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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. Tell those medical clowns at they might vouch for one price policies on temples, natural parks etc. plus their ever-so-almighty government to teach the kiddies to learn basic English. Until then, the dirty farang and alien prefer to get laid in the houses of ill repute by the fairies against much more cash which seems to be only a problem for the medici thailandesi!
  2. I personally assume, that Prayut will be the sacrificed lamb in order to keep all the others nicely on top of the sludge. Prawit is the puppet master as we know and Anutin is in the wings for a higher office after Thammanat goofed up badly due to his attitude problems. Lets hope that I am right; possibly it needs proper riots and uprisings everywhere as this country is in free fall for the time being and all this on the expense of 98% of the population. Take Prayut's recent brunt on the issue of electricity price increase where he challenged the Thai electorate to study the reasons and then accept the rise like orderly Buddhists would do. What a sick mind .....
  3. Mysterious are the ways of the East ...... IF, repeat, IF you have laws, then they ought to be enforced. If not, then you live in a lawless society. For Thailand both applies, laws, rules, (traffic) regulations etc. are all made so the next Somchai or Yodsak can come along and - whatever he does - the aforementioned are professionally ignored, bent or greased to acceptance.
  4. A word to Varawut Silpa-archa; why not also display clear signs under water warning the fish not to enter said waters ....... just thinking out loud. A committee needs to be formed so to send hundreds of law enforcement officer hunting for the dirty farang - excellent endorsement for the TAT fellas - me thinks!
  5. It is an endless story. Let the free market run within a given framework of instructions (noise, location etc.). If you find operators who are willing to open all night and you have customers willing to make use of the offering then it is nothing but just good for all (including the state breathing down everyone's neck as they get the taxes/VAT etc.). Some Europeans can confirm the changes which went through late 70s when various central European governments crawled back from limiting opening hours of restaurants, bars and shops. Prior to that you would simply die on a Sunday; every supermarket closed without convenience stores at petrol stations etc ......... The changes are the today's normal, more tax revenue, some people found a possibility to create an income at less-than-godly-hours while customers were able to follow their consumption/shopping needs within their timeframe.
  6. The 364 days validity refer to single as well as to multiple entries. The endorsement (immigrant visa) is 1,900 Baht, a single re-entry 1,000 Baht or a multiple re-entry a 3,800 Baht. Complete form TM8 and TM22, four photographs, copy of passport, brown police book and, in some cases, a copy of the blue house registration. All copies done at the immigration for a few Baht. Just did it this week at Nong Khai; service with a smile and done in 45 minutes. Super nickel, as the French would say!
  7. Aviation gone into new heights then? Business class with payable seat reservation? Vote with your feet and look for alternative airlines or downgrade yourself to cattle class ..... Yet another pristine example how an employee behind his/her screen can goof up with a refund which goes viral and will cost the carrier dozens of bookings going elsewhere now ????
  8. All the while the Thais were obedient to the whistles of PR China; Dalai Lama and - in a separate attempt - Dalai Lama's sister were denied entry to Thailand. It did not help, that Dalai Lama had no diplomatic immunity while the top Ceylonese crook seems to still enjoy presidential privileges. As he is not visiting Thailand in his official function (which gave him diplomatic immunity to start with) nor on Sri Lanka's "Air Force One" his trip could have been queried. The Sri Lankans on the other hand might be well advised to renounce his diplomatic status which would make it easier for everyone to present the gentleman to the highest courts of his land to explain, if what when how and what for .....
  9. Well, the world would definitely be a safer place without warmongering loose cannons like Bolton. If he disappears from the political stage it would be to the benefit of all of us. Exterminate him, no; put him back where he belongs, a definite loud clear yes!
  10. Point taken but if the Embassy/Consulate does not know - who does then? They represent the country (albeit the extended arm of the Foreign Ministry) while immigration is under the police and latter is embedded in the Ministry of Interior. A visa entitles to travel there, the entry though is up to the immigration officer and their rules. I share your point on outdated (almost all) information, but as said, if he's married to a Thai national he can get a Non O visa which entitles to extensions locally if given criteria is met (latter I don't know either).
  11. Point taken, the type however (and I am not an expert) is listed as F-35A ..... whatever that means; in both the Thai as well as the Swiss procurement ????
  12. Well, this is what happens with rain in Thailand while "the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain" ????
  13. It is a pity that - sofar - there is not a single constructive input to an absolutely valid question. Same query applies to used kitchen oil, kept by us in emptied milk containers and recycled through the gasoline station around the corner which takes this waste and disposes of the proper way round by a governmental disposal service coming around once a month - we've been told. Paint, chemicals - no clue but maybe check with the gasoline station you get your car filled ????
  14. I hope that environment minister Varawut Silpa-archa is aware of the fact, that this very fish was on sale in Makro Pattaya (the big store) some time ago. I wondered, how this beautifully colored fish ended up but then, who am I to know anything about fish. So now it is free fun and games again, hunt the dirty farang and alien who create environmental damages of unheard propotions to the maritime life of semi-divine Thailand; all others may go and help themselves at Makro at times.
