In a dual sim phone you have the option to turn off/on any sim card (deactivate)....currently my UK sim is turned off excepting for when I,m expecting a OTP from my Banks or I need to top up my question is is it better to leave it permanently on or not...battery saving perhaps...I don,t know?
Gents I am in the habit of turning off my UK sim while living here in LOS and only turning it on to receive Banking OTPs or topping it this a good practice or am I better off leaving it activated permanently....
I got a call from Santander about a month ago wanting to check the same details,at first I said I didn`t know if it was them or not and the guy said he understood and that there would be a letter sent to my address (I use my sons in the UK) with a number to call them....with this I said better that we spoke then.....he certainly was from the Bank from the information he held....some of the questions were very intrusive (how much pension do you receive etc.) I said I wasn`t prepared to divulge and he said that`s fine I quite took around 20 minutes in total and in the end he said he was happy with the info I had given him and that I would receive a letter from the Bank but I could ignore son sent me a screenshot of it.....everything has been fine with Santander since ????
I,m looking into buying one.....any BM,s out there that have one and can give some insight as to if they are OK or not....yes I know it,s a Chinese car and has many critics on the forum so I,ll put my tin hat on just in case.....