earn money for her flight. She could do so with her new passport (once she received it) and using the ticket refund (in case a refund is possible) for the overstay fine. 


    It might not be the best option, but (if possible at all) a backup plan in case she cannot raise the 20k THB in time. Still better than the risk of ending up in a cell. 

    • Like 1
  15. The girl: Just brainstorming here:


    Where I come from, there are quite some Fintech startups these days offering small loans online. So I did a quick Google search on "easy loan online South Africa" and several results popped up. You may wanna check if that would be an option to raise funds (either applying yourself or letting your parents or friends back home do it).

    Please note though that I obviously don't know whether those sites are legit or not. As with everything online, do your due diligence. 


    Also, did you ask your embassy for a loan? I know some embassies do that in exceptional emergency cases. 


    And should leaving to Cambodia or Laos still be an option, did you try explaining your situation to Kenya Airways and ask for a full refund? Don't think they would care (everyone could make up a story like that after all), but why not try at least? 


    Good luck. 

  16. Couldn't she get a refund for her ticket, wait for her new passport to be issued, then leave to e.g. Cambodia or Vietnam using the ticket refund for the overstay fine to get a teaching job there? Of course, only possible if the ticket is refundable. But if that's the case, another x weeks overstay shouldn't make the situation much more worse right (understand the overstay fine is capped at 20k)? Just an idea, I might be completely wrong.


    Good luck anyways. Wouldn't wanna be in such situation. 

  17. What export markets you looking to sell to?

    Fashion accessories (like silk scarves) and costume jewelry (ie. no expensive/real gems, no real gold, maybe sterling-coated depending on the price) for various Western markets. Ie. mostly stuff at a cheap wholesale price (say 10$ max).


    Where in Bangrak and Chinatown exactly? Any specific locations/times?

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