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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. 1 hour ago, vogie said:

    Yes, because I’ve been sticking to the facts. 

    Changing the facts is most different to sticking to the facts. You always claimed because all 27 member states get a vote that makes it democratic. Now it would appear that democracy only rules if they tow the line and vote the same as G and F, oh dear Wolves, that is not democracy.

    It can’t be more democratic than an unanimous decision. And that is what’s happening. Unfortunately. 

    1 hour ago, vogie said:


    "do you think that Poland and Hungary have a legitimate cause for concern."

    You didn't offer an opinion on my question

    I don’t even understand the question. Anyway, Poland and Hungary can do what they want. I just don’t want them in the EU as long as they’re doing what they’re doing. 


    1 hour ago, vogie said:

    some-one likened it to Germany inviting 50 guests to a party at their house and finding the don't have enough room for them so they ask their next door neighbour to take some in, and when the neighbour doesn't like that idea, they make the next door neighbours life a living hell by playing loud music 24hrs a day, some neighbours just like peace and tranquility I guess.

    You’ve never been particularly good at analogies. Here’s mine: There’s a club. You can become a member. The membership comes with a membership fee and certain other rules. You don’t play by the rules you can get expelled from the club. That’s how it should be. Unfortunately, the EU wanted to be too democratic and now cannot expel members that don’t abide by the rules. That’s a pity but I guess we have to accept it. 


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  2. 3 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    Rather childish referring to the UK as the UKSSR don't you think?

    Yes, it is. I’m just parodying the Brexiteers. 

    3 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    It's obvious to anyone that the EU executive, which didn't even follow it's own rules in electing it's current leader, is controlled by the big two. Others are bought off. Any who don't tow the line are punished financially and denounced as fascists. How ironic one of the big two is lead by a former communist party member and the other by a former career banker. No right and left wing there - straight down the middle 555!

    I can see hair dye running down your face while you’re having trouble coming up with evidence for your conspiracy theories. 

    3 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    What's next, only EU approved political parties will be allowed to stand in EU member states? Ones that follow the correct doctrines? 

    Guess what, every democratic country has laws that allows it to declare parties as illegal. So why not, if you want to be part of the club, you gotta accept the rules. 

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