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Posts posted by onni4me

  1. The 15 roads and locations at greatest risk of flash floods are Chan, Sri Ayutthaya, Soi Sukhumvit 39, 49, 66 and 103, Lat Phrao, Nawamin, Ratchaphisek road at Robinson mall and at Lat Phrao intersection, Phetchaburi road from Banthad Thong to Ratchathewi roads, Nikhom Makkasan, Rama VI, Phetkasem, Yen Arkas, Sri Nakharin and Sanam Chai-Maha Raj road.

    Good marketing! Remember if looking for a place to live in. Choose one of these locations... :D

    Well, more seriously speaking, I lived for awhile at Lad Phrao and one morning the condominiums downstairs was flooded up to 1,5 meters so that people could not get to work. Nice! And we are not talking about an old unit, it was brand new one.

    And, of course, Thais are in denial saying that global changes in sea levels will not affect Bangkok when at the same time sea line is declining - was it 60 meters a year ??? :)

    Go away! There's nothing to see here. Heheh.

  2. neither group should be judgmental about the other - Live and Let Live.

    Sure I won't say anything unless I'm asked by the other half of the couple - you're the one that's lying to your partner ... not me.

    WOW! Live and let live to spill the can full of beans or worms, nice touch that is... :)

    Life is complicated sometimes and couples have different reasons to stick together. Besides that, I would be rather careful spilling anything. What one does not know doesn't hurt that much. I would be the last to tell anyone's bf about extracurricular activities.

    Your post just reminds me of so many gay guys that I met that only wanted to please themselves and make easy choices like in some sort of buffet table. Easy way, I admit but where is the true substance when one gets older and at least the sharpest edge of sexual thrills have gone? Just wondering since also met so many bitter old men who have done all in their power to avoid being with 'just one guy since there are so many' and ended up being alone when their appearance has faded.

    I do agree that sex is so much fun but when did it become the true essence of gay life? I mean, isn't there anything else outside Babylon, GayRomeo or Dongtan Beach (wherever that is)?

  3. The massage place "near the wedding shops" , maybe the same one in the vicinity of the Sofitel-Pullman Hotel? By the name of DOLPHIN. Went there last year, Half a dozen straight boys. The one I chose took pains afterwards to distance himself from me, ie, brought me tea and then sat on the other side of the room, so no one would think he was gay (?). Waste of time and money.

    If you look at the map and have any knowledge about Khon Kaen, you could say that you are mistaken. Dolphin still exists and is quite far from this place.

    What comes to your experience, many are not gay so they are service providers. They normally consider it to be work and being polite and offering tea is just a way to try to make you relax. And it is NOT a Thai custom to act intimate in front of others even in a gay sauna. It would make them loose face in front of others since they want still to have their own dignity - like it or not. After closing the doors many thing can take very interesting turns :)

    Khon Kaen is not Pattaya or Bangkok and things here work a bit differently. You might run into some interesting locals in this establishment as well, not just people selling their services. Mnay locals enjoy it here and it's not really worth it comparing it against - let's say - Babylon in Sathorn soi 1.

  4. Approximately how many masseurs did they have when you visited, please?

    I was there as invited guest for the opening, not as a customer. Since you asked, I phoned them and they told me that depending the day since some of the staff works elsewhere during the day and the sauna is at it's busiest during the weekends and holidays. They gave an estimate around ten masseurs in average.

    To your question...when I visited it was a party and the house was full so no idea how many were working and how many just attending. Nice way to get to know gay people, though :)

    I heard that they are planning a Halloween party next. Propably will attend...with no mask since I am scary enough already... :D

    Those interested can check their website http://c-male-kk.hi5.com

  5. Well...who knows what they are after? A white male with an Asian might as well be suspected of drug smuggling or something similar dodgy business. Or maybe they were thinking that you were engaged in some sort of illegal working or whatever. I have plenty of stamps in my passport and sometimes been stopped for a very long examination of all the stamps and so on. I suppose they weren't checking empty pages? Sometimes Asians are quite racist towards other Asians, donno why but seems to be so.

