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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. Well, it certainly applies in this country - gross misuse of power behind the almighty coronaphobia
  2. Well, explain the story with chicken .......... Noticed, that chicken (breasts, thighs, drum sticks, wings - but not feet) are less than ⅓ of quite a range of vegetables. Iceberg, bell peppers or hydroponic salads clock upto 198 Baht/kg; trimming it will elevate the price over 200 Baht. Chicken is 55 - 65 Baht and cheaper pork meat is 120 - 140 Baht. Nobody wants to tell me, that the production of a kilogramme of chicken is cheaper than a kilogramme of hydroponic leafy stuff .........
  3. No lack of self-confidence here with "Thais cautiously welcome" Nothing further from the reality; the dirty farang decided to go elsewhere and most of the arrivals are returning for work or family reunion reasons. Holidays are cheaper, and much easier accessible than the land of the semi-divine Thais.
  4. Throw the entire bunch of wknaers out; any kindergarten is more professional! But yes, every country has the government it deserves. Unhappy about it = elect better next time! Cannot wait, kick the kiddies out of the pen, simple as that.
  5. Keep up the good work and continue to destroy your own country. The day is not far when people will trigger of a civil clash by beating the police, torching official buildings and putting their ill-gotten vehicles ablaze. To all those governmental pr1cks out there - be VERY VERY careful, the candle's wick is almost burnt completely ......... you are playing with fire and once that started, you will not be able to extinguish it this time anymore! Peoples businesses are dying rapidly, they lose their income, existence, move out of unpaid dwelling and have no place to go to. The history should not repeat itself here in Thailand just because some mentally challenged uniformed black boots want to have it their way.
  6. Could it be, that some officers wanted to be early enough for the Pattaya Music Festival? Asking for a friend .........
  7. Assuming that your blue book is the Motor Vehicle Registration, you do not need to worry. The passport number is irrelevant as it cannot last longer than ten years upon which you will get a new passport with a new number. File a set of copies of your present passport, each page duly signed with a blue (no kidding, black, red, green is refused) ball pen and you will be doing just fine!
  8. Be patient and understand, that those missing brains of the country were heading for Pattaya's Music Festival to ensure, that all those flu-regulations, swipes, ATKs, masks etc. are strictly adhered to.
  9. Well, Prayut was OK with everything as next year the tills will be filled with endless inflow from their Burmese brethren ....... wanna bet? Apart from all that, he does not speak a word of English while her language is New Zealandish and only faintly linked with the Queen's English - me thinks! Regretfully it is not possible to listen into such top secret (for whatever reasons) conversations - I am sure it must have been loaded with hilarious "aray na?" and "mai chow chai loei" ........
  10. The frustration over the complete incompetence of the Thai government is worldwide meanwhile. 65,000 need an approval (based on what do the foreign ministry staff decide if a traveller is healthy or not - looking into the Somtam mortar?) and 12,000 were OKed. I just wait for Prayuth and his cronies to face the music next year, when Khon Thai will have realized, that those 40 million tourists will simply not resurface within the next few years. The government's reply will be "we cannot do more than open the country" and Anutin, the health ministry sweetheart will top it up and ask "what more do these dirty farang want?".
  11. Ooooops, it is this time of the year again when people talk bonuses and little gifts. Put a new crook in charge will keep the cash flowing - as done so over the last nine years. Nobody is serious about the case yet the way the authorities ridicule the Thai legal system is unbeatable. There is collateral damage and it is precisely such public cases with which Thailand is being taken serious - by its own people as well as by investors.
  12. Well, it takes a police colonel (!) to hunt those infidels imbibing on the forbidden liquid inside "paper glasses". Not living in Pattaya anymore yet I could name two foreign operated restaurants in Sinville which were forced to pay heavy - under the table - five digits amounts without receipts. Some of which certainly ended on the top of all those desks of these generals and colonels in mustard-brown uniforms and yep, once in a while, they have to do the job they are actually paid for. As long as this country is run and operated by such pr1cks inventing laws, rules and regulations by the dozen .............
  13. Well, the listing reads apparently: PRC tests, Vaccination certificate, Airline ticket proof, AQ hotel booking, SHA+ booking, transport booking, QR code, CoE, Test & Go, Thailand pass, Covid insurance coverage for USD 50'000 So yes, what remains is hope as hope is the only thing left if you scwe visitors who want to spend 7 - 10 days here. Presently it takes them at least that much to get the above avalanche of papers together and physical visits to the various embassies (Berlin, London and Berne for a fact) since those semi-divine diplomats are not answering emails nor picking up the telephone.
  14. Well, try to imagine how the low figure would explode if alcohol would be served everywhere (legally, that is) again ..............
  15. Four British could not travel as they could not get this "Thailand Pass" application to work; fun and games at Heathrow as the airline staff had no idea as well. Landed yesterday afternoon in Jamaica instead for a four weeks vacation - wonder over wonder - in Jamaica the very same Thailand Pass application worked! Anything between 500'000 - 700'000 touristic Baht down the drain ...........
  16. What a load of pr1cks is running this country; asking for a friend ....... Yawn........
  17. 1) some brown manila envelopes were not thick enough 2) somebody makes good blackmail money, without receipts, from "fining" culprits 3) the governor of the holy province of Cholburi has bigger fish to fry Your call!
  18. 1) Prayuth is known for his excellent command of the English language 2) statements like that coming from a man who travelled on a midrange Airbus of the Air Force, which had to stop for refueling in Dubai and Cologne en route to Glasgow, is a total farçe. 3) the entire conference is for the Fritz' as hundreds of private jets are standing around as a show of how is who on the banana boat. 4) electric vehicles shuttle the delegates back and forward; as not enough charging stations are available, the vehicles get recharged with diesel-driven generators Yawn........
  19. Great, the big wig of “Paddy the Room” trading company (what a name) from Taiwan made a runner - case dropped. ONE single Thai got booked for four years in the slammer (most likely out in the next pardoning) and everyone else in the transaction ......... never existed? It takes much more than Mr Pipaton to get that ship out of port. Interesting is, that he is facing the music soonest while the Red Bull kiddo still enjoys beautiful life despite having killed a police officer on duty. So, to all those whiners of dual-pricing; do not expect any changes anytime soon - see above!
  20. Who on Earth is supposed to believe this avalanche of human manure - honestly?
  21. Well, if you hardly fly anywhere then your entire fleet is grounded and the result can be a cut of operational costs by more than 44.8 billion Baht. Does this also include the recovering of more than USD 10 billion (not million)? Just asking the mathematicians at the head office of the "Smooth as Silk" club; better known as 7/11 without a cashier on the way out!
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