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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. And how many home invaders have been killed by ar 15 compared to how many innocent people killed by idiots with ar 15 that never ever should be allowed to buy a weapon of war?? If u really want to kill a home invader your best weapon is likely a 12 gauge shotgun as it would be almost impossible to miss.
  2. Que the fund raising emails to the brain dead NRA bunch from the greatest grifter and con man ever....I hear he may want some new gold plated toilets and even though he is very very very rich he would prefer to use the $$ of his Maga morons.
  3. T should declare himself the greatest grifter and conman ever, give himself a trophy, and move to N Korea and continue his love affair with his bromance dictator Kim....
  4. no worries....bible beaters, republicans, NRA, and delusional people know all they need is thoughts and prayers and no more mass slaughters
  5. The supreme court is too busy grifting $$, lavish vacations, private jets, real estate and lying about roe v wade positions etc to worry about such trivial separation of church and state matters...if u want help from Supremes recommend you provide some lavish vacations or similar to get their attention.
  6. And Clarence apparently thinks that crow just happened to decide that he wanted to be best of buddies with him and hang out together for decades and that it had zero to do with him being a supreme court justice? I guess Crow just needed more friends and couldn't find any to hang with him on his yachts and private jets and then one day he just happened to meet ole Clarence and thought now there is one charming dude...no idea what he does for a living but lets be buddies.....how fast would those invites disappear if ole Clarence ruled the opposite way that Crow prefers on any number of decisions? If indeed Clarence was that dumb and naïve, not to mention crooked, he has no business anywhere near the court.
  7. I gave up beef in Thailand long ago....just not worth it. Chicken and pork are the name of the game in LOS and IMO few people do those two better than the Thais.
  8. Just imagine if it were a liberal judge....fox news and maga heads would go 24/7 screaming for immediate impeachment and their heads would explode. Of course they would allow charles manson to stay on as if he is gone then the dems would get to pick the next one....unless of course repubs block that as they did before.......amazing bunch of hypocrites law and order my rear end.
  9. truly sad isn't it...i remember watching his confirmation hearings long ago and I had no doubt that he should never ever have been confirmed....now we have clarence and a couple recently confirmed that flat out lied re their position on roe v wade to get confirmed...it's all on tape. Lifetime appointments obviously enbolden them to thumb their nose at the entire judiciary system and the American public...must feel not so great to be a low level guy sitting in prison for taking bribes and get to see the top judges do worse with zero problems.
  10. Amazing silence from the house and senate and other federal judges nationwide....how sad that in their silence they tacitly send the message that Thomas atrocious lack of any moral awareness is ok with them. Any first year law student would know that acceptable norms for all judges is to avoid even the suggestion/appearance of conflict of interest. This behavior over a 20 ++ year span is beyond belief and needs to be stopped with a resignation or impeachment now.
  11. Everything he has done since birth was PERFECT.....how do i know that? Why because he has told everyone that and we all know that he would never ever tell a lie, be a conman, a grifter, a rapist, a tax fraud, a coup plotter.....how do we know this? Because he has told us this. ...and I understand that Santos has verified all of the claims personally.
  12. Well he does have to provide ten tons of evidence to partially overcome the gallons of kool aide that enables trumpers to see no evil hear no evil....and even that probably will not convince the hard core that the emperor is a con man grifter with no clothes...
  13. I don't think Jack Smith is a guy you want to mess with if you are playing games with financial reporting, fund raising, valuations, tax reporting, etc. Remember what took Al Capone down was tax charges. Like Capone donnie and his army of lawyers and accountants have not demonstrated that they are real great at telling the truth about financial matters, and unlike the he said, she said stuff there is most likely a very long paper trail of docs/filings/report forms, tax returns, etc that Mr. Smith is pouring through. Juries just love to see the paperwork and don't much like folks who brag constantly about how hugely rich they are and they scam their supporters and cheat on their taxes by millions.
  14. i know $$ important but i also remember few years back lot of bars etc had no arabs, no this and that signs on their doors....also not sure the average bar gal given a choice would choose to go with some of these guys rather than other guys....and of course we have all heard the stories of indians trying to share one drink or one girl among several...no idea if true but most thai folks probably would not much like that....also lots of reports of airbnb and hotels renting a room and suddenly 6 people staying there......just saying that my guess is that most thai people might wish that the mix being promoted were a bit different but it is what TAT seems to be intent on....
  15. hopefully a few judges with some gonads will slap he and his lawyers with some sanctions for his frivolous suits...otherwise there is no doubt that he will sue everyone under the sun and then try and drag it all out for a decade or until he kicks the bucket....it is what he has done over and over all his life and will continue to do so until there are consequences. Pence and Meadows could likely end it all if they actually testify and not cower in the corner like the cowards that they so far have been. I would guess that is one of t's biggest fears in spite of all the bravado.
  16. It is hard to imagine how Saudis and their culture fit with Thai culture.... Thailand wants to lure Russians, Chinese, Saudis and Indians as dominant tourists. Wonder what the Thai people think about that mix?
  17. But a snout that actually got elected by the Thai people and not installed by tanks rolling through the streets in a coup and then installed HIS cronies to run their version of corruption.
  18. Only 60 + court cases and recount after recount and investigation after investigation mostly done by republicans or hand picked trump lapdogs...and yet over two years later no credible proof of any significant voter fraud. And yet donnie and his delusionals cling to the same old tired big lie theory that somebody stole the election from little donnie. Alleging an election is being stolen from him is a routine Trump tactic, despite no evidence to back up his assertions. When competing for the GOP presidential nomination in 2016, Trump claimed his loss in the Iowa caucuses was due to fraud. When he won the White House that November but lost the popular vote, Trump claimed the only reason for falling short in the latter category was because undocumented immigrants voted. A task force he formed to find voter fraud disbanded without finding any evidence to back up his claim. In 2020, Trump began arguing the election would be fraudulent months before voting started. He attacked efforts to loosen restrictions on mail voting during the coronavirus pandemic, and expanded those allegations after losing the election to claim he'd actually won it. Those lies led to the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the U.S. Capitol. Federal and state election officials and Trump’s own attorney general have said there is no credible evidence the 2020 election was tainted. The former president’s allegations of fraud were also roundly rejected by courts, including by judges Trump appointed.
  19. Honesty? Wow you are able to be a t supporter and talk about honesty? That is some strong kool aide.
  20. no current fed law prohibits t from running even if he is locked up in prison...unless he is convicted of treason...don jr has even less biz in the white house than his dad if that is even possible but no doubt the cult would see him as the son of the savior and the evangelicals would be all in.
  21. Gabbard is a republican so doubt she would be dems pick.. try and keep up.
  22. Al Franken's "sins" seem so minor now especially compared to the grab em by the pxxxy up to his ears in criminal charges trump.....the dems actually pressured franken to resign as they felt he had crossed a moral line....big mistake...the repubs have no moral line for fellow repubs and would never pressure anyone to resign even if they are a corrupt supreme like clarence thomas or a lying idiot like george santos or a bat shxt crazy POS like MT greene or total liars like two more repub supremes who flat out lied re their roe v wade positions....or a man that tried and continues to try to overthrow an election. I think Franken would make a good president...he and amy klobachar would be a good team
  23. Using fox "news" sources is sort of like taking legal advice from Clarence Thomas....there just might be a few "whoppers" in the bag.
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