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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. So the bootleggers now have to throw all their ill-gotten booze into the pristine ocean on the East side of Phuket? Where is the medical proof or common sense relation between alcohol consumption in a restaurant and Covid-19? The mind boggles, if one listens to all those "experts" blurting incoherent stuff on a 24/7 basis. Ah, and good luck for your 1 October opening and the sandbox - keep up the good work!
  2. What a farçe; who is advising all these clowns in public relation management? My Grannie was able to tell us interesting fairy tales with nice endings; today - as grown-ups don't try to copy my Granny. If you want to tell your electorate a good story, then ensure, that it IS A GOOD story and not all those endless lame-duck-excuses; sick and tired of all those lies ......
  3. An overstay is an overstay but to dramatize this harmless issue is seriously over the top and in line with the ongoing "Farang Bashing". Immigration Bureau chief Lt-Gen Sompong Chingduang needs to be promoted to General-General for his successful hunting of dangerous elements by criminal foreign elements, such as this Hungarian widow. Well done - Sompong - keep up the good work. Naew Na must be thanked with three Big Wai to the floor and back to remind the superior Khon Thai to report all foreigners, guilty or not, on 1178 to maintain Thailand's security. Maybe "Naew Na Farang Basher Newspaper" might push for a Four Digit phone number on Koh Tao with the Telephone Organization of Thailand. Plenty of "unsolved" murder cases pending against exclusively Farang - and yes, keep up the good work in promoting Thailand as a tourist destination. What a dual tier society ................
  4. Ordered them at 75 Baht/piece in Switzerland; the format is given by the WHO and hence in English and French. If you're patient, I'll send you one once I have them here; I had them sent to a friend in Switzerland for redispatch as the sellers would not send all the way to Thailand.
  5. So much to Sandbox, quite obviously locals infect around and not the arriving dirty farang .......
  6. No, not in Nong Khai - asked already ????
  7. I usually do not read the entire text of those "blow-your-own-trumpet" articles or intentions, hence I had to look up (in the article further down), what yet another Thai abbreviation was all about - but thank you nevertheless for the well intended suggestion ????
  8. This is another of those many ridiculous laws. Initially the doctrine was to keep the children away from alcohol !!!!! 00h00 - 11h00 No booze 11h00 - 14h00 as much as you want 14h00 - 17h00 no booze again 17h00 - 24h00 (or curfew) carry on the good work on the bottles Now, my question (in relation to protecting kids from the bad, bad alcohol) is, when is school and lunch break and when is school over. Go figure ..........
  9. You can order the Yellow Vaccination Booklets in accordance with the WHO (World Health Organization) on the internet. Just ordered 10 copies for my family and received them in the mail. Next thing is to get the local docs to transfer the Thai certification into the yellow booklet as the Thai paper is worth zilch in Europe .
  10. Well, I must have missed: ‘Smart Safety Zone 1.0’ project. ‘Smart Safety Zone 1.1’ project. ‘Smart Safety Zone 1.2’ project. and ‘Smart Safety Zone 2.0’ project. ‘Smart Safety Zone 2.1’ project. ‘Smart Safety Zone 3.0’ project. ‘Smart Safety Zone 3.1’ project. ‘Smart Safety Zone 3.2’ project. ‘Smart Safety Zone 3.3’ project. as well and luckily now can catch up with ‘Smart Safety Zone 4.0’ project.
  11. Don't get excited, it will not materialize as nobody in his right mind with serious financial means would come to Thailand where laws are bent and (legally speaking) nothing of relevance like land or any kind of juristic business can be owned by a non-Thai. Let them shoot themselves in their feet - again!
  12. Is it just me or does anyone else also wonder, that Chiang Mai alone has THAT many private schools? I grew up in the 60s and 70s and there was no such thing as private schools; yet we all learnt three languages apart from a profound knowledge in humanities, maths, geometry, geography etc. - all that in nine years of free of charge schooling in Switzerland ........
  13. USD 450 on testing - add quite a bit on the travel budget - me thinks. My piece of advice is, go elsewhere for the time being until they made up their minds, treat and charge equally, do away with some seriously ridiculous rules and laws segregating the holy locals from the dirty alien. Over time they will have to realize the word "globalization" and that Thailand, contrary to their belief and what they are being told, is not the centre of the universe - just yet!
  14. Dr Thaksin is referred to "former prime minister"; why is nobody using the present title "fugitive" - OR - add "former primary school student" to the "former prime minister" as both would be correct. So much to titles. Interesting is also, that Dr Thaksin, who escaped 2008 from Thailand, still calls the shots in the land. This does not quantify his power over things but also the everlasting weakness of all the leaderships which followed after his departure. Latter is self-explanatory and indicates huge cracks which never got fixed by the ..... cracked! Yes, Dr Thaksin is in self-imposed exile after a coup in 2006 and yes, the charges are politically motivated. The last election saw a party with 6+ millions votes disappearing from the screen which, to my limited understanding, was an equal motivation of political nature - possibly?
  15. "Medical ganja will spark post COVID tourism recovery" From a mental point of view, this statement is spot-on, and possibly adhered to closely by all those TAT-executives with their endless flow of yet more abstruse ideas pouring from their offices on an almost daily basis! Well done, keep up the good work. It might not recover tourism but the TAT-boys will be happy about it anyway, me thinks!
