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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. Disgruntled and frustrated by the services provided by the boys in brown? I had more than frustrating experiences with them and had to twist some arms to get them to do the basics of a job they are overpaid for! Maybe the Udon approach drives the message home as well ............. or, as suggested, she has a tire shop and business had been sort of quiet lately?
  2. The hits are just keep on flying in - it seems. I - for one - wonder now, how the TAT will turn this manmade disaster around as yet another achievement of the glorious tourism promotion clowns. Unless someone hits the brakes hard and long, this country will slide further into the abyss of a failed state sooner than anyone would expect!
  3. Good on you to keep checks and balances of financed bikes. Some others, doing like you, referred to 450K and was published like that in the written media. For those in the know - Red is the colour of Ducati (and Ferrari as well, unless you're the grandson of the Red Bull icon). Combing through temples would, I guarantee you, turn up quite some surprises. While this pristine example of citizen good booted out before booted in, there must be many others who sneaked into orange robes as their "case" was not publicly steamrollered by social media as this particular case.
  4. The sheer fact that the TAT comments ........... French journalists on a freebie trip sponsored by who? In the past, travel agency and airline staff got invited to "familiarization" trips. Even cargo airline staff made it to Thailand and had fantastic <deleted>-ups in places less promoted by TAT ...............
  5. The fight of the Titans. Explains possibly why a lot of former Thai visitors now opt for other destinations where the immigration rules have reached the 20th century. Thailand's stonehenge rules, written and enforced by dinosaurs, have created most of the damage. I - for one - would have flat refused to pay as it was the Thai authorities not planning for such incidents to happen and the illegality of the stay was legally enforced by Thailand. You move in your circle of friends, within your income level and among fellow interests. Guess, how much damage this particular case is creating since ......... the internet is also accessed from OUTSIDE Thailand! Go figure!
  6. Ah, that means that there will be massive traffic jams again on all the highways leading into Pattaya by busloads of staff to take able care of the visiting, testosterone-loaded boys from faraway lands. What a load of ..........
  7. Co-incidentially I know of people who looked forward each and every year to return back to Scandinavia for the berry-picking season. They all were properly and very nicely treated, the employers fulfilled their part of the deal and all is good. The picture shown proves a mess, which is self-inflicted by the tenants. The infrastructure though looks much "better" than what I've seen how Cambodians and Burmese were treated and kept in Thai dungeons. Latter does not excuse eventual wrong-doings in Finland but the Finnish authorities addressed and dealt with the problem and will keep a weather-lifting eye in the future. So, maybe to balance the reporting, why not pick-up problems "closer to home" like how (il-)legal immigrants from neighbouring countries are dealt with while doing jobs which no Thai would even touch. Something along the "kettle and pot" line ..........
  8. Honestly, does anyone care? During normal days I saw news on the Thai telly showing ranks of empty chairs. Were they all on sick leave or had bigger fish to fry outside the parliament - I do not know. So, go ahead and book the missing fellows as "excused, on sick leave" - next please!
  9. Does the gifted leadership of Thailand's newest political f-a-rts also offer baking with flour at home?
  10. Well, ¼th of the US population is retired, ¼th of the population is massively obese - that would be 1/16th of the entire US population in high risk brackets ....... possibly even more if some people end up in both categories - just saying!
  11. Well, speeding is 400 Baht, if my knowledge is correct. I was also not aware, that the police force pays such juicy salaries so that the cops can arrive on fire-red Ducati's. What a farçe; I - for one - would start combing through all those temples in the Land, quite some surprised there possibly? I'm just glad that it is not the Doctor's fault having crossed on a zebra crossing in the first place!
  12. 15 life sentences and 23 hours in solitary confinement ....... Welcome to 21st century!
  13. Same as falling into an open manhole; no one to blame. It happened to me decades ago when I was told "falang too sa-toompeed" (too stupid) which brought all discussions to an end .......
  14. Always done it myself; the fastest was 18 minutes from into/leaving parking at the one-stop-facility on Rajadapisek Road - for a one year work permit that was!
  15. Alcohol-free beer is sold in the vegan butchery! On a more serious note; why not give your body a break and go booze-free during your (hopefully limited) medical antibiotics treatment? As said, there is Heineken 0 and in the past you could get "Clausthaler" or "Veltins", both being German beers tasting like real beer without alcohol. Quaffable yet "uncheap" as this alcohol-free beer is taxed like any other imported beer. Reason is, that alcohol-free beer contains a minuscule fraction of alcohol in the 0.00000? percentage - so Somchai is taxing full steam!
