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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. The entire new placement of government is a poor soap opera and as it does not essentially correspond to the electorate's votes it is possibly not the best of soap operas. Thailand did better in the past and that includes the endless production and broadcasting of ..... soap operas!
  2. Maybe someone resorts to a final solution; this guy has been in the (bad) news for a very, very, very long time -
  3. Decades ago there was one "wing" near the zoo, more than enough "airport" for the post-Indochina-war. That airport was planned and built by the Americans. Then a second airport was built some 30kms east of Korat which was and is a total waste of money. No capillary infrastructure and certainly questionable if shuttling by car is not more convenient and certainly faster. Now a third aerodrome - for how stupid do these politicians take the electorate, honestly? I don't mind as I do not pay for it (any longer) but it shows - new pigs at the same old troughs nicely kept filled by the taxpayers ????
  4. Sutin Klungsang might want to keep his uniform ironed; not only as MP but the next coup is eventually around the corner much faster than all those chair occupants in the government want to believe.
  5. Shut down the access to Facebook - civil war of unknown proportions; what would all those Thais do during "working" hours instead? Same same with Line! The ministry goes over the moon over "online cheating" of Thais by Thais; I could act as a perfect raconteur on all those stories, where Thais shortchanged alien for much, much more money and fraud - without Facebook and other virtual platforms ...... Educate your people and the problem is solved .......... if a deal is too good to be true, then it usually ............. you know the script!
  6. Thailand's tourism does not need a boost with cheaper airfares. The medieval immigration, its endless and counter productive bureaucracy and - more often than not - inability to speak anything else but Thai ........ Clean up the mess on visas and define a clear policy on which countries needs a visa after a visa-free period of, say, 45 days - no "tourist" stays longer than that. All other non-workers fall into a second category; bring proof of financial means and health insurance against a fee of, say THB 5'000, which covers the visa and an automatic multiple re-entry permit. Forget the 90 days reporting joke; millions of Thais do NOT live at their registered address. Push banks to allow non-residents to open a normal savings account with an ATM-fee as some 30 years ago, when tourists parked their holiday money and withdrew it whenever and wherever they needed cash. Do away with two-tier pricing (Thais 20 Baht, Foreigners 400 Baht to pass through Khao Yai National Park) as it creates a clear message of "we do not want foreigners". Last not least, run all cartoons and kiddies programs in their original language (Japanese or English); within 15 years every child will speak and understand at least two languages - free of charge - which will be more than welcome by the tourism operators. When growing up with two or more languages, any additional language comes much easier. All this of course only, if you want the dreaded alien money WITH service as, quite obviously there is little to no alien cash if the latter choses to go elsewhere and Thailand certainly made sure, that millions of non-Thais have looked and found very acceptable if not better alternatives ????
  7. How interesting; there must be quite some cash to be made by those innocent tourists. Thainess at its best ????
  8. It is "tourists falling from sky" season already again? Usually more popular in Pattaya and, to a lesser extend, in Bangkok. I stand corrected!
  9. The HS customs tariff code 920290 covers normal guitars without electronics or amplification. 92079010 is for electric guitars. If it is used you might hand carry it; I've had visitors traveling with their guitar .....
  10. Valid question indeed! But since the junta "legalized" itself with rigged election processes they managed to replace Thaksin's puppet government in 2014 with a Thaksin puppet government in 2023 ????
  11. If he is serious, then do away with lots of rubbish within the immigration kingdom. A tourist hardly stays longer than 45 day on a vacation, hence a 45 days period would be more than enough to allow X countries to arrive without a visa. All others, so defined by the government, would continues to need a visa. Do away with the "only two overland border crossings per year". I am aware, that this killed a thriving trade of border runners in the hundreds of thousands. Take 500'000 border runners with an average monthly spending of THB 20'000 result in 120 billion (not million) Thai Baht. I cross overland twice a month (will all the necessary paperwork) and still fill in a TM6 each and every time. Arriving by air as well as all Thais are no longer obliged to do a TM6. The confusion with immigration officers when I present my TM6 is amazing. Tell your banking system to allow tourists to have bank accounts. They park their holiday money there, withdraw it whenever and wherever they need cash and, as they cannot use overdraft facilities, would be a more than welcome addition to the product of Thai tourism. Get rid of the two-tier pricing policy, presently officially sanctioned even by the tourism authority of Thailand. If Thai tourists would be treated the same way round, everybody would cry "foul". Promote domestic tourism by non-Thais; do away with all that TM30 nonsense. 65% of Thai people do NOT live at their registered address, so why breathe down on the alien necks; is Thailand afraid of all those non-Thais or is it pure demonstration of who-is-who-on-the-Thai-banana-boat?
