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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. Everywhere i look in USA most people have nice cars, nice homes, nice clothes, send their kids to nice schools, eat out often, drink $5 coffees like water, go on nice vacations. All the airlines are packed even with higher prices. Hotels are full. Concerts are full. Sports stadiums are full. Vegas is packed. Disney charges a ransom but is also packed. If one didn't watch fox "news" one would probably not be aware that the USA economy has crashed and the sky is falling.
  2. Saying trump is mentally ill is a kind way of saying he is not fit to be anywhere near the white house as that is at least a semi excuse for his behavior.
  3. Sort of like the games that Bill Barr played with the Mueller report as he totally mischaracterized the findings to try and protect his god, savior, boss, the don who made multiple attempts to weaponize the DOJ against a wide variety of enemies. Next thing you know lying Lyndsey will claim he is over and done with trump...oh wait he already did that along with mealy mouth maga moron McCarthy. The clown car is running out of gas.
  4. Oh how i miss dealing with immigration in mae sai....never had a bad experience there in a dozen or so visits.
  5. Clarence needs a math lesson - “close friends for more than 25 years” when you’ve been on the Court for 31+ years just underscores the reek of impropriety. Nobody trusts you Clarence, or your seditious wife. Sure Clarence would be a close friend and invited to fly on private jets, cruise on luxury yachts with private chefs, stay in private fishing resorts if he were just another black man...in fact there would probably be several other blacks at the resort, yachts, jets but they would likely be there to clean the toilets and serve the drinks. Does anyone anywhere actually believe that if Thomas were not a supreme justice that a rich right wing texas billionaire would give him or his wife the time of day? Clarence claims that he asked several jurists early in his career and was told he didn't need to report his luxurious gifts...ok Clarence under oath tell us who exactly told you that as we would like for them to verify under oath that any jurist anywhere would be that dumb to tell you to take hundreds of thousands in gifts and not to report. As a judge you need to be smart enough to know that accepting such gifts is just as bad as taking envelopes full of cash. Avoid even the appearance of impropriety. Legal or not anyone who is that stupid has no place being a Judge much less a supreme court judge. Maybe the republican house McCarthy and his cohorts would like to join the dems in the senate who are demanding ole long dong silver RESIGN and that Roberts also be taken to task for being unaware or unconcerned with such behavior. As for his wife and Clarence refusal to recuse himself from cases that it was public knowledge she was involved and was being paid 120 k a year by republican donors.....is it possible that ANYONE with even an elementary knowledge of the law and proper behavior would think that was just fine and Clarence would not be influenced? Every member of the house and senate as well as all the Federal judges nationwide should call for Thomas to resign today.
  6. But of course there are lots of farangs who use agents to get around the 800 K baht requirement....I do wonder if the day may not come sometime when this entire scam gets shut down and everyone who gets a retirement visa will have to follow the same rules? Funny how many farangs whine about double pricing and corruption and other related ills but choose to participate in the furtherance of the bribe economy to bend or circumvent the rules.....and then brag about it all and advise others to do the same.
  7. so the worst the service, the longer the wait, the more sending you back for yet more stupid copies this and that, the more come back tomorrow, the more yelling at people, the more chaos all around, the less fans, seating, longer lines.....then guess what? More people use agents and more brown envelopes and gifts get passed to immigration officials to "assist" the agents with priority treatment. A short look at the bank accounts and assets of a few of the bosses I suspect would reveal assets well beyond what their salary would justify. Let's all just hold our breath til that happens..... Maybe they could just skip the agents and have a line for..."bribes accepted here to skip BS"....
  8. Wow that is rich to say biden behaves like a child and try and compare his behavior to the biggest spoiled cry baby ever........ trump is always such a well behaved responsible person except for 99% of the time when he whines repeatedly like a 3 year old who wants ice cream now..there has never been a bigger whiner in or near the white house than trump...not even close. Everything he has ever done in his life was/is perfect...don't believe that ?just ask him.
  9. For all the doomsday about how horrible the US economy is under Biden it certainly appears to me that the vast majority of Americans are doing just fine, living in nice houses, driving nice cars, going on vacations, dining out often, house values at record highs, unemployment at record lows, wages creeping up, and on and on. Sure there is inflation and that is a problem but I really don't observe the doom and gloom and the sky is falling. Seems to me every bar and restaurant, every hotel and resort, every airplane seat, every concert, play, entertainment venue etc are all close to capacity as people spend a lot of discretionary $$ on non essentials. Who knows maybe it will all come tumbling down or maybe it will become the new normal. As for printing $$ some might want to take a look at how the deficit did under the previous administration but of course that would involve having to admit that under the "fiscal responsible" republicans the deficit went to levels never contemplated under ANY previous administration. Oh and we are all still awaiting the long promised republican budget that will solve any and all problems with it's magical math.....IF they ever produce a budget to be inspected rather than throwing rocks at those that actually do produce budgets. Easy to sit in the bleachers and boo the quarterback. Not so easy when you ARE the quarterback.