  16. The red plate - in essence - is a plate for garagists and car dealers to move around cars from A to B (one workshop to another - or factory to showroom) without going through the usual paperwork of registration and ownership. In other countries they have a special marking, a prefix etc. With the red plate in Thailand comes a brown registration book and, if done strictly according to the rules, you would have to enter each and every trip into this book whenever you drive somewhere. In practice this is not done as the Thais have, as usual, overcomplicated things by entering, each and every time, the engine and frame number as well as other details of the car. Would make sense as the book/plates can be used on different cars even during one day but, as said, impractical and nobody gives a rats ....... You may NOT leave the province (i.e. a red "Bangkok" plate may be used only within Bangkok), not after dark and not on weekends/holidays. In all practicality usually nothing happens unless a boy in brown needs some beer money for "after work". The registration of a brand new car is done in 45 minutes after which you walk out with brand new plates and the blue car registration book - at least in Nong Khai. In other places, like Khon Kaen, it takes three working days - for whatever reason. Worst place is Udon Thani, where it takes bloody six hours to change the ownership of a car (not the plates, just the ownership) as the physical inspection of the cars goes slower than snail pace. Equally bad was Korat/Nakorn Ratchasima some years back when trying to pay the road tax. If your dealer takes 45 days, then he is lying through his teeth but as it might be a contractual obligation previously agreed you can only either collect the original paperwork from the manufacturer and do the job yourself ........ or wait 45 days. If you had to leave a security deposit for the red plates, ensure a refund OR do not return the plates and the brown book which will put the dealership into trouble. After almost 40 years in the realm I can tell you, based on my own personal experience, that you want to do this yourself in places like Nong Khai or Morchit (head office Bangkok) yet avoid Korat or Udon Thani - where you let the dealer's staff do the queueing, standing around and poking noses until those DLT-officers move and do their job. Whatever you chose/do, dont forget the insurance aspect and you're well advised to have a voluntary 1st class insurance. This means to get coverage onto your red (temporary) plates and lateron a policy amendment to your permanent plates. Good luck and drive safely ????
  17. You cannot undo the damage of rapists, pedophiles and drug dealers. What you can do is to rid society of such manure once and for good. Put 'em up against the wall and blow out their candles. It might, in one or the other case, put the sufferers nightmares, fears and anxiety to rest while it likewise saves millions of tax payers money. But, as the dirty farang in Western societies prove, now is the time of tree huggers, do-gooders and we-love-you-all daydreamers, irrespective of gender, vegetarian orientation or lactose- or gluten intolerant wannabe sufferers. Just waiting for the next level of society disintegration, in whichever form it my appear anytime soon. Good gracious me that I am no longer a teenager .......
  18. The oil was told to behave this time and do, as explicitly instructed, not head towards the shore - as otherwise Uncle 2 might get seriously <deleted>, if not outrageously angry! Next, your call!
  19. So "MacDonald Agogo" did not cough up the going rates which led Kunlachart Kunlachai to work overtime. Good on him, good on all those boys in brown hunting down the culprits; arrest the janitor and the parking attendant, a slap on the back of the owner's hand, a little "token of appreciation" and ..... back to normal. Yaaaaaawwwwwwnnnnnn - how boring; nothing else to report like, say, lottery number forecasts for 1 February or some findings in the latest vomit of dinosaurs? Really?
  20. The boy will walk; the envelopes just have to get as thick as possible to extend the delay beyond 1 September 2022. What do you expect of this country, honestly? Money talks big, big time in this country and this little pr1ck of an oligarch elitarian sunshine will be facing the music in far distant future. The day will come when the dam breaks and then all those crooks, cheaters, liars and corrupt pigs will get haunted. You cannot rape a country and its (in itself very good yet hardly implemented) legal system without getting reprimanded - mark my words as the writing is on the wall. The bottle neck is always on top of the bottle and once this is understood by the various colorful shirts in this country then God may bless us all. A bumpy ride into post-slavery civilization; the Madoffs, Strauss-Kahns and other much higher profiled outcasts were taken to the cleaners and will make this case look ridiculously small. It's just not time yet for Khon Thai to realize, that their biggest enemies are their own leadership. In short: a failed state!
  21. Heard that Buriram is moving its immigration office coming Tuesday. Any details on that?
  22. My SD card went South after having been installed in my Taiwanese-made PapaGo2 dash camera since 2014. An alarm went off; I removed the card and saw, that the last recording was toast. A new adaptor and a 32GB card solved the problem for little money solved the problem and this camera, regretfully no longer in production, continues to provide excellent supervision of what happens in front of my car for the last six hours of my trips.
  23. Who overrides who; how many times have I been forced to cross by a police officer while the traffic light above me was switched to red? Lets wait and see, until that controversy burps up. Meanwhile for all who do not know how things work in Pattaya:
  24. Lucky them. Thai-style would be to sell everyone a ticket to the island and on disembarkation the next trick would be to force ATK - or a return ticket to the mainland. How often did I drive into a road which was closed further down. No indication of road work, one-way further down, closed or temporarily inaccessible. Trying to turn around the next two, three cars were behind me already ???? Welcome to Thailand - the country of tourism novelties 8-)
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