    Customs and immigration also have their own agenda and we might not be aware of all the things going on. Maybe they were looking for someone and your description matched their preinfo?

    Gays should not always be seeing everything from the perspective of discrimination. There can very well be other explanations. As our Finnish president said - she has worked in Gay organisation before - some gays are demanding rights but at the same time they are the most untolerant against others.

    What comes to that sign stating that long-haired men with make-up (or not) are not allowed...er...sounds like hearsay. Just could not imagine a rule like that. What could be interpreted as make-up? Facial cream? :)

    China is a communist country and I remember the old Soviet which was a pain in the ass while entering and exiting. They have traditions, you know...

    And what comes to immigration officials...I was served by one of the rudest individuals at the Helsinki airport on my way to Thailand. And that had nothing to do with me being gay.

  6. What facilities do they have? Pool, jacuzzi etc. #00 B seems a bit steep for KK. I pay less than that in BKK.

    I go to KK several times a year to visit my partners family and would really like to find somewhere to relax.

    As I said... Prices quoted were quite high but I suppose they must make some money to pay the rent.

    I know that Babylon charges 250 for entrance and is way better than this place but we are after all talking about KK and Esaan which has very little competition.

    What comes to relaxing...er...I would not necessarily go there just for relaxation :)

    As far as I know they have just the regular sauna and other normal stuff. I never visited the 2nd Floor...

  7. Khon Kaen has been quiet what comes to new places and especially non-sleaze ones (by this is mean simply dirty places).

    Yesterday I took part of a party that raised some money to local HIV+ children's home and to my surprise it was quite fun, except that I was the only foreigner there. :)

    If someone is interested, it is located on the Maliwan Road (Thanon Maliwan) near to university campus, going from town to the direction of Chum Pae. On the left side with a ad next to the road. Staff is friendly, some drinks available, seems to be clean by Esaan standards not that I took a look on the actual Sauna which is located 2nd floor.

    Prices quoted were quite high but I suppose they must make some money to pay the rent. Sauna for a 300 Baht admission fee, 500 for a masseur and a tip on top of that. Negotiable, I presume.

    They also run a local Esaan Gay chat room. People seemed to have come from Udon and various nearby cities. The whole occasion was rather heartwarming and people seemed to enjoy themselves.

    I'll put up some nice pics later when get my Photoshop going... :D

  8. There's no need to be rude. They guy said it was his first time. Don't you remember your first time in Thailand? How overwhelming it all was?

    Yes, I do remember but he smells like a troll.

    Who goes to fun area without having a clue? We have had our site visited by very curious personalities. If I would be in Phuket, I'd be looking and smelling the surroundings and head for a pub that is obviously crowded by foreigners and just make a lot of questions and talk and strut around and...

    Anyway, whatever. Didn't intend to be rude. :)

  9. I am a bit nervous of exploring some bars as they sound sleazy and it is ... to pay for sex? I just want to meet a guy (or guys) who are also on holiday for fun - will this be possible?

    Nervous of seeing sleazy bars?

    Just wanna see regular (non gay, perhaps?) guys?

    Stay home and go to your corner pub, please.

    You seem somehow familiar like that guy who wanted to see guys in Samui (?) or some other Island and we never came to an idea what was it that he actually was after. All what is missing is you to state that you are not interested having sex..?

    I am waiting... :)

  10. Hmm...what a take on the subject!

    I NEVER considered moving to Thailand and as so many came here just for a holiday that turned into something totally different.

    I had been looking my better half quite a while in Europe and ended up with wrong kinds. I think that the big egos are sometimes the factor that can not be overcome in the West.

    When my father asked about me being with a man, he asked does it feel like being with a lady. Hmph!...I said that I have never taken this idea of being Queen or King, I simply am a man that loves another man.

