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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. 7 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

    Be very interested to know if this new company is paying more or hiring the same people for less

    1. They’re Chinese. Chinese don’t pay more. Chinese pay less. 

    2. The salaries in automotive manufacturing are pretty aligned across the manufacturers. 

    3. Given Covid, I doubt there’s a shortage of skilled workers. Could as well be the other way round. Not sure when they will start hiring though. Haven’t seen the timeline. 

    Expect they will pay the same or less. 

    • Like 1



    "according to reports from the New York Times and the Associated Press" doesn't qualify as sufficient evidence. 

    It does. It just doesn’t for you. And if you’re expecting that any of those media outlets exposes their sources, potentially putting them at risk, for some nutjobs who live in a video game fantasy world of alternative facts and conspiracy theories, then it’s just not worth it. We can’t entertain every nutjob who believes the moon doesn’t exist until he has personally travelled there. We need to accept that people like them exist and that we cannot help them. 






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  3. 11 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:

    There is nothing wrong or illegal with tax avoidance , are you getting tax avoidance mixed up with tax evasion ?


    11 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:

    I dont expect anyone to pay more tax than they are legally required to do so .


    How would you call the following: 


    Company A has to pay taxes of X in its current situation S. It hires advisor A to find a way to reduce the tax exposure.


    A tells C that it could fabricate a new situation S2, by implementing certain measures M, under which it would qualify for certain exemptions, bringing down X to 0. A explains that this would not be tax evasion if C implemented M because it was genuinely pursuing S2 for commercial reasons. It would only be tax evasion if C pursued S2 in order to reduce its tax exposure. Consequently, A advices to not put this on paper, because such paper trail could put both A and C at risk of being accused of tax evasion if the tax authorities investigate and find out that C fabricated S2 to reduce its tax exposure. 

    The management of C thanks A and decides that it always wanted to do S2. C implements the recommended measures M to create S2. Under S2, C is legally not required to pay certain taxes anymore. When the tax authorities check, they do not find any indications that M was not done because of genuine commercial interest. It helps that C can perfectly lay out the commercial story that was carefully crafted together with A (who coaches the management of C before their meetings with the tax authorities). 


    The original tax exposure of X was so high that C easily pays A’s handsome fees and the measures M from the amount saved. 


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  4. 20 minutes ago, vogie said:

    You don't know what we are getting yet, nor does the EU. You have added the word "sweet Brexit" but as you well know, we were only promised Brexit.

    This is what we voted for, no mention of sweet brexit or any other configurations the remainers wish to add on.

    Then no complaining about BRINO anymore should it happen, because as you said: you only voted for Brexit, no mention of sweet brexit or any other configurations the Brexiteers wish to add on ???? 


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    12 minutes ago, CrunchWrapSupreme said:

    Many have high level degrees they can't gain suitable positions with, and thus have been stuck working retail. (...) Certainly, if you're Chinese or Indian coming in on an H-1B, accepting an underpaid position, becoming one of their slaves.

    Maybe their degrees (and other track record) aren’t that “high level” when the best companies in the country need to hire people from abroad? And you definitely haven’t worked at any of the places you’re ranting about if you consider the people working there  “underpaid” and “slaves”.

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