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Everything posted by petermik

  1. Was should have started your second line.........
  2. PowerBuy on the second floor in Tukcom have many reductions on pc`s at this moment.....
  3. He`s asking anywhere in Pattaya..........
  4. Where did you witness this please....where you with him at the time....no just complete and utter BS..... My mate Neil had 3 small beers and that is a fact that the Police investigation uncovered........as for banging on the car there is no evidence whatsoever to confirm this.....or do YOU have some.......Neil is no longer here to give his version only the killers version of events. Yes absolutely something triggered to cause this shocking episode but we will never know the truth......refrain from making unsubstantiated comments as it makes you look a fool.
  5. Did you witness the incident and see Neil banging on the car or are you accepting the killers version of events....Neil is not here to give his side of what happened. Absolutely ridiculous comments. RIP my good friend.
  6. You heard wrong BS Neil did not know this man......so much speculation and drivel being assumed by numpties on here......I as Neils friend am in contact with his sister in the UK who in turn is being updated by the British Consulate here in Bangkok, the gunman is from an influential family with money and this could lead anywhere sadly.....he turned himself into the police with his lawyer in tow yesterday morning and admitted the crime but in his defence blamed Neil for his actions in provoking the situation.....there were only two people who knew exactly what happened and one is dead......so all the part time sleuths on here please give it a rest. R.I.P. Neil
  7. The gunman has turned himself in to the Police this morning and admitted the killing of Neil due to a road rage incident. R.I.P. my good friend Neil.
  8. I have only just joined this conversation and you are quite correct....such pointless and cruel speculation....and how do I know....because Neil was my best mate here in Thailand.....I have had the pleasure of knowing this gentleman for nearly 15 years and as nice a fellow as anyone could wish to meet.....I am the "Peter" mentioned but there was no arrangement to meet last night.....we meet up on Fridays....he didn`t smoke/do drugs or ANYTHING underhand....he was just a very nice human being and a pleasure to have known him. The latest information I have is the police suspect a road rage incident. R.I.P. Neil gone but never forgotten.
  9. Pity they don`t issue figures for the number of motorcyclists killed while not wearing helmets......
  10. Rotten to the core here..........
  11. Well said sir.....and yes we believe you
  12. WE are in Thailand where western and civilized thoughts are not considered.....
  13. Mr Chuwit had better watch his back methinks.....
  14. Perhaps thinking with his little head rather than his big one....
  15. Just done my first online reporting yesterday evening got my accepted email just now so all,s good as far as that (Chonburi Immigration) but just a couple of questions I applied on the 3rd January 11 days early as my due date was 14th January but they list my next renewal as 3rd April which is only 79 days so obviously not taken notice of my due date.....now I understand I will be sent a reminder email for my 3rd April renewal if I renew this early also will they count the day I applied or will this one actually start from the 3rd April? Also do I need to physically print out the acceptance and keep it in my passport or will taking a screenshot and storing in in my phone be acceptable? Thanks gents????
  16. Don`t insult the Keystone cops please............
  17. petermik


    Plenty of places just outside the central entertainment locations that are peaceful and quiet.....
  18. petermik


    So happy your not here enjoying life.....have a miserable New Year
  19. Time and time again on here people have asked this question as Sheryl has quoted above Dr Warin at this clinic is well recommended....I for one 100% agree from my own experience....and not expensive.
  20. Thailand and its leaders always know best......except when they flip flop
  21. Another day and another fanciful forecast from TAT........
  22. I know a few ladies here Crossy who have had problems with their buffalos......
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