    We are compatible in many ways and by this I mean that 90% of relationship is in your head. You make love with your brains. I am not very easy person and my lovely husband is quite forgiving when we have problems. He can handle me with his Asian (?) ways and always in the end we feel that the air has been cleaned. Talking about this, I don't mean we have any real big problems, but as anyone living with a Thai family knows: There are always issues and it is not always about you.

    So, for me it is not about Thai or Caucasian, it is about personality. My bf is kind, generous, happy soul that makes me love him more and more just being there.

    And I still believe that 'we' as Thai lovers are a minority. Majority sticks to their guns and never even consider having more than an occasional holiday fling.

  11. Yes, I never notice anything. Like the time when walking my evening walk around the lake seeing a couple f*****g on a bench. But luckily I am blind. And I am also revealing my cultural unsensitivity. Don't know anything about Thai or Thai culture.

    Ignorant fuc_k, that I am. Need to be batted until death.

    P.S. Sarcasm is a difficult form of writing.

    You are actually coming across as more agressive than sarcastic.

    No need to take things so personally. No one was attacking you.

    Hmm...actually sarcasm has a Greek roots and originally meant 'ripping off one's flesh'. Can't be much more aggressive than that, I suppose.

    I don't take things personally. People knowing me could confirm that. What I take personally is any kind of injustice. I just like to write here. Maybe it takes some edge off the stress that I confront on other areas like work. Cheaper than going to see a shrink...which might explain why so many here are more aggressive than in so called normal life. No offense to anyone.

  12. That's because holding hands and hugging a a member of the same sex is acceptable whereas to many Thais doing the same to a member of the opposite sex is not.

    That's why I like it here so much... :)

    Although, I believe that Songkhran seems to be an exception. Many young guys seem to use it an excuse to touch ladies going as far as grabbing their tits - normally rubbing some sort of baby powder mud into them. That wouldn't do in most European countries without being punched in the nose. Amazing Thailand, indeed.

  13. Surprised you haven't noticed this.

    Yes, I never notice anything. Like the time when walking my evening walk around the lake seeing a couple f*****g on a bench. But luckily I am blind. And I am also revealing my cultural unsensitivity. Don't know anything about Thai or Thai culture.

    Ignorant fuc_k, that I am. Need to be batted until death.

    P.S. Sarcasm is a difficult form of writing.

  14. In a society where holding your gf/bf's hand in public is frowned upon, can you see why some people would get antsy?

    Er...excuse me but where in the fantasy land you live in?

    I have noticed terrible degenerate practices taking place in this kingdom and people actually hugging and holding hands...and kissing in public. YES! Terrible horrible kissing is taking place. We need desperate measures to crack down on kissing and these disgusting practices.

    It may be that there are people who don't hold hands but that might be due to hot weather and sticky hands. I believe that there exists no more that traditional Thailand. Things have changed and people do get influences from movies, ads and so on. They do drive motorbikes and cars not drive a water buffalo wagons. Men do not dress up in sarongs so much as they used to.

    I sometimes hug my bf (mostly among family and close friends) and even hold his hand and so far haven't noticed anyone frowning upon me. But that must make me sex hungry disgusting farang that should be beaten to death by some mob. Maybe we could take some advice from Taliban how to hit people with sticks when dressed unproperly.

    Maybe as geriatric you are, you could lead the crowd against modern winds waving your walking stick. Morals...bah!

  15. In the past there were no gays or ladyboys, but today they live together openly, they wear revealing clothes in the streets. We had to go out in force to protect our culture against this...

    Makes me so sad always...anyway there have been Thai history professionals who have proved that there has existed a gay and ladyboy culture for centuries. Nothing new except this new trend of violent measures against minorities. Is violence Thai Lanna culture?

    Living together? Revealing clothes? A threat to culture...let me laugh. Why not go back to ride with water buffaloes and ban cars that really destroy f.e. Chiang Mai?

    Lanna art was subsequent cross cultural influences from Myanmar and Sukhothai had some effect on Lanna art and architecture, but a distinctive cultural identity existed up to the present.The charm and gentleness of the Northerners seldom fail to impress even the most demanding of visitors. Many fall in love with sweetness and delicated arts of Lanna.

