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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. 7 minutes ago, patman30 said:

    if you take a bit of time to actually do some research you would already know this
    (you probably already do but that dont stop you using it)

    Excuse me but I find it disgusting enough that I had to see how he is mocking this man. I don’t find enjoyment seeing him mock even more people. 

    7 minutes ago, patman30 said:

    i am not defending the man

    You are. By suggesting that mocking a disabled man is fine as long as you mock other people as well. 


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    3 minutes ago, Cod Face said:

    Bear in mind that the death numbers that you quoted are for those who tested positive for Covid-19 at the time of death and include those who would have died anyway from underlying illnesses even if they hadn't contracted the virus. 

    Bear in mind that they didn’t make it that far but died before they could die of “underlying illnesses”. But yeah, “relax”. 



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