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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. Dont insult the image of Danny Devite! Yet, I adore Crowes slippers on an official function as well as Khun Lek, former mayor of Pattaya, who clearly is lost for words again - once a small boy, still a small boy!
  2. What did these nerds in the government house expect; extra flights with A380-ER on an hourly basis from all over the world? You earn what you sow; you've been doing bashing on alien, farang, jeck, kaek and whatever else you call non-Thais and now you expect them to queue at your borders with suitcases full of cash? Of all the people I know - who came to spend the winter in Thailand - all found alternatives which are, by their own claims, better, less bureaucratic, more welcoming, less racists - apart from cheaper with less/no counterfeits, no booze ban hours before 11am, 2pm-5pm and after midnight again. Go back to the drawing board and check, what went wrong and you'll find out, that this country is a failed state because of consecutive most corrupt governments under absolutely incapable leaderships!
  3. Give 'em a medal - new heights in cheating BIG time it seems! And then they wonder in Bangkok, why nobody trusts 'em on anything!
  4. At court now - evidence. Travel there with your Thai slip and report back!
  5. The concubine and rent-a-miss is not a Western invention but a male invention. Old prints and painting from Asia refer to this kind of "recreation" hundert of years before Utapao, the Vietnam war etc. Chuvit and friends took this to the next step, developed "Turkish Bath" etc. to the next level and became filthy rich. As it remains, unlike other countries, illegal as far as "business trade" is concerned, those who looked the other side got their slice of the cake too - the only losers were the girls who had the most of the income skimmed off by owners, operators and police. Today, two generations into the "modern" trade of steam and bath, it became obvious, that this (and some other) country developed a generation of mostly women (and a few men) who are simply too lazy to follow a normal profession. I met quite a few girls who had no apparent reason NOT to work in an office or factory. Pattaya remains a pristine example; open a girlie bar and the birds queue, you need service staff or kitchen helpers - zero interest. Latter comes with work and at salaries between 10K - 15K, a fraction of what they earn in mankind's oldest profession!
  6. Yeah - good luck then. What saved me was the WHO yellow certification on entry to Portugal; everything else = useless; like the MorProhm carp application which works possibly between 2.10-2.12, am that is!
  7. It is getting better even. A kilogramme of chicken parts (mid wings, thighs, drum sticks etc.) are anything between 51 - 65 Baht. Apart from Broccoli and Cauliflower, the same weight of Peperoni (Bell Peppers, Capsicum) are 139 Baht - all in Makro. Question; is it more expensive to "produce" a kilogramme of chicken or self-growing vegetables? Go figure!
  8. Just wait for the avalanche of cars being returned to the finance companies by all those Thais who cannot keep up with the installments = see real estate bubbling anytime soon in a big bang as well! There millions of Thais will vacate apartments, condos and houses as their mortgages will become overdue with the compliments of the boys at the helm for the last 7 ½ years ...... Will be a game changer domestically for sure!
  9. Not true, the local certification reads "Thailand National Certificate of Covid-19 Vaccination" and MIGHT be accepted, but I would not try my luck in countries like Greece or Portugal. So, what's your deal and reasoning in NOT getting the international certificate with WHO standards? If your statement is true, then close the WHO paperwork, at least as far as the international vaccination certificate is concerned ????
  10. I have an iPad 12.9"; very happy with it EXCEPT the keyboard which is built into the protective cover. I had that changed three or four times; always on warranty but I had to see the dealer, wait a week for the "verdict" and then was given a new keyboard. Once the iPad was out of warranty = no more keyboard replacement although the last keyboard was less than two months old. Would I buy another iPad = NO. Reason is, that I prefer a keyboard (I manage ten-finger typing at quite a speed) and feel like a lame duck without! Go for a MacBook Air - if a keyboard is of relevance. Apart from that, iPad is perfect!
  11. I got seriously cheated 35+ years ago with my very first rental contract. Lesson thereof is; ever payment for anything ever since went through bank channels. In the past tedious queueing at the counters or writing cheques, today internet banking. Some did not like it, two flatly refused it - for taxation reasons = I walked. Never ever lost any argument of non-payment. Above refers to clear paperwork, which you understand after having done your homework.
  12. If the successive governments of Thailand wold not do everything possible to prevent education, it certainly would look different and rosier. Uneducated kids leave the system after 15 years of schooling, no languages knowledge, humanities shortcut on the cooked-up history of Thailand and complete absence of common sense. Well, ideal material for a future electorate to carry on getting voted into office with little pictures and cash attached to it. If the education system would be more like, i.e. central Europe, there would be hardly and international schools as the latter bridge a temporary absence from a home-country education (mostly language related). Good public schools are free of charge (Switzerland, Germany, Scandinavia), of high quality and the result is a work force second to none. So, if you want to avoid all those asiannamed private schools with some more, some less quality going on in their class rooms, then initiate a long, long overdue revamp of the semi-divine industry of Thai education. Results are seen in 1 ½ to 2 generations only which might be too late already for Thailand. This would also solve the imminent disaster of and in the international schooling sector.
  13. It is just me wondering, if and how he got a Non-Immigrant B visa and a work permit allowing to work anywhere in Thailand. How about income taxation, social security payments et al ....... Just wondering, if I recall the painful ordeals the bureaucratic clowns laid upon me for 30+ years until I retired ????
