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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace


    5 minutes ago, sucit said:

    BUt you don't get to make that decision for others.

    If you haven’t noticed: YOU are the one who wants to decide what others put on their websites. Create your own blog or social network, then you can freely decide what to publish. Until then, I’m afraid you have to accept that it’s the website owner who decides what goes online on his property. 

    5 minutes ago, sucit said:

    I am not 5.

    But you have like a tantrum throwing 5 year old. “But but but, I want, I want, I want.” Grow up. 


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  2. 12 minutes ago, sucit said:

    He is a democratically elected leader.

    So was Adolf Hitler. What’s your point? 

    12 minutes ago, sucit said:

    He is making public statements. You don't think it complicates things when media outlets start deciding what we should and should not hear? 

    Guess why it’s called the “free” press? 


    12 minutes ago, sucit said:

    Maybe you don't care about being treated like a five year old who needs his ears covered, but I do mind.

    I’m certainly not whining like a 5 year old when an Internet forum deletes my comments. That big baby is. And my comments have more substance to his (which isn’t that difficult to be fair). 

    12 minutes ago, sucit said:

    I am not sure what would qualify as complicated if a media outlets deciding what is and is not appropriate for people to hear by their elected president isn't.

    A government dictating media what to report would be qualify as complicated. 


    12 minutes ago, sucit said:

    Simple question, just to prove you wrong: so it is "simple and uncomplicated" and I Should "deal with it" if the president of the US 

    addresses the public and nobody gets to hear it?

    Fortunately, there’s no right for getting media coverage, especially when you’re producing lies and garbage. 


    12 minutes ago, sucit said:

    Have you lost your mind? Our previously referenced five year old has more sense than to think that. 

    My 6-year old nephew knows that people will listen when you have something sensible to say, and that people don’t tolerate bullshet. 


    12 minutes ago, sucit said:

    You are dead wrong, deal with it.

    It seems I’m not, and you’re the one who has to deal with it ???? 


    12 minutes ago, sucit said:

    When elected leaders speak, nobody should be deciding if it is or is not appropriate for citizens to hear. 

    When the elected leader is a corrupt liar with the brain of rotten sandwich, and he’s speaking lies and violence, I appreciate when he’s being ignored. That’s the best you can do with bullies, and fortunately we don’t have to treat him better than any other raging teenager who gets banned on Reddit. 

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  3. 29 minutes ago, steelepulse said:

    I would dare say that social media has more power than the government.  They get to decide what information gets disseminated to masses and what doesn't.  Once you control the media and the message, you can slowly convince anyone that white is actually black, up is actually down and so forth.

    Which is why they should delete all those lies and misinformation. 

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