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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. 3 hours ago, Seismic said:

    What about the many big bike riders who have been riding them for years, or even decades?. Again, an ill-thought out idea, with many questions still left unanswered. Another knee-jerk reaction to a problem that does not actually exist, from people with no expertise in the area.

    Common practices in other countries which have better road safety records. Absolutely reasonable to ask motorbike drivers to undergo training before getting a license, same as car drivers have to. The only issue is setting the threshold at a high 400cc where it should start way below that. 

    (Even before this announcement I was looking for motorbike classes simply because I don’t know how to drive anything that has more power than a scooter and I don’t want to put myself or others into danger, so I agree with the direction even if the details aren’t right yet.) 





  2. 5 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    Most of the Europeans on here who consistently tell the Brits whats best for them and how they they should conduct their politics have such boring countries that they have very little to discuss about, besides pensions.

    We enjoy the best of both worlds: our politics aren’t embarrassing laughing stocks like Brexit or Trump, but we can always look at Brexit or Trump for our entertainment ???? 

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  3. 21 minutes ago, Sharp said:

    I read it's the amount of amplifaction required gives many false positives due to the fact if you amplify anything enough times you will find a trace of it even dead viruses.

    Please elaborate how that works in detail. Because I believe it’s a load of nonsense: PCR generally is highly reliable and one of the best testing technology that exists in modern diagnostic, and many Covid-19 PCR seem to have sensitivity and specificity rates of up to 99.9%. 

    • Haha 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Boomer6969 said:

    Is it? I've just head HSV1/HSV2 blood PCR tests, they cam back both negative which I find very hard to believe as I am absolutely certain I've head HSV1 since my early childhood, where there were always two or three kids with cold sores in the classroom.

    I thought also that I was likely to test positive for HSV2, but not with any level of certainty.

    From what I know, HSV is difficult to test for, and ideally been done using a swab from an open sore. 

    Similarly, PCR tests for other infections get less reliable when using a wrong or less preferred specimen. 

    Most currently available Covid-19 PCR tests seem to have a sensitivity and specificity rates of up to 99.9% if carried out correctly, which is extremely high. There’s one vendor that regularly tests all its hundreds of employees and never had a positive. If those tests had a high rate of false positives then this would not be the case. Some studies come to similar results.  

    Im not a doctor though. If you need medical advice, discuss it with an experienced infectious disease specialist. I’m just sharing what I learned myself. 



  5. 58 minutes ago, Loiner said:

    Only last week he's beaten Barnier over the head with it and sent him home. Thanks M. Macron, will you be giving Michel a fundamental change in the EU's approach, to be able to try again?

    Was that the same “last week” where he announced negotiations are over just to backpedal again and keep negotiating? ???? 


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