  14. OK, here is the safe side. The hospital(s) vaccinate whatever they have on stock/advertise and upon completion of the vaccination, they will issue an A5 sized "Thailand National Certificate of Covid-19 Vaccination". This is a local, domestic paper, same as Moh Prom (which in most cases does not work). Heading for Europe, you want an "International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis" as issued by the World Health Organization (WHO). The "local" slimmed-down version is issued by the Ministry of Public Health in Thailand against presentation of your passport, Thailand National Certificate of Covid-19 Vaccination and a fee of 50 Baht (for which they even give you a receipt). I got mine in Nong Khai from the "Nong Khai Provincial Health Office" - the extended arm of the Ministry of Public Health; only they can ISSUE the booklet. Stamping of an existing booklet can be done by the administering hospital, which gives you the SECOND jab, provided you have proof of the first jab. Tedious, complicated, but that's how things run in this country. To be on the safe side, I had both yellow booklets stamped; the international one from the WHO I ordered by mail overseas. See enclosed photo (with erased personal details) for details - good luck!
  15. The government allows companies to buy and import diesel from various sources. Upon import, a tax is being levied which is, depending on country to country, as much as the initial purchase price. The "support" is NOT financed by the country's oil fund or a loan - despite a different statement by yet another Deputy Prime Minister. They just capped the tax rate, so they prove once more again the old saying, that the government has nothing. What they "give" you is taken away from someone else - simple as that! If you look at the purchase power of the average Thai, 30 Baht is a ridiculously high amount but, as long as I can see cars with running engines in parking lots of supermarkets - keep up the good work and take, while the taking is good!
  16. So the Burmese/Myanmarese, Laotians and Cambodians are lesser Buddhists - it seems - as they have no such alcohol ban. Only Thailand, where it serves purely to execute power over the underlings ........
  17. Well, rule number one actually reads: One night quarantine, which we call "waiting for the PCR-results" in an overpriced hotel, where you will be served outpriced crappy cold food in plastic containers - at your expense! So we will see, when those one million foreigners, sinking 75,000 Baht each, will arrive to witness the little New Year's Eve bash so kindly organized by the Tourism Authority of Thailand at the steal (pun intended) price of only 200 million Baht!
  18. Well, Welcome to Thailand then. You will see, that Bangkok, Udon Thani and Chiang Mai could be in three different countries if not continents and after having gotten off an airplane (domestic flight), where you were cramped with fellow passengers, the megaphones shout all the rules of that particular airport you've just landed - which are different from place to place. Wondering how many rules and regulations will be introduced against/for the dirty farang - in addition, that is! Graphic ©Thai Smile from an email sent to all passengers
  19. North Korean mathematics again; not at 9.30pm or 9.45pm but ......... "As of 10pm on Oct 18, 8,132,826 people received their first COVID-19 vaccine jab, forming 105.63% of the Bangkok population". 1) fantastic time keeping with a stop watch at 10pm sharp 2) wondering who did the head count 3) the 105.63% - call Kim Jong-un Of course this is another round of blowing their own HUGE trumpet. Bangkok would not function with at least 50% of all those inhabitants registered in Northeastern or Northern Thailand. But yeah, the TM30 and the 90-days-show-your-face-to-the-uniformed-clowns-at-immigration does NOT apply to the Somchais and Somsaks - result is utter nonsense in the newspaper. Keep up the good work!
  20. Unclear remain: - 120kph? Wondering how many Somchais are smashing up the cars in the dire attempt to break yet another speed records - 120kph? When speed restrictions change from 120 - 30 via 60 to 40 and back to 90 over 400 metres - what happens to all those hundreds of thousands of Mpass and Easypass Tag holders and the remaining credit on their tags? The Chidchobs, both father and his sons always good for a little surprise ????
  21. Tell the kiddo to keep the good news coming - it will drive more tourists away - again. Get your act in order, either vaccinated people can enter without any ifs, whens, and whys - or let anybody get driven to an overpriced quarantine hotel by Somchai dressed in transparent garbage bags, mask and face shield to enjoy expensive, crappy cold food out of plastic containers. Just returned from Bangkok by air to Udon Thani; the arrival "procedure" in Udon was worse than what I went through a yellow fever outbreak some 30 years ago in beautiful Africa. Needless to say that the arrival procedure is different from destination to destination (all domestic); as communicated in Thai only by Thai Smile to all their passengers, also those who most likely cannot read a word of Thai.
  22. BMW smart car - well, good on the Bavarians for this sterling contribution to keep the world in general and Thailand in particular ......... safe! Those overstayers are a definite threat to national security and hence must be eradicated by all means with the full force of whatever resources and, good luck, smart cars tell the drivers and all those officers in the wake of the car, when, where, what, who and how to do! Brilliant job - keep up the good work ????
  23. They must be wrong. TAT inked a 200 million Thai Baht deal for a New Year's Eve performance of an Italian opera singer and a Thai teeny jumping up and down for some Korean viewers. According to the TAT, this will generate 75 billion Thai Baht as one million foreigners (1,000,000) will be attending the function with an average spending of 75,000 Thai Baht per foreigner. Unclear is, where they want to accomodate one million rich tourists from faraway lands - or - what kind of weed they've been smoking again to come up with such timid humble numbers .......
  24. Blowing their own trumpet not realizing, that it is not their trumpet. Rarely read more rubbish, just look into any government hospital upcountry and there you see the "system" - a disgrace to humanity for the 21st century. But, as long as doctors here are blessed with a semi-divine status combined with a huge face .......... I could share most interesting stories of wrong diagnosis, not only inflated but over-inflated bills and childish behaviour when having asked doctors, what exactly was wrong with me! But lets be happy to be in such a fairy tale country, also without corruption, prostitution etc ...... next please!
  25. Well, comes from the reliable professionalism of an actor not being a stranger to the bottle - keep up the good work and the chief clown seems to like it!
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