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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. Hanuman Task Force? Hanuman? I understood this as a Hindu issue and looked it up on Wikipedia which states under "Hanuman" that he is "generally known as the God of wisdom, strength, courage, devotion and self-discipline. In Thailand though Hanuman is known as a promiscuous and flirtatious character. " No further questions ........
  2. How can you be offended with this, if even ministers use more detailed descriptions for "farang" which read "dirty" and "alien"? The same society calls un-white skinned "khaek" or even "neegloh" (good luck with tourism promotion in the Middle East and Southasia), the slit-eyed brethren in the North are known as "jek" (equally unliked by Khon Thai) and so on and so fort. There are even differences within their own country, namely three-quarter-divine Bangkokians, the semi-divine Northerners (guess Chiang Mai?) and then the rest upon they can look down to; the quarter-divine crowd - except the Southerners. The latter are called "moosleem" and - by lack of education - are of course not of noble Thai breed but rather "moosleem". It has to do with education; it's written in the bible "forgive them for they do not know what they are doing". Should one get excited over it - certainly not ????
  3. They can review the submarine budget as they apparently will be delivered without engines which should have a positive impact on the budget item "new toys for the boys" - or am I getting this wrong again?
  4. And if the <deleted> h1ts the fan .... do like other countries and just lift the ceiling to 75%, 80% or even higher. And, as we all know Thailand, they might go even over 100%. So, what's the problem?
  5. Had the same, back in the day of my restaurant, when nine (9) government officials steamrollered in apparently checking on something. They all ordered some soft drinks while I got the permits for playing music in public places, selling alcohol, selling tobacco products, selling food as well as the staff attendance records. They then wanted to see the company registration papers etc. As all was ok and above the radar, they had nothing else to do and wanted to leave without payment. I stopped the second one and told him, that they would own nine soft drinks at 50 Baht each, totally 450 Baht. The senior group leader then remarked, that they would be "government officers on duty" and hence usually they never had to pay. I reverted that I have to pay for all those licenses and who, if not customers eating and drinking at my place, would pay for it. So, if they would give me free licenses then they could benefit of a freebie in return. They had to go Dutch, put the money together with an extremely unhappy face and left - never to be seen again! Based on what do these crooks and highway robbers think that they are beyond everything here?
  6. Call Dr Thaksin or his sister for advice ....... and then the driver can get arrested again!
  7. After reading how the Koh Tao issue was handled by the authorities ........... wonders never seize!
  8. Well, the number of cheques is increasing and so does the "handling" fee at Lumpini's finest. Meanwhile others rot in Bangkok Hilton's branch somewhere for having helped themselves with mushrooms in a National park somewhere .........
  9. Blame the Burmese or Cambodian workers - as the record goes, Thais are superior and this f"*k-up was certainly not on a Thai script! On a more sombre note I guess that the construction order was awarded to a company in Don Meuang, which subcontracted someone in Buriram who, in turn, subcontracted another fellow in Mae Hong Son. The work ultimately was done by some illegal alien workers and that contractor got something like 50% of the original total payment - that's how things normally work!
  10. Fire them or lock 'em up in one of your Bangkok Hilton suites and throw away the keys. Such pr1cks do not deserve better and might serve as an example to all the other crooks in uniform!
  11. If you fiddle too much on the diesel price, then all hell will break lose here in the Land of Semi-Divines. There is no subsidy by the government, what happens is that their taxing of diesel is less than all those years before. So do not get blended with "government subsidies" - all bo11ocks! If diesel is getting too costly, then the clowns in uniforms will be seeing the heat coming from all those 75% of Thais who are hovering over poverty line with their unpaid pick-ups and agricultural machinery. Everything else went up considerably more than just 5% - 10%, locally grown bell peppers were 89 Baht, now the same stuff is 139 Baht, eggs saw a skyrocketing development of more than 20% too. So, in all honesty, what are you talking about?
