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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. Landlord registering anything on TM30 ....... just made my day! I know of landlords who lost their alien tenants over their non-compliance to TM30 as even Thais (as landlords) consider it a hopeless joke, when possibly millions of Thais do not live at the address they are officially registered! On a more constructive note, ask the Landlord for the copy; assuming that you have a rental contract. If you do NOT get the house register copy, then inform the immigration accordingly and give them the landlord's phone number ..........
  2. In clearer terms, the manila envelopes have not been distributed completely yet! If a chief says, that his relationship to his "deputy" is "two brothers in arms” ......... while there is Anupong - a third fellow in the equation ....... Interesting is also, that after seven+ years at the helm of this train without destination, he is "ready" to acquaint himself with and more "receptive" to MPs of the ruling Palang Pracharat ....... The only thing never mentioned and never really considered seems to be the electorate; well the first five years of his tenure there was no electorate to start with anyway .......
  3. Maybe the ministerial visit will decide, if the submarine port for the three Chinese subs will be fitted along the "destructed" Jomtien beach road or more close to the action after last night's Walking Street activities. In the past you had to pay for science fiction !
  4. Unelected power seekers were and are nothing new to me and, in all fairness, I thought that Prayuth intended to clean up part of the mess left behind by Yingluck. For one, he paid the long overdue promised B 15K per ton of rice. All the rest was one big disappointment after the other one and he had to give in to the US' threat of sanctions, if no elections would take place. Well, latter took place and ever since the country is run by a self-legalized military junta. Today Thailand will not be able to compensate of the purposely non-education of its people, a more than "imaginary" interpretation of the law, an ongoing "phuyai" attitude which is fatal in the 21st century and a complete non-preparedness for any challenge of the 21st century. In essence you're dealing with a population of 60+ million un- or insufficiently educated people, many of them crooked by the system while having the arrogant attitude of a super race. This will backfire in a very, very, very nasty way in not too distant future. A bumpy and very quick ride from the Middle Age via the 20th to the 21st century and it will be painful for many!
  5. Get a duplicate of the green motor vehicle registration first. You cannot pay taxes nor proof legal ownership which includes the hinderance of moving the vehicle from A to B. For a normal interprovincial transport usually it is suffice to enclose a photocopy of the vehicle registration showing the vehicle details, the owner's details as well as the last page(s) with updated road tax payment.
  6. Well, the empire will strike back - trust me on this! Those hotels, or for that matter, any surviving business, will have absorbed billions if not trillions of Baht of losses. Those losses will be carried forward in their accounting records and result in a more than wafer thin revenue base for the boys in the parliament and then there will be no more submarine shopping.
  7. "Observers say Thammanat’s removal could damage the ruling party’s chances of winning the next election." And who says it is damaging, if the ruling boys are not creaming off the next election? Asking for friend ????
  8. Well, my conclusion therefore is, that Thailand has become a completely failed state!
  9. I assume that the sale of coffee and tea crockery must have been seeing skyrocketing curves lately ..... But this is all governmental rubb1sh; take the no-booze-rule on Buddhist holidays. Burma/Myanmar is much more Buddhist than Thailand, the Laotians are Buddhists likewise and there are big clusters of followers of the Buddhist philosophy. Guess what; it is only in Thailand, where you get skinned alive and thrown into the slammer for having a drink on a Buddhist holiday. In other words, it has absolutely nothing to do with Buddhism - me thinks. And since all those viruses are alcoholics, booze is banned in restaurants (but not at home)! Mind boggling!
  10. I'm not the brightest candle on the cake but the more you scan, the more actual positive numbers you obtain. Scan less = numbers drop, scan more = numbers up. Am I missing something?
  11. I did a medical trip from a Mekong river province all the way to Pattaya and back. I observed the curfew, registered the trip with the government website (and got a QR code, one outbound, one homebound) and drove 750kms (one way, that is). Upon return back home I also observed the home quarantine (as I live on large piece of land, I usually leave home two, three times a month; not more). I'm out of officially instructed quarantine and can tell you, that: - 1'500kms of interprovincial highways (Road 212, 2, 304, 331, 3240) through 14 provinces there was not a single check-point anywhere - convenience stores at petrol stations open as usual, food and beverage available everywhere - nobody checked, upon my announced return, if I would observe "home self quarantine" - while I was in "self quarantine", my family members could come and go as they wanted without any screening/hinderance For me, all this is nothing but governmental lip servicing combined with scaring the <deleted> out of some people who still believe in the daily, sometimes twice daily announcements, updates and "breaking news". While all the rhetoric goes on in Bangkok, the people - as usual - completely ignore what is said and explains, why actually very little works in this country. Rules, laws and regulations are written for the sole purpose of being flatly disregarded, bent, broken or ignored! Let's see what the boys have up their sleeve to move the 1 October opening of Bangkok down the calendar ????
