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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. I’m actually surprised people go swimming and diving in that cloaca. I used to use the taxi boats many years ago and the first thing passengers would do after jumping onto the boat was to cover their mouth and nose in order to not get the tiniest bit of water into their system. Then I heard the story of a famous boy band singer who died after his car crashed into the canal. But not because of the car accident itself, but because of bacteria getting into his system from the water. It really is a stinking mess. 

    Poor boy. Hope he and his family find peace. A fellow student died a similar way when she was on exchange in Finland. Boat trip, fell into the water, head hit the turbine. 

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  2. 3 hours ago, INFIDELandPROUD said:

    So let me get this straight, if you protect any statue from damage (most of these people being military veterans) you're automatically classed as ’Far-Right’ absolutely ridiculous journalism trying to dupe people into more hatred.


    3 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

    In laymans terms, a man that does not want to surrender British culture and history to a revisionist leftist mob.


    Yes, when people come out to clash with anti-racism protesters, and justify their actions by declaring slavery “British culture” they want to  “protect”, I believe far-right is a pretty accurate description of such people. 

    Maybe they could volunteer to clean parks or teach students about the dark chapters of British history if they cared so deeply about contributing to society? 


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  3. 2 hours ago, connda said:

    But but but - according to certain bus companies and Wat Po, it's only "foreigners" who are all carriers of SARS-Cov2.  All Thai citizens are clean and virus-free.  But - Danger, danger, danger - beware of Foreigners!!!

    "You mean the "foreigners" who have been in the country for over two months or longer just like Thai people?"

    Yep - They are all Covid-carrying dangers to the Thai population.
    Covid flies in the air looking for foreigners to infect.  All Thai people know that!  :thumbsup:  See, those 5 Thai from Saudi Arabia?  All infected by foreigners.  Proof positive!



  4. Allowing the Bundesliga to start again would be stupid. As much as I like watching football, it’s not a crucial part of the system, it sets a bad example, it would use test capacity that could be used elsewhere, and who wants to watch games without supporters and atmosphere anyway? 

    As for everything else, I hope they carefully and selectively reopen. Germany was lucky so far; partly I guess due to the good healthcare and social system. I hope they’re not putting that at risk now. 

  5. 14 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

    Germany tests Half a Million every week. 

    Results see JHU. 

    Poor UK health system

    The last thing I read was that Germany doesn’t fully utilize its test capacities but has lots of underutilized test capacity (which is course doesn’t have to contradict that it’s testing half a million every week). 

  6. As much as I miss Let’s Relax (and their new Stretch Me brand lately), it’s really not a good idea to open it too soon. I remember when this whole Corona thing started I was still going to Let’s Relax with the gf and we were both worried about how easy it is for a virus to spread there, especially given the (then) high number of Chinese tourists. 

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