    The rich culture and history owe much to the influence of Burma and, to a certain extent Laos.Lanna is completely different from other provinces of Thailand in arts style and culture. It is generally acknowledged, throughout Thailand,

    that the Northern women are the most beautiful and people friendliest and politest in the country..

  16. Some would be better off (and happier) with the noodle stand...

    Somehow I agree that education in the modern world may or may not be the solution. So called experts are popping up like mushrooms and they sometimes have very little true value in actual everyday business. IMHO, education is sometimes truly overvalued. Sometimes I feel it comes from this perception that you can make your way from rugs to riches through education. A true Dickensian 18th century belief. In nowadays competitive environment, it is very unlikely.

    To begin with, one should have substantial amount of capital to make proper gains. And that most of us don't have. Then looking especially Thai infrastructure, some expenses like logistics are very high in comparison to f.e. Europe. It can be as high as 12% of the final sales price, in Europe between 2-5%. Many fields are not very competitive since they are closed from competition (no foreigner owned companies).

    In my native Finland, you need many years of education and then you still might end up with a meager job. I feel that resources are used in very silly ways. A simple sales job might require years of education that does not contribute much to the actual job.

    What comes to Thais, many seem to have very rosy views how much they can make in their dream business. Many times when I have calculated how much they could make and how much rent and other costs, they have lost their smile and almost frowned upon me. Sometimes they seem to live in an illusion. One might think it is better to let them dream than to engage in any business with them. This I believe is the best solution.

  17. I'm not saying there are not younger partners out there looking for older men, just to be clear, and I know that strong love is possible in such cases. I'm saying that as an older man, very often I don't think they offer as much as someone closer to my age, in terms of emotional support, mutual understanding, mature perspective, financial equity, and even sexual interest.

    Okay, got you. I was in the belief when I was younger that I was attracted to young guys and could not think that old geezers could be actually having sex. :)

    Anyway, when one gets older it might be that one wants more from the partner. Those things you mentioned above. I have lovely husband that gives me everything and could not think what kind of person it could be to attract me away from him. The age and looks is not that much of an issue to me since I am perfectly happy what I have now.

    I think the mental side becomes more and more important when time passes. Although, some seem to be completely happy with someone that hardly speaks any understandable words.

    I have an experience from gay friends when I finished with my former bf. When we were together they didn't say anything but when we broke up they came with all kinds of complaints and faults that they considered painted a picture of my ex-bf. That was kind of hurtful since I sincerely would appreciate more direct approach when something is going on - not later.

  18. I'm not one to say that relationships between persons of whatever age cannot be real, but I do think a greater age difference makes them harder. Of course, if only sex and companionship are the goals, the age difference is not such a big deal.

    Hmm...I could challenge that by asking why you think experience and age would make it more difficult to have a younger partner? One might think the opposite to be true.

    Are you possibly talking about love? That too, comes in all possible forms and variations.

    In my case, I was looking someone no more than 10 years younger. One might say that there is a tendency to find younger partner rather than older. But that, of course, is just a matter of taste. My bf is 7 years younger...er...but being polite as Thais are, they compliment me saying that I am the one looking younger. I don't complain about that... :D

    I do agree that complaining sometimes works as strenghtening friendships or even as subject matters in casual encounters. Maybe it is a way to get to know someone. You tell me what kind of complaints you have and I will tell you what kind of a person you are... :)

  19. If at 60 you find love with a 20 year old, good luck to you, but believe me, such cases are very rare.

    Yes, I believe those are rare cases but I happen to know people that live happily under such circumstances. So? Why should I or you make any judgment about 'people like that'?

    Each their own is my standing. If you twist that age difference around into the straight relationships...er...how many guys in their 60s have girlfriend or wife 40 years younger? I could imagine it being much more % than in gay relationships. Maybe just my perception...

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