  12. Roulette - les jeux sont faites ???? Let's see what the Thailand casino has up its sleeves as a next move 8-)
  13. Well, the new puppets in the armed forces and the police are set by the outgoing experts - the chessboard is ready for the next coup - me thinks!
  14. "some of his government’s initiatives will be continued by the new administration, to lead Thailand to the “finish line.” Well, define "finish line"; he walks off the stage after nine years. The constitution which he and his cronies wrote, stipulates a maximum of eight years - oh well - the Thai people did not go over the moon as it was, like everything else "mai pen rai". Interesting enough he replaced a government run by puppetmaster Thaksin Shinawatra with ........... a government run by puppet master Thaksin Shinawatra. Reminds me of the US which replaced the Taliban in Afghanistan - after 15 years of open war - with the Taliban. Well done, Uncle Too, you were a very attentive student of the Americans indeed!
  15. The dottori might be reminded of patient's rights and confidentiality. We all have our little assumptions on the health condition of Dr T yet officially the doctor has to keep his mouth shut as all that falls under privileged information. I am not a doctor but I saw the disembarkation at Don Meuang, the kneeling and the greetings as well as the returning back into the building. Given the emotional stress and the temperatures outside an ice-cold airport terminal I found, that Dr T took all that rather cool, no sweating and no signs of any discomfort ........
  16. I fly very, very frequently between Udon and Bangkok on Thaivietjet Air. It is utterly disturbing to see all those quality Thai passengers embarking the plane with not only one but up to four cabin bags. On top of it you can take it to the bank, that every flight includes up to ten of these pizza-boxes of Krispy Kreme which are on sale at the departing airport. All those quality flyers have not realized yet, that the same Krispy Kreme stuff (sugary calorie-boosters) is available at the destination airport as well. All this is not only a total mess but unnecessarily delays boarding and punctual departure. I had discussions with fellow passengers and their tremendous avalanche of cabin luggage. They have no problem in taking my small bag down and just put it on a nearby seat in order to put their outsized stuff in. So I congratulate the inflight manager to boot off those unruly semi-divine Thais for misbehavior. The luggage limit is set to seven kilogrammes and you can only imagine, by how much said cabin bag(s) exceeded that particular limitation.
  17. We both know that the clearing of the stage will require massive force. It will come with lots and lots of shavings from planing to say the least; maybe it will turn the entire country upside down. But the three previous attempts in 1973, 1976 and 1992 had little impact on changes nor did they change the marching direction of the dinosaurs nor the oligarch elite. But Thailand belongs to the Thais, just make sure you're not in the firing line once the proverbial manure hits the proverbial air mixing device ????
  18. Without "Khon Afliccaaahhhh" this article would have never made the news - me thinks!
  19. Many voters' prayers have been heard and hopefully the dinosaur sticks to his "retirement" plans ........
  20. Srettha Thavisin cannot have the slightest clue who to appoint so the musical chair is in full rotation while the 30th PM can watch - possibly not to his financial disadvantage. Although it has to be said, that the pricing might have gone through the roof given the number of new sucklings on the Thai trough ........ What a hopeless farçe for a country in the 21st century claiming to be no longer neither banana republic nor a 3rd world country ..........
  21. Does it really matter, who is feeding on the Thai trough of taxpayers money? As long as there are plenty of governmental vehicles from far away Germany with the little "S600" at the left back end ..........
  22. In other words, Prayut made it clear. "Don't piss into my soup and my boys and me shall leave you in peace". And that is the outgoing unelected PM talking to the incoming unelected PM positioned by MPs and senators absolutely contrary to the wish of the people. I just hope that this will not be the spark Thailand would need to explode the country into the 21st century ....... as it might turn out very, very, very nasty!
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