  12. Of course I have all the receipts; need them for my company's accounts. What is your point; are you working for DHL or the customs or just having a bad day? ????
  13. Here you go. Everyone else said it was a total failure but - no - they all were wrong as it now did win a Gold award. Condolences are in order! A fair assessment forecasts 90,000 - 110,000 genuine tourists (all the rest are expats returnees to families or those who have to come back to work). Compared to a previous 40 million (as so stated by the TAT) it works out being 0.00275% of the 2019 figure. So, two years ago you've handled 1,000 tourists and now 3 (three)? Well, that deserves a gold award!
  14. In its eternal wisdom - yet another splendid idea to promote tourism, litter boxes and other gifted ideas ........ electronic bracelets and reporting to the police every hour to the hour next? Would any Thai spend holidays like this anywhere on the planet? But yes, those guys cooking up such farts usually are above the average Joe - and fly in the "semi-divine" class ????
  15. All, not kidding ALL shipments handled by DHL got stucked at customs for sometimes exorbitant assessments; same content and/or non-dutiable stuff was handled smoothly by UPS, Fedex and EMS. Latter companies call to inform, that shipment ABC is assessed with X - agree or not - and then proceed. Anyway, everybody can handle such matters in their own way; I flatly refuse to deal with DHL ever again! But they quite obviously do no need my business as their delivery fleet and staff are overbuy with overtime and transit time to Pattaya took longer than the document pouch from Canada ????
  16. I - for one - shall miss the crook; he added lots of entertainment to the daily avalanche of what came out of the government house. As he is now "retired", a pilgrimage to Lourdes could be taken into consideration. After all, he has abilities beyond the average Joe; just take the misfortune of leaving Bangkok with a few kilogrammes of baking flour in your luggage just to get arrested upon arrival in Sydney. That nasty flour turned into illegal substance - hence some blessings from Lourdes or Fatima would be in order - me thinks!
  17. Well, they had moments in the kingdom with crocodiles on the run ...........
  18. Create the Ministry of Hungry Tiger Affairs and put a couple of ministers in charge. This would guarantee, that the tiger survives ........ Three teams - good luck!
  19. Once they tap that source, they are on the way out - will serve as a farewell gift for a well done job!
  20. Why does it not come as a surprise, that some pr1cks somewhere hidden behind a brown uniform invents laws and rules again? Either the lawmakers (and not some police goons) are revising the law on congregations in general, like location, number of people etc. Or they clearly say that the public in general and the most hated-Nonthais in particular have to shut up and get arrested for anything, which is not absolutely in line with the chief bananas. As they quite obviously fail to get their underlings to execute all those ideas born in air-conditioned offices or in the back of chauffeur-driven limos, they now rattle the cage with the non-Thai crowd. We're living in a failed state and it was a failure by its people to let such crooks creep into all those government offices. Welcome to Neanderthal!
  21. Wat Angkor and all the remaining witnesses of the Khmer Kingdom are here for the entire world and not for some narrow-minded people and their politicians, who will eventually (mis-)use this to stir trouble again. Remember the Khao Phra Viharn story some 10+ years ago? When these sites were built +/- one thousand years ago, there was no Indochinese kindergarten with "Cambodia, Laos or Thailand" in existence. It is like racism - came later and was introduced by some sick minds. Thais, yes, we know, never saw the purpose of R&D and why develop if you can copy illegally? Yet, having said that, no buyer of a real Rolex goes for a cheap copy sold by the truckloads everywhere in the land and likewise, no buyer of a copy would fork out the money for the real thing.
  22. Don't get me wrong but there is absolutely nothing - except life threatening circumstances - which I would justify stealing from a comatose person. There are other way, get an advance from the hospital, ask friends or postpone a due payment - before you "help yourself". Maybe harsh, yes, but there must be a line somewhere.
  23. Agree, but ever since DHL got nicely screwed on an issue some time back, ALL shipments are being produced at customs. I had a manual with pictures and drawings sent in and the customs wanted a hefty THB 1'870 on duties only. In addition, DHL wanted handling fees and said (no English spoken) that they could deliver only two days after clearance as they were "very busy". The manual, brand new, in German language was not even worth that much, but I needed it urgently. I had no choide but to pay up and collect it myself - despite having paid for a First class prime courier service. All other manuals came in through various sources, EXCEPT DHL and guess what, not a single shipment got stucked anywhere and delivered on the day of arrival in Pattaya. All shipments had the same declaration in English on the bubblewrap packaging. So, yes, duty applies irrespective of content but certainly not irrespective of freight forwarder or courier service you need. For me I rather die than use DHL ever again!
  24. To flood a beach road running parallel to the beach a mere few metres ........ worth a architectural OSCAR!
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