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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. maybe joe is off to meet trump in iowa or maybe even south dakota where trump apparently thought he had landed for the iowa primary?
  2. uh...there is more than one trial in more than just DC in case you somehow missed that? lets see how several different juries to include red states decide beyond a reasonable doubt that the emperor has no clothes. You are free to vote for a likely convicted felon all you want. Heck send him some $$ and go visit him in the slammer if you want. Get MAGA tattooed on your forehead but that will not stop the wheels of justice from turning. Special thanks to all the trumper Republicans who have testified to the crimes they witnessed while they were in the room. Those crafty dems somehow managed to convince all these life long republicans to go on the stand and tell lie after lie to assist the dems in "persecuting" perfect donald. True democracy would have been the winner of the popular vote over and over and over being elected rather than an archaic electoral college system that gives a few states the power to end up with someone who gets millions of fewer votes to get elected....and then have trumpers whine and whine about unfair it all is.
  3. Have stayed in vt 6 for over a year. Never had any serious problem with the elevators. Every building with elevators likely every now and then has a glitch. IMO vt6 is a very well constructed and maintained building ...in fact i have been pleasantly surprised at how well the elevators in vt 6 work in spite of very heavy use. .i have been in at least 5 of the 13 or so view talay buildings around pattaya/jomtien and every single one of them appears to be well constructed, maintained, and managed.
  4. here we go again with the "persecution" crap Has it escaped your attention that almost every witness that has or is testifying against trump are republican trumpers who voted for trump and wanted trump to win.....so i guess trump is actually being politically persecuted by trumpers? When you commit felony after felony in multiple jurisdictions and probable cause is found by four separate grand juries and there is a pile of documents, videos, audios, public statements as well as first hand testimony by multiple high ranking republicans who were actually in the room and witnessed trumps crime first hand it is a stretch that only a true cult could surmise that it is all orchestrated by democrats "persecuting trump". See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.....the motto of the deaf dumb and blind.
  5. Want some cool weather? Head up around Chiang Rai in Dec/Jan. Better take a jacket.
  6. Appears to me that the base is an airbnb trying to semi operate as a hotel without maybe having the regular maintenance performed as expected in most hotels with near daily turnover and owners who are not anxious to lay the $$ out.....i thought the Edge was better building all around but i think they do try to somewhat control the airbnb brigade of daily rentals.
  7. Not exactly a solution unless i want to be even more irritating to others and possibly turn the entire pool area into a contest as to who has the biggest boom box.
  8. I remember when mobile phones first appeared and lots of people thought they would impress everyone by walking around talking loudly. Unfortunately that trend has increased with untold numbers of people talking loudly, listening to videos or their version of music with little to no thought if just maybe it might drive lots of people nearby nuts. From what i see the offenders just flat out do not care. It's "all about me" seems to be their attitude. I like to sit by a pool and read as do many people. Then in comes some brain dead moron with no headphones or ear buds and proceeds to either talk forever on the phone, listen to some inane music or watch and blast some stupid video disturbing everyone. They do not care. I often wish somebody braver than me would take their phone and toss it into the deep end.
  9. have not done it yet...i have til dec 1 to decide if i want to go to viet nam or maybe Vientiane...or could just bite the bullet and do an all day cambodia border run via van then another extension at immigration etc..If i were Russian then get 90 days and not have to deal with it....
  10. is Vientiane relatively easy to get a 60 day thai tourist visa issued? I assume u need to make an appointment and not just show up....anyone know how long it takes to get it issued? txs
  11. all but the most obtuse no doubt understand that $ can mean more generically MONEY in whatever currency
  12. So the poster with the 200-400 THB in 4 minute agents that are available to do a 30 day extension seems to have "gone with the wind" when asked to provide contact information and now others are spreading the same info as they read it on this thread. Many of us eagerly await the agents names and contact information but i suspect we will have a very long wait.
  13. yes not all that bad for me as i am staying nearby...not so much fun for others who are not staying in jomtien and had to either sit and wait all day or leave and come back next day or rent hotel or ?? IF they had just put the stamp in my passport when i paid them i would have been gone by 10 am....but NO go sit and wait another 45 mins + and THEN tell everyone come back tomorrow.... .extension stamp transfer and extension of visa are not the same thing....as said good for you having quick service...all i have done is said here is what i and dozens of others experienced yesterday.
  14. good for you but not my experience....and i would have been happy to come back later if only someone had told me and others that was an option...but no we were all told to go sit and wait and after 45 mins then the guy comes out and says come back later so another 45 mins (for me longer for some others) of waiting that could have been avoided IF someone had so advised.
  15. Not yesterday...after i paid the 1900 thb she gave me another numbered ticket and i had to hold it in front of me and she took pic of me holding the ticket...of course she could have just stamped my passport which she had in her hand and we would have been done..Or maybe someone could have said if you want you can come back today at 430 or tomorow to pick it up...but NO...go sit and wait for 45 more minutes and then the guy says come back later.... anyway...did go back this a.m at 830 and got passport no more dramas....
  16. 30 day extension has nothing to do with bank details but agree i would not be a participate in the fake bank deposits done by agents for retirement visas that many brag about.
  17. I remember last year that after paying the 1900 baht i was given yet another number and told to wait for passport....but the wait then was maybe 20 minutes....it is absurdly obvious that by the time u get to the pay money stage that all your docs and copies have been gone over 3 or 4 times already so stamp the damn visa in there give me my passport and be done with it. But NO. Go wait some more. Talking to several other guys there and we decided the reason they do this is to make it as inconvenient as possible to encourage more use of agents to increase the bribe $$ they receive from various agents....not sure but if that is the goal but they sure have figured out how to make it all a total clusterfxxk....
  18. Yes please share the agent name and contact info as i would be delighted to pay 400 baht for them to handle it all in two minutes....me and a few thousand other people to include probably everyone that was at immigration today. Some of the people there had come into jomtiem from well outside the area and had no doubt left at crack of dawn to be there early only to be told at 1045 am come back 430pm or tomorrow....not exactly what u want to hear when trying to get what should be a simple 30 day extension.
  19. I just did it yesterday and of course you go to the front bus unless you want to sit and wait a long long time...no idea what that other guy is on about....go to the FRONT bus, as soon as it is full it leaves and the next bus pulls up, fills up and leaves. Stand there and watch for 2 minutes and you will quickly see that is exactly how it works.
  20. Please provide agent name and location that will do that in two minutes for that price.
  21. no not first time...and not standard....it is always a pain in the butt but to tell everyone come back at 4;30 or 830 am at 1045 am was/is ridiculous....i was sitting with a group of couple dozen people and we had all been through the hoops and paid the $$ and were just waiting for them to stamp the visa extension in and return passport as normal (of course the papers had all been checked and rechecked so why the gal that took the $$ could not simply put the stamp in passport and give back to you then rather than go sit and wait some more is some kind of stupid normal}....then guy comes out and says go home/come back...
  22. So went at 745 am today...opens at 830. I was #4 in que. All docs in order, need 30 day extension. Go here, go there. wait here wait there.,. pay 1900 THB wait. Finally at 1045 am guy comes out and says have to come back today at 430 or tomorrow at 830 to pick up passports. Needless to say lot of pissed off people who don't live in jomtiem and not happy. No reason given, obviously no apology. Pitiful.
  23. yes i read that and he also says he thinks it saved his life...which was my point as to why wearing a helmet is always a good idea since you never know when an accident might be 30 seconds away.
  24. The good news is the horrible band that plays at MYTH from 9 til 2 am and seems to think by playing louder and louder it somehow will make them better (it doesn't) were shut down for the night.
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