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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. 1 hour ago, jimmybcool said:

    Won't some folks feel stupid if it does turn out to be anarchists and not white supremists.


    2 hours ago, riclag said:

    Caserta, ,sounds like  another anarchist spoiled brat!

    "Gov. Whitmer kidnap-plotter posted anarchist videos calling cops ‘violent gang’ and ‘enemies’"

    You can call these criminals “far-right anarchists” if you find it important to point out both their ideology and how they pursue their ideology. Do you feel stupid now for not realizing that the one doesn’t exclude the other? ???? 



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  2. I love Brexit. It keeps giving:


    Baker & McKenzie estimates that COVID-19 and no-deal Brexit could cost the UK $174 billion a year (https://www.bakermckenzie.com/en/insight/publications/2020/10/the-future-of-uk-trade)


    Meanwhile Japanese media report that Toyota and Nissan will seek reimbursement from UK if Brexit talks fail (https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Automobiles/Toyota-and-Nissan-demand-UK-cover-tariffs-if-no-EU-deal-reached)

    But Brexiteers come to realize that a deal will only be possible with the EU keeping a “firm grip on important areas of UK economic policy and law making powers” (https://conservatives.global/n-i-protocol-will-wreck-brexit-and-undermine-uk-independence/


    I should be more grateful to all those fools who have voted for this circus. Such great entertainment. Thanks 52ers! 


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  3. 2 hours ago, vogie said:

    The last time a bill was refused assent by the sovereign was in 1708 by Queen Anne, so either parliament are making great decisions all the time or the monarch is obliged to sign what is put in front of them, you decide.

    Whether someone is obliged to do something is a matter of laws. Your (unelected) head of state is not obliged to sign what is put in front of her. 


    2 hours ago, vogie said:

    Just accept that the EUs leaders are unelected beaurocrats and stop trying to deflect all the time, bye bye everyone, bye bye.

    Had you done your homework you would know that EU leaders aren’t unelected. Unlike the UK’s head of state and commander in chief. 

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