  15. To summarize: A 50,000 baht deposit ….. (Bangkok Hospital Pattaya)…. was required before they would accept her friend for treatment. The hospital … (increased to) ….. 630,614.80 baht. ….. a further 150,000 baht …. (was paid to the Bangkok Hospital Pattaya). Apinya said she wants the owner of Mountain B to do more to help and pay the entire bill. So far .. (the owner of Mountain B) …… has paid 10,000 baht .. Apinya noted that her friend is a foreign national so does not have the same rights to care as Thais. "Sia B" (owner of Mountain B) has promised to do more to help and done plenty of "wai-ing" and making merit outside his burned out facility. In a related story the Labour Ministry …. (presented) ….. a large million baht check at a photo-op at the funeral of a brave manager who was killed helping victims in the fire. He was Thai and eligible for work related benefits. Welcome to Thailand, where some are more equal than others and all those alien should beware, that they have not the same rights as the semi-divine Thais. What a terrible summary of humanity of Thailand - an absolute disgrace!
  16. a) the Swiss air force bought the same planes at THB 6 billion a pop or THB 1.4 billion cheaper than the Thai version. Anything to do with the Thai flag on the rudders? b) NATO has some 820 such planes in their combined air force. Let's hope that NATO never invades Thailand then ....... c) why not just steal the money from the Ministry of Finance without air force, big toys for big boys; cheaper for everybody while the powers-to-be still can have-their-cake-and-eat-it Your call ????
  17. If he has a visa (whatever category) then the airline will let him board. The airlines' query is, can the passenger get off the plane at the destination. If NOT, then the carrier MUST take the passenger back to the orgin of the flight. Finnair does not care about Thailand, Finnair simply wants to make sure that the passenger gets off where the ticket said. But why not getting it from the horse's mouth? Tell him to call the Embassy or Consulate; they certainly will know and grant him the necessary stamps, stickers and what-have-yous against the presentation of whatever the rules say. Everything else might contain the "hear tell" errors .......
  18. Rajapaksa in Thailand, Thaksin in Dubai ........ maybe a lesson for the gifted leadership in Europe. Less for corruption only but also for incompetence. Von der Leyen in Adamstown (Pitcairn Island), Klaus Schwab in Argentine, Macron in Papeete and Biden, well, keep him in the Land and let him tatter the path heading for antiquity into a Home for Elder Politicians ..
  19. Get a Non O or a Non OA visa, problem solved and extendable in Thailand, given the respective conditions are met!
  20. Well, you just quoted some good old memories from my long-gone school days; yep, we had to come early, leave later, show up on a school free afternoon, toilet or schoolyard duty - the works. Call me an old fart but I still believe in these corrective measures. We got whacked and we all know perfectly well the same moment, that we deserved it. Nobody ever when home to report/whine with parents. If I would have done that, my father might have whacked me again with the comment "you must have deserved it". But why do I care, I'm in my last chapter of life, kids are grown up (good citizen) and the grandkids are most welcome as they can be "returned to sender" anytime. Good times for all; do we really have to care for all those generations to come and not even born yet?
  21. I run a chain of restaurants, got out of it prior to Covid for a more than tidy sum and a nice jump-start into retirement. I would have never parted with it, if I would have been able to get the staff situation stabilized. Even tried, applying the AEC2015 treaty, with Filipinas in service and Indonesian cooks; the ratio given by the almighty government was one "alien" per five Thais. The Thais made sure to sour up their ASEAN brothers and sisters for sheer jealousy reasons. While you try to make operational ends meet, Thais and their semi-divine government comes and moves the ends. That was the ongoing case and criteria; I sold my place and now it features 160 Thai apartments for rent for all those Thais who are too lazy to do a proper job and rather sleaze around in the twilight zone of Fellini's "La Strada"; working in a house of ill repute seems to be the name of the game - financially most likely more rewarding than cooking and serving. Unlike the latter profession, cooking and serving might be longer lasting and better for soul and self-esteem, me thinks ???? But yes, many domestic destinations are not visited for their temples and orchid farms .........
  22. German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche coined "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" some 140 years ago. Praise the Lord, a copycat of Nietzsche resurrected in the form of a dinosaur called "Sleepy Nappy Prawit" and keeps on flatulating into something he has not the slightest idea about. Given the medieval way this country still runs, Prayut became Prime Minister, elected, non-elected or juntaed-into-office, on the day HM signed the decree. This, for sure, took place in 2014 already, not bowing to international pressure but for domestic legality reasons. I do not know the day, when HM appointed Prayut but without HM's constitutional blessing Prayut would have never become anything outside his military playground. But yes, Prawit is one of the last species of otherwise extinct Megalosaurus Terribilus, so let him play with his gifted watch collection of inheritance source rather than trying to act like Nietzsche.
  23. Well, Don is right. As long as the crook holds a valid diplomatic passport from Sri Lanka, then the Thais play it by the book. Once he has outstayed his welcome, he might travel on to the Western brethren of the Thai government in Myanmar; with some of the looted cash he certainly can convince the Yangonian powers-to-be (or is it Napydawians?) to find a loophole in their self-written constitution. If Sri Lanka is serious, then cancel Rajapaksa's passport now and file an extradition treaty. The tools are there but will they ever be used for the real thieves and crooks, I wonder? What a poor representative of one of the most beautiful places inhabited by some of the most lovely people .....
  24. Ah, Prayut is trying to make the Eastern seaboard attractive to all those quality tourists, presently from India and the Sands of the Dunes ...... keep up the good work then! Sure is, that some of his "team" show up with empty purses and wallets which can be filled in the same exercise ????
  25. Wissanu still alive, it seems. For the first time, I agree with this other pristine example of a dinosaur; Prem was a real Statesman, Anand was a real Statesman and Prayut was, is and never will be anything close to a "Statesman". Let's see, what the 24th of this month will bring - I'm getting popcorn meanwhile ????
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