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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. 14 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    The Trump campaing has set up a toll-free phone line for citizens to report potential ballot fraud. It's going about as well as you might expect:

    The Trump Campaign’s Voter Fraud Hotline Keeps Getting Pranked


    Mocked by TikTok teenagers... again? I start to pity that poor loser. But wait. Nah. 

    • Haha 1
  2. 7 hours ago, Sujo said:

    Trump will do the opposite of other presidents. Refuse to invite biden to the whitehouse to discuss national security and other pressing issues.

    Would be a waste of time anyway I assume—what could that clown possibly tell anyone about national security or other pressing issues? How American soldiers had bounties on their head because the briefings were too complex for his tiny attention span? Or how hundreds of thousands Americans died from a virus because he’s getting his information from YouTube channels? It’s good that the new president is driving things now. Forget about that useless failure of ex-president. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, DaveCW said:

    WOW - are folk still spewing this stuff

    Of course. Because everyone easily could see what nonsense it was. Everyone with at least a tiny little bit of knowledge, that is, so not your usual Brexiteer. They bought into all that nonsense. So we are rubbing it in their face, as we have been mocking them for the past four years or so. Brexit has been great entertainment. 



    However, when you have one party being totally unrealistic in their demands, that effectively cancels the democratic (sovereign) vote of the UK people to leave the greater influence of the EU, then obviously there will be problems in negotiating. Remember these negotiations are about a TRADE deal, not a political alliance. But the EU don't see it that way, hence the issues.


    On a general note, I wonder how some folk would expect the UK negotiators to deal with these demands - give in and accept them? - Really, just like giving into a misbehaving and demanding child. Unfortunately that strategy does not work in the real world. I'm also astonished how some folk give greater allegiances to foreign, unaccountable bureaucrats, than they do to their own countryfolk. And worst of all, actually wish misfortune on their country, how bazar.

    You’ve been told from the beginning on what you would get and what not. Remember the cake that you wanted to have and eat it, and everyone told you:

    nope, not gonna happen. So stop the whining. You may eat the cake that’s on offer or you may leave with just your fish. And if you think that’s unfair, or unreasonable, or not respecting your sovereignty, or against what some of your folks voted for, then that’s not our problem and nothing we care about. Do some more trade deals with developing African countries, I’m sure they give you all that. That’s how free markets work. 

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  4. 15 hours ago, sucit said:

    the press can just go black and stop covering major news developments, because they are "free press" lol

    Exactly. That’s not only a fact, but also legal. 

    15 hours ago, sucit said:

    The media cannot just ignore the news

    They totally can. Or what are you raging about here? 

    15 hours ago, sucit said:

    and have the world go black lol

    The world is not going black without the current government’s lies and nonsense. A lot of more interesting stuff is happening around the world that can be covered and worth more; just open your eyes. 

    15 hours ago, sucit said:

    What do you think would happen anyway? Proctor and Gamble could just come in and pay off the press to not cover a story about malpractice.

    What story about malpractice of P&G are you referring to that the press didn’t cover because they got paid off? And what does it have to do with your genius Plan of letting the government dictate what the media has to cover? 


    15 hours ago, sucit said:

    No, they have to cover these things, they cannot just ignore them... sorry chuckling out loud I just did not know it was possible for human beings to be this ill informed. 

    The free press is independent. They can cover whatever they want to. And it’s good that it is that way. 

    • Like 2
  5. 15 hours ago, sucit said:

    The press have a responsibility to accurately inform and have the public's best interest.

    And by ignoring, blurring, or correcting the lies and gas-lighting of a corrupt fascist sociopath they are doing exactly that. 



    15 hours ago, sucit said:

    That does not mean deciding what is good or bad for them to hear, that means they are required to report it, whether you like it or not, that is the truth. 

    I’m afraid such requirement does only exist in your very personal opinion. 


    15 hours ago, sucit said:


    Like I keep saying, the press can't just choose to ignore a presidential address or a presidential debate, or any major event.

    You have seen they can. I wish they would have done it more often. 

    15 hours ago, sucit said:

    I do not know where you guys come from but please get it straight, this is not 1984 where a few people get to decide what we hear and see.

    Exactly, which is why the government cannot decide that the media must report its horseshyte. 

    15 hours ago, sucit said:

    You guys need to join planet earth and look around you and see how things actually work.

    The last time I looked around on planet earth, the media was, at least sometimes and overly careful, ignoring or blurring some of the lies and gas-lighting of the government. Could it be that YOU need to join that planet earth? 


    15 hours ago, sucit said:

    One guy up there is even talking about what he chooses to put on his own little website and fails to understand that because he does that does not mean the media can fail to report on major news events lol, I mean seriously?

    Please be fair. My cat memes have more substance than what Donald Dumb produces. 

    • Like 2
  6. 15 hours ago, sucit said:

    As you have stated, you think a presidential State of the Union address should be able to be hidden from the public.

    No, I didn’t say it should be hidden. I said that western democracies enjoy a free press, which means that they are independent and cannot be dictate by the government what to report. That’s a difference. 

    15 hours ago, sucit said:

    Is it ok for these organizations to hide wars and other nefarious affairs too?

    As far as I’m aware, for all the recent wars the US has brought onto the world, it was the US government that tried to keep free reporting out and hide things from the world, and instead feeding fabricated and cleaned contents to the media instead. 


    15 hours ago, sucit said:

    You realize large corporations with money and power will want them to hide much of this stuff, right? Making any sense yet?

    No, I don’t but into conspiracy theories. Either way, it doesn’t change anything. 


    15 hours ago, sucit said:

    I am not saying the govt does anything, I am saying the news is required to do their job.

    Which it is doing. “their job” is not to report what the government wants it to report. It is independent and decide itself. 


    15 hours ago, sucit said:


    It is very difficult to even take you seriously. A three year old knows better. You don't even understand what free press means, that means they can cover things without fear of retribution.

    It also means they are independent, and are not being dictated by the government what to cover. Not sure if a three year old knows that; my 8 years old nephews knows it. 


    15 hours ago, sucit said:

    You seem to think it would be fine to live in a world where every important even could be hidden from the public because there is a "free press" lol.

    I didn’t say that. You are the one in favor of government dictatorship, not me. 

    15 hours ago, sucit said:

     Really, get with it.

    I’m afraid you have to get with it. because fortunately, in our western democracies, the free press can freely decide what it wants to cover and what not. You have to get with it, or you may have to emigrate to a country like North Korea where I’m pretty sure your favored model of the media having to report what the government tells it to is working like charm. 

    15 hours ago, sucit said:

    Get an argument and get back to me.

    What made you think that I want to win an argument? 70 million Americans voted for a corrupt fascist with the abilities of a failing Hot Dog seller, so I can totally live with the fact that some dude on TVF wants the government to control the media’s contents. 

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