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Posts posted by FatherF

  1. I have no plan to travel to Thailand. But since it is free, I will apply for it anyway just to decorate my passport. I live in South Kensington near the Thai embassy, so there won't be any hassle for me.

    The best things in live are free.

    Why get one then? so that you can drive round to your chums place in your Chelsea tractor and compare visa stamps?

    Shame they don't do a visa for "GET A LIFE"


  2. Ive seen first hand on a number of occasions the way Thai treat their own shoplifters, or calling a spade a spade, thieves, regardless of the item in question. They take them out the back and beat the crap out of them, perhaps this would have been more fitting a punishment....this is Thailand, and everyone seems to want the same same treatment for both Thai and Farang..... oh thats right they cant do that as that would then change the headlines to "Savage shop owner beats Falang over a Tshirt" then you would all be on their side!!! Give me a break...

    Valid point, well put!


  3. this is a key question point...and illustrates a lot

    there should be no difference, male/female/black/white/rich/poor

    but there is- here it is who you know and how much money you have that count's

    justice like this become counter justice

    Whilst i agree with what you are saying, it is also wise to remember that we (in the most part) are guests in this country, and as such must abide by their laws etc, I am well aware that you would like to see changes to the current system, to a system that encourages rehabilitation rather than sometime harsh (sometimes OTT) sentences, this will take a long time to achieve, as i feel it would mean an almost total re-structuring of the current system. Also what gives any "Guest" in any country the right to interfere with said countries judicial system? We are often quick to judge what we consider to be archaic 3rd world legal systems, when in reality, our own countries systems fare little better.

    I believe that changes will come about, albeit painfully slowly, but until then..... "When in Rome, do as the Romans do"


  4. $150 million?

    Way to go! :o

    Nothing like a bit of white collar crime, hope he has a load stashed away somewhere, helps to sooth your soul when you do your time.

    Are you serious? you do realise that this sort of crime actually increases the prices we all have to pay, credit card fraud has to be paid for! and at the end of the day it is the average consumer who foots the bill!


  5. It wasn't premeditated, that requires planning and clear intent.

    How do you know it wasn't premeditated?

    Because unlike you I followed the case as it developed and read the statements from all parts and saw the re-enactment. Since you have to ask I concluded that you didn't. But that is ok. Start from page one here for a recap and then the other thread on the subject.

    It was a simple question Tawp, thank you for your reply, although, i don't think the sarcastic undertone was needed.


  6. thanking you for feedback

    it is sad for so many reason's..

    1- sad that part of young life will be wasted 2- sad that his friend's family will suffer 3- sad in jail he will become a better criminal 4- sad because of the wasted tax payer's money 5- sad that this trade goes on and the current ways of dealing with it are so totally failed, the mafia get richer's, the poor poorer, death assocoiated with drugs abuse,the tax payers moneys all wasted

    and no end in sight

    what do you mean about worry with me_ ?I did not the understad

    I think the only “sad” thing about this affair is that he knowingly attempted to import an illegal drug into Australia, it is far too late for him to start lamenting his misfortune, he was fully aware that what he was doing was illegal, and now, as a result of his own actions, must face the consequences.

    I think it is just your English phrasing Bangers, and maybe I misinterpreted the real meaning of what you are trying to say.


  7. I agree, although it looks like he may end up getting the death penalty, which he deserves if the appeal goes through. I'm a firm beleiver in tough sentencing, but it does need to be consistent, which is a big problem here in Thailand for a number of reasons, although even in the UK there have been some pretty strange sentencing decisions.

    Yes, i also read about the appeal, a lot of the time in the UK, sentences are affected by many things, what mood the judge is in, political pressures, prison population etc etc.


  8. This is what happens when there is a change of government. When your party falls out of favor its time to visit whatever country your children are attending school at $30,000 to $50,000 each per year. Anyone from this government going to put those 350 firetrucks and fireboats in service?

    Sorry, I don't understand what this has to do with the topic???

    400m yen, whats that in Baht?

    400m yen = B156m

  9. this is what we have been told- and I would like my information to be updated if anyone know's the better

    dogs can only be trained to smell one thing, or something very much the same

    Not quite true, dogs can, and regularly are, trained to detect more than one type of drug, eg Cannabis & cocaine, they are also trained to sniff out large amounts of cash (I have a friend who is a police dog handler)

    now dog's are mainly trained to sniff out bombs

    Again, not quite true, dogs can be trained (amongst other animals) to sniff out many things, the dogs trained for explosives are associated to a different branch of police/anti-terrorist departments.

    ( which is pretty uselss seeing as though some semtex has zero smell, and how someone can actually drink nitro glycirin with no ill effect, then go and jump up and down on a plane and, ....boooom!- it is alot of window dressing, be under no illusion, if a nasty person wants to bring down a plane, they can)

    nitroglycerin taken internaly is only 0.2% pure, it is used for several ailments mainly angina, if a person drank explosive quality nitroglycerine, they would probably explode getting out of the front door!


    one thing I often hear, that is not so nice, is how much the criminals love 9-11, because they say how the governments resources are devoted to them

    ( eg in UK after cold war their version of CIA had department detailed for organised crime- now due to 9-11 its back to keeping the world safe- as per the way the brit's think it should be kept safe!)

