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Posts posted by welovesundaysatspace

  1. 1 hour ago, Monomial said:

    Each side was given more then enough time to expose the opposing side's "lies and deceptions" before the vote.  Waiting until after the vote and then complaining about it because the vote didn't go your way is just being mulish. 

    A lie is a lie, even if other people believed it and regardless the time it is exposed. If you find that mulish then that tells a lot about your moral compass. 


    1 hour ago, Monomial said:


    You don't need a second vote, and third vote to accept the results of the second vote, etc. That isn't the way real government systems work.

    I wasn’t even aware auch thing as a “real government systems“ exists. I’m glad that most government systems don’t work by referendums though. 


    • Like 1
  2. 43 minutes ago, nauseus said:

    The right to veto what? There have been numerous types of vetos but most have already been lost over the years.


    Here's the next one likely to go: 



    It’s funny that the same people who celebrate a narrow 52-48 majority as ultimate democracy expect other countries to give each other a veto right. 

    Of course, it’s the same people who spread the lie of “unelected” EU politicians where their own head of state is unelected. 

    The same people who complain about the complexity of treaties while their own constitution isn’t even written in text. 





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  3. 1 hour ago, JonnyF said:

    Do other countries that have FTA's with the EU have to give jurisdiction to the ECJ? Have to give up their fishing waters? Having to abide by all their rules in a "level playing field"?

    But you’re not saying that the girl that swipes right on me has to do it for you too. Now please don’t stalk her afterwards and complain about it being unfair. 



  4. 6 minutes ago, transam said:

    ????.......A money man...........????..

    Investing in Romania and others with nothing, highly commendable chap...:clap2:

    Nothing wrong with investing in frontier and emerging markets if the returns are there. So once you’ve looked up what “ROI” means, come back with a reply that has more substance than a load of emojis. 


    6 minutes ago, transam said:


    Bet you have a huge iPhone to look at your cash every minute of the day.

    I don’t keep much cash. I prefer to be invested all times ???? 


    • Like 2
  5. 10 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

    How does a FTA with the UK hurt France, Italy, Spain and Belgium?

    I’m not saying that an FTA per se would hurt those countries. But the type of FTA that the UK would like to have. And that’s why both the German car industry as well as the EU27 won’t accept. It’s them who you are negotiating with; Mr. Barnier is just a messenger and facilitator. 


    10 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

    You do realize that those countries also have a huge trade surplus with the UK?



    See above. Our biggest market is the single market. Not the UK market. That’s where our priority is. Your priorities might be on other things, like “sovereignty” or symbolic industries. Ours are where the money is. 

    • Like 2





    UK: 19.06

    France, Italy, Spain, Belgium: 28.94

    So why exactly would the German car industry want to hurt its biggest market to please one of its smaller markets? That’s something Brexiteers do by pleasing its fishermen over its financial services industry, not something we Europeans do. 

    Our priority is on the single market. Not the UK market. 

    • Like 2
  7. 10 minutes ago, Letseng said:

    Unless the govt. lets "speciak" flights in like the Egyptians into U Tapao.

    Agree. Seems even the current regimen is not strict enough. I haven’t been to any of the quarantine hotels, but unless they turned it into a high security facility, I wouldn’t be surprised if the hotel staff isn’t able to prevent a western nutjob from sneaking out because he thinks it’s all just a “hoax” or the “flu”. 

  8. 2 hours ago, JonnyF said:

    Sure. The easiest way to manage our exit is to replicate the deals that the EU has made with third party countries such as Japan. That's quick and easy since we can continue trading with them in the same way we've been trading with them for a while.


    Thus we keep the trade going and get to leave the corrupt protectionist racket with all the associated disadvantages (huge membership fees, letting them over fish our waters, immigration issues, subjugation to the ECJ etc.)


    Over time, these FTA's can be renegotiated to improve and expand the scope but short term simply replicating them is the best option. That leaves us free to negotiate FTA's with the countries that the EU has been incapable of doing deals with such as USA, India, Australia etc.



    The approach is reasonable. So if your comment of “great” was referring to this rather than the deal itself, I can agree the UK is doing something right here. 

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