  10. "false accusations"....really? So a grand jury of 23 people picked at random look at the actual evidence and then vote to indict just for fun I guess....."false accusations" backed up by an avalanche of evidence much of it provided directly by trump and his big mouth, backed up further by documents and testimony of a wide variety of people who were actually in the rooms or participants.....ultimately a variety of jurors will decide which accusations are backed by hard evidence and will convict or refuse to convict on a wide variety of trumps "witch hunts"....poor little donnie is always getting picked on is not going to like the outcome of several coming trials no matter how much he and his cult scream and whine....must be sad to be a cult member and under such a spell that you become incapable of rational thought.
  11. Don't present facts to trumpers....it confuses them as they thrive on BS.
  12. If nothing else trump has proven if you tell enough lies, make them outrageous enough ,and repeat them ad nauseum about 25% of Americans will believe whatever you say regardless of evidence that most often proves beyond any reasonable doubt that it is total BS. Hear no evil See no evil use head for hack rack only. Do not question trump...no matter how absurd the claims.
  13. If Trump were really treated like any other defendant he would already be in contempt of court and if he continued he would be in jail until trial. Even mafia defendants knew better than to publicly attack a judge much less his family. Trump of course would like to think he is a mafia don but he is too dumb. Keep it up trump and see how it works out for you and your big mouth.
  14. 60++ court cases, recount after recount, investigation after investigation ,mostly done by republicans...two years later still waiting for any credible evidence of rigged election...at some point in time a rational person might conclude that if there were any evidence someone would lay it out for the world to see. A rational person might finally admit that they have been lied to by Trump and the bat shxt crazy conspiracy theory bunch that continues to push their stolen election BS without any evidence. Please please all you election deniers go ahead and show us your evidence. We have all been waiting for over two years. If you have no evidence then man up and admit that you are/were wrong and trump did not win the 2020 election....not even close.
  15. And 70% of republicans still believe the 2020 election was stolen, the earth is flat, and if you stand by your mail box Ed McMahon and the easter bunny will show up with Publishers clearing house check for a few hundred million bucks just for you....delusional.
  16. And your law degree is from ? Just be patient. Wait til the other shoes all drop for docs, for georgia, for Jan 6. Stormy is the least of trumps problems.
  17. see no evil hear no evil....smoke and mirrors or jugs of kool aide?
  18. https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/05/politics/mike-pence/index.html The stormy case is the least of trumps worries. Wait til Pence sings like a bird about what he observed and was told by trump in regards to efforts legal or illegal ,violent or whatever it takes to overthrow the election. The flood gates will soon open and just maybe a few republicans will grow a spine and tell what they know rather than hide under their desks with their thumbs in their mouth. Maybe it has finally dawned on Pence that trump would have been just fine if his MAGA thugs had hung him.....next bring on mealy mouth coward Mark Meadows and give him a choice of testifying or spending some time in a very small cell thinking about how trump throws everyone he touches under the bus. Lots of stormy days coming for trump and he will dearly wish that the only thing to worry about is a porn star.
  19. This may make t wet his pants to have his former lapdog grow a spine and testify what he was told by trump or witnessed first hand in the days leading to Jan 6 and trumps attempts to overthrow the election by any means possible, legal or not, violent or not. The Stormy Daniels case is the very least of trumps worries. There are some stormy days ahead for Trump and the biggest threat won't be paying off a porn star. And did anyone else think it "rich" that trump demands that the stormy judge should recuse himself but of course it's fine for Clarence Thomas in the Supreme Court to not recuse himself while his wife is actively and openly trying to assist in overthrowing the election?
  20. There are lots of agents who will "get" you a bankbook to show 800 k and they front the $$. Then the $$ disappears as soon as they get the retirement visa for you. Have heard many farangs brag about how they are able to avoid the requirements by paying an agent $1000-1300 USD to fix it all up for them. Not sure I would want to take the chance that one of these days somebody might actually investigate this shady practice and if/when they do I would bet that it will be the farang that is left holding the bag...not the agent who bribed an immigration officer and certainly not the immigration officer.
  21. If you want to ban books then start with a ban the biggest brainwashing book ever....the Bible. Full of sex crime lies and fairy tales. Of course very few have ever actually read the entire book but cherry pick portions that support whatever view they decide fits their narrative or definition of good/evil. Actually the bible does have some good advice about how to treat and interact with your fellow man.....especially the "least among us" unfortunately very few so called christians follow that advice.
  22. Oh you will get your big burger soon enough....read the indictment or indication as t calls it...
  23. yes but that doesn't mean that a guard or a hitman might get to him....contrary to what the right thinks there are a lot of people who don't much care for the don.
  24. Good luck with enforcement of getting motorbikes, cars to stop for zebra crossings or red lights. Good luck getting tourists and locals to cross only at crosswalks. When you have cops riding motorbikes the wrong way on the beach road sidewalks (with no helmets of course) it hardly serves as a model for everyone to observe the laws. If they want to be serious they have to copy Vietnam who went from Thailand like numbers to almost 100% helmet compliance, not riding on sidewalks, etc, by slapping big fines on violators or even seizing their bikes. Apparently small brides do not get you off the hook there.
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