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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. Excellent - the boys at the tourism promotion board will have sleepless nights again .........
  2. The script for this soap opera is getting better by the day - it is 21st century though! Interesting though is that all those dinosaurs refer to all sorts of developments. Unless it got lost in translation, then the name of the game seems to be that the "political atmosphere will determine how quickly Paetongtarn becomes the prime minister. Wondering if anyone told those dinosaurs in the government house that there is an irrelevant element of equation called "voter" somewhere ........
  3. A 60-member committee Quite a number of envelope receiving candidates; if you go into details you might see one or the other member having - purely coincidental of course - some interesting links to parties, party members and leadership? Just legalize casinos and get on with it; see how the West gets around all this and makes mega bucks in taxes and ancillary services like the hospitality trade. Nobody would visit i.e. Poipet for its offerings on the flower market 😉
  4. Invest that money rather into education and teach the kids how to earn, keep and use money. Do not ever dream that a debt relief will have a lasting effect and I bet, that nine out of ten will be in financial trouble anytime soon again! Why should the taxpayer (as the government can only pass on, what it took away from somewhere else) foot this bill as well? All those alien are not "rich" as so assumed or proclaimed by Khon Thai, they just might be a little less uncareful in monetary manners. My parents hammered it into us by "don't spend money you do not have" and, guess what, it worked beautifully. Arguably I have only one phone, drive a (first-hand, trouble free) pick-up truck, live in a befitting accommodation and usually eat in. I do not cater to a second, minor or third wife, do not buy overpriced branded good and apply common sense.
  5. Combine this latest proof of inferiority complex with taxation of the retirees pension payments and you will see "The Great Escape" - this time not as a movie from 1963 but reality show. Of course it is a complete joke considering the fact, that more than half of all Thais don't live at their registered address and well, tax payments by Thais, that is yet another unsolved mystery from outer space. Look, all foreigners were born somewhere else and moved here eventually. What those goons do not understand as they are simply too arrogant, racist or straightforward stupid is, that all those alien dirty farang can move again - they all did it once (or more than once) already.
  6. For crying out loud; who is interested in these fabrications, who cares and why on Earth are those TAT goons blowing their own trumpet for something absolutely beyond their control.
  7. "expressed concerns over the negative impact on Pattaya's tourism image" Yeah, Pattaya has been known since the mid 60s for its beaches and orchid gardens from which it proceeded to become Thailand's most favourite family beach resort. Are these idiots for real - honestly?
  8. I left my native homeland 40 years ago but never really arrived in Thailand. I have family with kids and grandkids here - all good, all fine and no desire to move anywhere else but Thailand just made sure that I would never really fully arrive "home"!
  9. Bangkok’s reckless foreign rider roils social media, netizens demand action Swiss Fugitive Arrested in Thailand on Drug Charges Hearing Put Off In Koh Phangan Murder Case Interesting, that within 24 hours there are three headlines of those bad, bad alien dirty farang breaking the law. While I agree to take them to reason and responsibility of what they did/might have done it clearly shows the increase of media racism, as - during the very same time - tens of thousands of law breakers of Thai origin could have been reported. The result is, that the public views non-Thais as evil, overly rich, lazy and for those reasons easy targets to be cheated, overcharged and lied upon - me thinks!
  10. Bangkok’s reckless foreign rider roils social media, netizens demand action Swiss Fugitive Arrested in Thailand on Drug Charges Hearing Put Off In Koh Phangan Murder Case Interesting, that within 24 hours there are three headlines of those bad, bad alien dirty farang breaking the law. While I agree to take them to reason and responsibility of what they did/might have done it clearly shows the increase of media racism, as - during the very same time - tens of thousands of law breakers of Thai origin could have been reported. The result is, that the public views non-Thais as evil, overly rich, lazy and for those reasons easy targets to be cheated, overcharged and lied upon - me thinks!
  11. Bangkok’s reckless foreign rider roils social media, netizens demand action Swiss Fugitive Arrested in Thailand on Drug Charges Hearing Put Off In Koh Phangan Murder Case Interesting, that within 24 hours there are three headlines of those bad, bad alien dirty farang breaking the law. While I agree to take them to reason and responsibility of what they did/might have done it clearly shows the increase of media racism, as - during the very same time - tens of thousands of law breakers of Thai origin could have been reported. The result is, that the public views non-Thais as evil, overly rich, lazy and for those reasons easy targets to be cheated, overcharged and lied upon - me thinks!
