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Everything posted by petermik

  1. Not without the Sub`s it isn`t....wait till they get hold of them....the rest of Asia will be quaking in their boots
  2. Phil learnt his trade in the Royal Navy where he became head chef on one of Her Majesty ships....a really nice bloke and can be found most evenings at his Soi Bukhaow branch he would be happy to discuss any matters regarding his business at anytime....highly thought of by his staff also. p.s. I`m not related and not a friend of his but I speak as I find the bloke...I could go into more detail about what he did for a the sister of a customer (who was a good friend of mine) who was murdered here early last year but it won`t serve any purpose.....I average maybe 5 meals a month from there as a take away
  3. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 112 seconds  
  4. So that`s where the digital wallet money is going????
  5. No one is forced to partake in anything untoward....
  6. Same can be said of many countries where tourists travel to.....
  7. Or queuing for food handouts in Huyton.....
  8. Or the "security guards" throughout the entertainment areas????
  9. I just completed this quiz. My Score 25/100 My Time 48 seconds  
  10. Makes them feel grown up.........😆
  11. There was definitely one on Thursday around 3.30 pm....watched it.
  12. I watched it for a few minutes....Thursday definitely
  13. This was Thursday 22nd....what a performance with the BIB all lined up in the car park stood to attention and the office staff flanking the podium while the big cheese sprouted the B/S. It must have been important as the traffic cops had abandoned their lucrative ticketing posts on Beach Rd....
  14. They waited over one hour to get a table....numpties
  15. Put the barsteward down like the sick dog that he is.....
  16. Whenever I park anywhere I get the girlfriend to sit on the cars roof...never a problem....if I am going to be a while I give her a bottle of water
  17. He was refused a bus pass....hence using his car as taxis were too expensive
  18. You seem to have considerable knowledge based on the above comments....live and let live I say
  19. Storm in a teacup....grow up....then again TIT..
  20. I just completed this quiz. My Score 90/100 My Time 119 seconds  
  21. Respectfully suggest you stop looking.....
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