  16. We know the outcome = no surprises there and frankly, I could not care less. Quite obviously the murdered kiddo was not a choir boy either - eventually good riddance! Irrespective of that, the rest is called standard police practice in the land of smiles. What concerns me much more is the absolute ignorance by all those 69.93 million Thais who are - in one or another way - victims of all this. 6+ million vote for a party which gets disbanded as the big wigs never expected that party to get any votes to start with; i.e. 6+ million voters are deprived from their vote. While the country is in dire need of professional resurrection, the goons shop for submarines and dream of railway links spidering across Southeast Asia. Schools are closed and "home school" operated in a way, that the kids just lost another year of educational youth; keep in mind that the Thai education system is at the very bottom of the ladder already. The hilarious, self-proclaimed (tourism) horn of plenty remains dead and some serious weirdos from TAT and tourism ministry cook up one silly idea after the other one and the entire tourism industry employing millions of direct and indirect service providers stands idle by and keeps watching? Now they expect cargo freighter full of cash flown into Thailand for "deals of the century". Latter will be mopped up domestically (see i.e. Lotus's) yet nobody in his right mind with tons of money would invest in a country with bendable laws and local majority shareholding, yoyo-jumping with work permits and the over-arrogant immigration clowns! The next generation will hopefully haunt all these crooks in their urns, graves and should ensure that all that ill-gotten wealth goes there, where it belongs all the time! A government is, after all, rated by the way it executes the legislatives' wishes and the party promises leading to victory - in a democracy. Here, I get the feeling, that the legislative is to serve the semi-divine executive, i.e. the people are here to please the ever-hungry government ....
  17. Some officials apprehensive! How glad can this country be to be blessed by such professionalism in all sectors, be it health, tourism, immigration and police.
  18. Free Drinks and Food = review Pay for Drinks and Food = review Being in Thailand, guess which one will score better marks. I had a restaurant for 10+ years and luckily just sold before the Bang. Had quite a few "review" requests = all denied. The publishers though were invited for a treat under the condition, that I wrote the advertorial myself which was not a review but a simple description of a meal with matching wines. Prices were mentioned; neither food nor drinks were judged price- or quality wise. Some publishers found this great as it was a neutral information with correct information and proper pictures.
  19. Me wonders, how you can focus on the needs and put all your energy into running a country in trouble. Me wonders, how the entire electorate can be silent watching the boys behaving worse than a couple of unattended kindergarteners. Me wonders, if this all is really the ideal path to put Thailand back onto her tracks of the early 90s where she was before or if this beautiful country with its nice people is heading unhindered into the abyss of "mai pen rai"?
  20. Well, the cabbies are at it again. I had an incident taking a taxi for a B37 trip around the corner, as it was raining cats and dogs. The meter read B37 and I gave the driver a 100 Baht bill and told him, that 50 Baht change would be OK. He turned around and said, that he had no change whatsoever. As I heard that before, I told the driver, that he had three options: look oncemore for change in the car (ashtray, door pouch etc.) drive around the block until the meter would show B99 stay put and parked until the meter would have inched its way to B99 Miracles happen every day, he found change immediately yet he had killed his tip in the process. Wondering, if he ever pulled that no-change-stint ever again ......
  21. ???????????????????????????????????????? Can someone tell TAT Governor Yuthasak Supasorn not to waste his and other people's time please. I had to look it up as well but SOP stands for "standard operating procedure". Share the breaking news with the kiddo at the TAT that, as long as Khon Thai cant even stop at a red light once it is red, the "One SOP One System Policy" might be yet another golden opportunity to loose face and prove, how things are definitely NOT done! What a joke, take the clown away and try to find a real professional for the job!
  22. The newsletter headline said it all. "Thailand approves plan to lure wealthy foreigners" It sounds like a government-sponsored programme on how to cheat cash out of the dirty farang. What all these clowns have not understood yet is, that the wealthy alien (in this case mainly Chinese) are shopping around like mad. The first whining hotel owners have been crying that, unless a miracle happens, they would be forced to sell off their business to Chinese. Well, the Thais never managed anything really and this is just yet another example. The German post had to privatized and is now run by DHL, Swiss Airlines was mopped up by the German Lufthansa etc. The best thing is, that Thais return to their rice fields and the beauties go back working all over the soapies in Thailand; that's what they can manage and have done beautifully well over the last few decades .........
  23. Tell the sweety the truth - it is within the police network. A drunk Thai driver is to be fined THB 20'000 (same as farang, who pay this for years already), then do some community service and should it happen again, then confiscate the car/bike for one month against storage fees of THB 1'000/day. Trust me, you do this for a month and your drunk driving figure drops to 10% of your very lowest historical figure. But no, cream the farang, lift THB 500 from Khon Thai and let the carnage continue - hopeless corruption everywhere!
  24. Get the police to move the file onto the court, where you can sue the dog owner for, say THB 20 million. This might need a little "on forwarding postage". Once at court, claim that anything exceeding the actual costs of the medical bills and legal expenses shall be donated to a royally sponsored orphanage or similar, you might be surprised, how speedy the file is getting processes as, after all, there is money for a worthy cause patronized by Thai royalty. It will also get the dog's owner moving fast like greased lightning! The only other solution I could recall would be called "Last Supper". It cannot be accepted that a loose cannon of a fighting dog carries on mauling as taught so by its owner(s)! That again you would have to get sanctioned by an official court ruling, i.e. the dog would have to be put down by a professional medic upon corresponding legal paperwork!
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