    I think you are about right on this point

    a dog can only work well for apx 2/3 hours

    No. a dog can keep working effectively for 8 hours, I asked this question myself, as I thought the sensitivity would detioriate after a while, but apperently not, the hard bit is keeping the dog interested!

    it is so easy to nullify a dog's abilty to sniff out anything,my ex- BF was in army and told me way to do this- there are websites which include this infomation too

    just as it is so easy to nullify the use of those fingerprints scanners ( as proven recently)

    the professional criminals know all the way's-they boast about

    one cocaine smuggler i spoke to told me how he actually went up to a dog in LA airport and petted it when he had alt of coke strapped round him( he was caught because of tip off)

    another sad story

    Sad because he was caught? or sad because there was a tip off? I am begining to worry about you!

    I hope i have answered some of your questions.


  10. :D:D
    ...yes mr toad, its all abit same old, same old from bangers.....what coffee are you drinking this time? :D

    Well, I'm having a nice iced mocha, and contemplating eating some hash cakes that bangers has sent on over. Bless her :jerk:

    After that I going to hug some trees, and apply to do a Social Work course. :o

    do you want to know a funny story, my mother hug's tree!

    She was in UK about 15 years ago and the train in london had a terible crash and many people were killed, and hurt, my mother however was in the section of the train that did not roll down the embankment hill and thus she incurred no damage's to her body.

    She insist's the tree's saved her because she use's re-cyeable tampons! See how mad we all are!!!

    I sincerely aplogise if it look like I was the boasting, this is very bad, merely I wish to show how plugged in I am and hence why I have these opinion's.

    I have seen first hand, been witness to, due to my work's

    what sort of social work do you wish to do? It is good thing and very rewarding

    Lets see you get out of this one Mr Toad...........

    FF :D:wai::P

  11. no sir, and thank for the asking of the clarification, oh, my mistake, I wrote that do I like this... I mean I do NOT like this ( people being able to pay their way back in)

    I am totally against

    one man was wrongly accused and wrongly convicted - we helped as we saw this was wrong-his case was dealt with correctly- we would not help a man guilty of somethng

    unless it was for an offense that we do not think a person should go to jail for ( like being a junkie)

    I think most law's should be respected and followed

    but I do not follow, nor respect most of the law's surrounding the personal choice and use of certain drugs for one's own personal use

    I hope this explains

    Many thanks for the clarification.


  12. one example- one man was arrested, caught,held, convicted, deported

    thanks to our lawyer he is now back working happily- we even got his conviction overturned....

    one ex-boyfriend of mine got onto a fight in pattaya,deported because he took the knife of the man( I think tranny) and stabbed him/her with it....... he was back a few month's later

    do I like and approve of this- not really- but I hope you understand that this is how it works here

    Please excuse my ignorance, but are you saying that you are actively supporting and even encouraging convicted, deported, prisioners to re-enter the kingdom? And you are advertising the fact on a public forum?


  13. Are you blokes really going to try and debate which side put it there?

    Wouldn't it be easier to just say that some IDIOT put it in there? There is no shortage of idiots involved in what has been going on you know.

    :o Its just stupidity at its best....forget about the shirt colour & forget about the persons agenda, its just and example of great stupidity!

    I would go further and say SOME FUC#WIT put it there... and I don't give a rats ar$e what colour his shirt was!

    I'm with you on this one, Neverdie...

    If you care to re-read my post, I never claimed that the PAD left the device there, i was quoting "" the article which said

    "The bomb was believed to be hidden when the People's Alliance for Democracy seized the Government House last year."

    I was however commenting on the irony of the fact that the new PM (put into power via PAD unrest) was having a meeting with the security council when a device allegedly left by the PAD was discovered!


  14. from what i can find out, they are more of a smoke bomb than an explosive device.

    Maybe a bit of karma?

    "A ping pong bomb exploded inside the Government House complex Thursday afternoon while the prime minister was chairing a meeting of senior security officers"......................... "The bomb was believed to be hidden when the People's Alliance for Democracy seized the Government House last year."


  15. Yeah, like Thaskin could really give a S##T. Not going to hurt his Pocket Book one bit, so who care come on people don't you have better things to do. :o

    It's all part of the effort to keep anti-Thaksin-mania alive, it is very useful indeed.

    It's about 'face'. demoting or stripping him of rank altogether will add another jab to Thaksin's face (his all important image he wants to project to his dwindling supporters).

    To me, this story speaks more about 'face' of the police corps. For top brass cops to even keep Thaksin officially in their ranks for so long after he's has soiled himself (and Thailand's reputation) - makes the Royal Thai Police look sillier than z wet cat on an iceburg.

    It could also backfire, if his ardent supporters take the attitude of "they are doing all they can to dis-credit khun Thaksin" it could add fuel to the pro-Thaksin movement.


  16. Might not have been the speaker - but the translator.

    The point, of course, is well taken - but noting the location of emergency exits doesn't only apply to pubs, it really applies to any public establishment.

    But how in the world is anyone going to know if the sprinklers are working or not?

    To my recollection, there have been cases in the past where the emergency exits have been obstructed, locked, and in one case i seem to recall, welded shut! I am NOT infering that any of these apply in this case.


  17. I'm trying to picture the paracetamol addict....running away from the local 7, with his half a dozen packets of Panadol tightly locked into his hands. Pops half a dozen tabs before racing down to the local bank to do a hold up to get more money for his next fix :o

    I guess now you could look at all the packets and brands of cold n flu tablets that are full of Pseudoephedrine that the truck drivers suck on all day and night to keep them awake so they can drive the extra mile....not to mention all the people they kill each year.

    One drug doesnt change the story of another....Heroin is illegal, it is in Thailand, it is in Australia.....the Aussie bloke, irregardless of any other drugs, has committed a serious crime & will now have plenty of time to think about it!

    Exactly my point from a very early post, the guy knew what he was doing, he knew it was illegal, he chose to do it! No he must pay the price for his actions.


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