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Everything posted by petermik

  1. On soi Bukhaow Kodak shop opposite New Plaza.......????
  2. Google Warin Pattaya Dental Care located on Pattaya klang best value for money Dentist in the City IMHO ????
  3. Folk don,t come to Pattaya for the beaches....it,s the urchins lurking in the City that is the attraction....not those in the sea....
  4. aaah now where have I heard those heart warming words before....... actions speak louder than mere talk......time will tell just as a matter of interest anyone know how many police chiefs Pattaya has had during the past 10 years?
  5. Nah jacko not lying or extorting....just a misunderstand on the BIB part........
  6. I wondered why no BIB were on "duty" outside the Police station on Monday as I passed by......back in force shortly I presume when all is quiet again.
  7. The "will" to do so is the key phrase......nah make it as difficult as possible in the hope that folk turn to using Agents thus enhancing the brown envelopes that change hands.......
  8. Looks like the police have been made to look foolish once again......
  9. Any possibility of seating being provided or have the deck chair mafia already expressed their disapproval..... just asking
  10. How much of that will go into greasy palms as a sweetener?
  11. Two witnesses only....one is dead yet some people on here are happy to accept the killers version of what happened...the police on the other hand have no CCTV evidence to corroborate what the killer alledges..... perhaps you witnessed it Leaver and this is why your blaming the deceased for his part.
  12. So to come out with that comment it's safe to assume you knew Neil....or is it that,as many other statements you make on various topics here, it is totally without foundation. engage brain before opening mouth is recommended on sensitive threads such as this.
  13. Did you actually witness Neil kicking the killers car or are you accepting his excuse as to why he gunned him down....there is no CCTV evidence to backup the killers version...unless of course you witnessed it? R.I.P Neil
  14. Wattana on Pattaya klang....on the opposite side of the road to BigC and a little further towards Sukhumvit Rd.
  15. The gunman did not know him.....it was a road rage incident....so what has that got to do with him being an "open book" show some respect to someone you know nothing about who has just had his life taken away. idiots are everywhere.
  16. <removed> Neil was my good friend for almost 15 years...a retired Railway Track Engineer with vast knowledge of tracking and point systems and he has worked in many countries throughout the world as well as the UK...a vastly experienced man and a very healthy one at that he was not short of money and the lady who was his housekeeper was exactly that and nothing more.....despite what is being claimed. I am in contact with Neils sister in the UK who in turn is being assisted by the British Consulate here.....some of the stories and comments I have read covering this are absolutely ridiculous. The only issue I have is having no knowledge of exactly what lead to this tragic episode only two people know this and one cannot answer.....is the killers version of events truthful or is he trying to cast some blame onto my friend....I do not know and no-one else does so I make no comments. R.I.P. Neil
  17. A car can be taxed in any province here is my understanding....
  18. Must have been a ghost......hope the lady recovers.
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