  12. Yet another nonsense survey of absolute irrelevance. 2'000+ Thais from "all walks of life" and "all corners of the Kingdom" ........... does anyone seriously go for this smokescreen again? The government should keep its nose out of all this; the market regulates such issues automatically. If, repeat I F there are operators willing to run their business all night - so be it and otherwise they will close up for the night at 11pm, midnight or whenever. If, repeat I F there are customers for such business hours, then the operators will follow suit. No rocket science here but then again, who will tell those goons and clowns in the parliament building ...............
  13. Situation is actually quite simple. Thaksin had been booted out of office in 2006 and left Thailand for good in 2008 just to return 15 years later. So, if a man got kicked out 17 years ago and still can call the shots, then it does not only tell you what this man is all about and what he can do. It also clearly proves the absolute inability of this country to get a decent government together. Be it a coup d'etat or a couple of elections; they all have one thing in common - they cannot get their act together. And then we are told, that Thailand is run democratically? Asking me I would put the one-eyed before the blind and then the consequence on leadership becomes very, very clear - me thinks!
  14. The Queen Sirikit Navy hospital in Utapao is an excellent medical facility. They are very generous with the time of their patients but the treatment and medication is priced humanly and in absolute no comparison with what BPH or most other private hospitals charge. As said, take a book along, be patient and open timing and you'll get there.
  15. If Srettha is so welcoming to non-Thais, why not clear out immigration, fire 80% of the staff poking noses, not being able to speak English and enjoying private phone calls and noodle soups during working hours? A lot of those non-Thais who left because they just had it with all this bureaucracy with TM6, TM28, TM30, TM47 and God-only-knows-what-other-TM-forms, might come back. Those retirees are guaranteed and steady income, looking after themselves and need much less human resources (which are literally impossible to find these days) than all those belching, burping and wind-breaking rude tourists from the far North!
  16. it would certainly help if the ground staff at the air bridge or the bus gate would screen the socalled hand luggage. It is appaling - to say the least - what Thais can understand as "hand luggage", a hand bag, computer bag, travel bag, beauty case and the usual Krispy Creme box. I fly very, very often domestically and more than once passengers boarding after me took out my single handluggage of less than 7kgs, put it on a seat and squeezed in their own stuff. Some of these sweeties pretend not being able to lift up their suitcase; possibly due to the fact that they (the luggage, not the passenger) is by far too heavy. They then are utterly surprised when I tell them in fluent Thai what I think about the relocation of my single handluggage within the limits of the carrier; a face-losing smile and then they get on the nerves of the cabin crew. Thais always believe that rules are great, as long as they are observed by others but themselves 8-)
  17. The former Thai boys in uniform graced the parliament building since 2014 and self-declared them as leaders or government. 2016 came and the Laotians signed a suicidal deal with the Chinese (certain oiling and greasing was done between the China giants and some serious crooks in Vientiane worth millions of dollars of non-receiptable outlays). Subsequently the red brethren of the North put 150'000+ workers along a ruler line through Laos, blew hundreds of tunnels and built further hundreds of bridges and announced in 2016 already, that the train would do its maiden trip on 2 December 2021 (the National Day of Laos). And, in true Chinese fashion - the first train high-sped on 2 December 2021. All the while the same self-elected government of Thailand in 2014 meanwhile cooked up a legalization coat in 2019 and by 2021 had achieved nothinig compared to the Chinese. Their achievement was buying three Chinese submarines without engines for double the price of the entire Laotian railway. Your call now; I for one will not hold my breath to see any trains running highspeed from Nong Khai to the Gulf of Thailand anytime soon, unless the Chinese are willing to seriously grease the Thai cogwheels in the parliament building to get anywhere - me thinks. Beefing up matters now might see some train movements in the third decade of this century .... Your call
  18. Phitsanulok - the mother-of-all-farang-survey-towns-in-Thailand ...................
  19. Well, Israel did not exist in any form or manner back then - so does this allow the Israelis to just invade, encroach, murder and rape this "non existing Palestinians"? Your call!
  20. Remember the Saudi/Iran conflict? Al Jazeera was -by far - the most professional and factual news service on the subject which, by all accounts, was a much hotter potato for ...... Qatar! I shall keep my money on Al Jazeera - for news that is!
  21. Talk to Thaksin's lawyer, he can fix a free pass to the swimming pool and, given 50 years being a rather long time, even an a la carte outside caterer ...........
  22. Shalom, my friend, shalom - all good. I shall no longer waste your and my time on your position and that is exactly, why a dialogue can never start. Al Jazeera reported different figures and denying the existence of Palestine might require you to go back to school - primary level that would be. But as the media is controlled by money .......... See also the enclosed video clip which was broadcasted all over Europe on the subject about Von der Leyen - another absolute incompetent clown of Europe's politics ????
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