  12. Trust me, these are readings from a province or two; the daily average without booze, silly days etc. is in the 60s so 28 ........ But like anything else, it is up to you to trust the information ........... or not! Does it matter? No. Provided the figure is accurate, still 28 people are not getting up this morning, hundreds of family members and friends grief and thousands are in one or the other way affected (work, insurances etc.).
  13. Until the big wigs of the land are reasoning to acceptable levels, there is only one thing to note! Stay away from Thailand; you cannot prove a negative and hence you're taking a 50%/50% chance of getting locked up at random in a seriously overpriced hotel serving cold carp in plastic containers served by "staff" dressed up in transparent garbage bags. Go elsewhere, be it within Europe, Senegal, Central or South America but by all means stay away from these loose cannons here for the time being.
  14. Everybody is equal in front of the law - here in Thailand (and not only in Thailand) some are more equal than others - simple as that ????
  15. I suggest 500 years of jail for the dirty farang who dared to visit the planet's biggest house of ill repute! That is what it is; little can be added to the "undamaged" reputation of the seaside resort ????
  16. Absolutely amazing, they can invent, invoke, cancel or annul laws and fines at their liking. Once you're finished with this most important assignment, then get the """alleged""" murderer of Wichian Klanprasert - one of their fellow Thai police officer on duty - Vorayuth Yoovidhya. Ah, and do not forget to sip a Red Bull before this difficult overdue assignment. But finish first by arresting dirty farang and semi-divine Thais alike for water splashing for nothing less than two years! What a bunch of pr1cks!
  17. Please do not try to tell me, that you've expected anything else. Thailand is the planet's biggest kindergarten and once the cat is gone, the mice will play. Simple as that, has always been like that and will most likely not change. I - for one - don't have a problem with it. I dug in for the silly days and will resurface next week again, the infection link between Songkran and the coronaphobia lacks proof - as most other statements. In closing, is it not interesting that the same PM refers to the law who broke the law by putsching himself onto the government throne some eight years ago?
  18. Well, I arrived in the early 80s and the Mitraphab Highway was a far, very far cry from what it is today. The US poured hundreds of millions of dollars into infrastructure to accommodate their secret war; the bill for the Thai infrastructure went, together with the trillions of the second Indochina war, onto the tax payers account. The Thais keep up the good work, even spend some of the highway budget on actual road construction and up keeping and, having driven all over Indochina, I can attest that the Thai road network is the best of 'em all. After the US left, ADB came in and once the Thai government came to money, they maintained, improved and expanded the existing grid. Latter less for up keeping but for the commissioning; most politicians have somewhere on their family tree some construction companies - see the sitting health minister and his little deals. I was actually more referring to the fact that the carnage over the next seven days is related to law enforcement - ahem the absence of implementing existing rules and regulations - rather than the road grid though.
  19. It's not about public health or any other concern - except power; absolute power corrupts absolutely! Same with no booze on Buddhist days - Thailand is the only country with such a law; apparently the Burmese, Laotian or Cambodian for that matter have a different Lord.
  20. Either stuff all those jabs up yours ........ or do, what most Europeans, Caribbean, African, Central and South American countries are doing = nothing. No test, no nothing. Either above listing of continents will prove that 50% of the population will be extinct in a few weeks or ...... the clowns of clowns will have to come up with some better jokes. Yet another reason not to travel into/from Thailand anytime soon .........
  21. As long as this country is run by such an unqualified bunch of clowns ........ The key would be law enFORCEment, not bribe-taking. Excellent example is the tremendous traffic jam upon entering Nong Khai on friendship highway number 2. Some just hand over some cash and drive on while others seem to argue and hence are held up - until softened enough?
  22. The race is on already; the body snatchers are roaming the city already looking for prey. Thailand's biggest problem is its own people - next please!
  23. No wonder that the longer the more Thai women decide to stay single. This chauvinism of male superiority has to be brought to a screeching halt. I hope this case finds a judge handing down the death sentence as there is no way to cure such sick minds and society has to be freed from such pr1cks - once and for good!
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