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Everything posted by pomchop

  1. Officials have proposed that the provincial governor close the pub for five years.
  2. Yes he should be ashamed of himself for doing every thing he could come up with to try and overthrow the certification of the duly elected president via illegal riots and fake electors after all of his LEGAL challenges were dismissed by the COURTS. Yes he should be ashamed to keep beating that same old dead STOLEN ELECTION <deleted> without presenting an ounce of proof of any significant fraud two years later. Yes he should be ashamed to promise apologies and pardons to rioters who beat cops and threatened to hang his own vice president in an attempted coup. ...and more importantly his supporters should be ashamed of the attempts to justify such illegal and unlawful behavior.
  3. Let's hide behind the law, "presumed innocent until proven guilty" but refuse to support the law as in peaceful transfer of power as upheld by 60 court cases no fraud etc when you LOSE an election. Got it.
  4. Being a democrat does not make me blind to what Trumpers are trying to achieve with their lies, threats of violence, and refusal to accept the results of elections after all their legal avenues to challenge said elections are thrown out of court after court and proven invalid by recount after recount.
  5. I am more concerned about a dictator wannabe and his cult followers trying to seize power by encouraging violence, by promising to apologize and pardon rioters who beat cops and tried to overturn a fair and legitimate election....who continue to claim election was rigged totally disregarding 60 court cases and numerous recounts that after almost two years still do not have ANY EVIDENCE of significant fraud. (what part of PUT UP or SHUT UP is not understood? What part of sore loser is misunderstood?) I am concerned about a former president who hauls dozens of boxes out of the white house containing hundreds of classified and top secret documents then lies to FBI for over a year and refuses to return the documents, calls for attacks on FBI agents, praises Putin and Dear Leader while calling the POTUS an enemy of the state. Since republican congress members all hide under their desk and refuse to call out what they all can see it is apparent that the President needs to sound the alarm bell loud and clear and long in the hope that some of the kool aide cult might finally open their eyes to the direction they are heading and stand up for the idea of peaceful transfers of power rather than rule by thugs.
  6. If you are a cult member that can see no evil hear no evil send your $$ on to a guy who is "really really rich" .
  7. Insulting millions of Americans by attempting a coup, beating up cops, threatening to hang the VP, claiming the election was rigged after 60 court cases and numerous recounts by republicans say otherwise...pissing and moaning about a rigged election for two years but not able to put up a SHRED of evidence.....calling rioters patriots and promising to pardon them with apologies if elected?...marching out of white house with truckloads of documents including clearly marked TOP SECRET .... then lying and stalling and refusing to return them for over a year followed by more pissing and moaning about unfair it all is? You mean those insults to democracy, the rule of law and basic common sense? Ok got it. Good for Biden. Call a spade a spade.
  8. Break out the kool aide and tin foil hat's. Invite all the trumpers, flat earth society, and fox news viewers...It's party time.
  9. Yeah right. I suppose trump bought a bunch of folders off of eBay to fool the FBI into thinking he had EVEN more classified docs than the massive trove that they found? Wow that trump is one clever cheetoh. Maybe his ploy will work and they will now search his other hangouts and find even more evidence of crimes. Then he can send out a barrage of emails to his kool aide cult begging for more money to defend him from the "witch hunt".
  10. maybe , just maybe, stiff sentences will send a message to all the right wing morons who are ready to take to the streets and riot when Cheetoh gets indicted...but frankly I doubt it as dear leader has promised to pardon them all and of course when dear leader speaks any possibility of rational thought disappears with the kool aide cups.
  11. All well and good that DOJ has a slam dunk case of obstruction....but let's not forget the bigger crime of fomenting a coup and all the many crimes committed in a clown show attempt to overthrow the will of the American voters via a violent insurrection after all of their other lame attempts had failed. Treason?
  12. The clown car rolls on. Expect a barrage of "defense funds needed" emails to the kool aide cult soon....Stupidity has no bounds.
  13. Keep an eye on ebay and craigs list....trump may be dumb enough to list top secret docs for sale to highest bidder there.
  14. So how long til Palin claims the election was rigged? Whine and moan because you lost and blame everybody and everything except yourself and your refusal to support agendas wanted by vast majority of voters like abortion, banning assault rifles, and much more. Maybe more Americans are finally starting to realize that republicans are out of step with the majority of voters and are sick and tired of sore losers.
  15. Vietnam...dirt cheap hotels in places like nha trang with beautiful beaches.....good beer at giveaway prices, decent french inspired food.....lots of pretty gals (but don't expect Thailand style bars)...hanoi, halong bay, hoi an, dalat, da nang, etc ride train from saigon to hanoi and get off in variety of places for few days each... .cambodia has a few good spots but frankly a lot of it is a semi hell hole in my opinion....i would pick laos over cambodia if that is the choice..
  16. i was under impression OP was asking re departure tix from thailand for visa purpose...far as i know thai visa folks don't care where tix is issued to fly to only that u are leaving country by air...that is why i booked bkk to nrt even though no plan to fly to nrt....fact is i leave thailand overland but they want to see proof of a flight out of thailand which i gave them and all was well and tourist visa issued......
  17. if u have miles most all airlines allow u to book online, get a confirmation of ticket issued...then cxl the ticket and get refund of miles and taxes...upload the ticket confirmation or print out etc and good to go... booked a bkk to nrt ticket with united miles got confirmation and cancelled ticket two hours later... no problem
  18. All the more reason i am normally in bed early. How many of these type incidents seem to occur well after midnight?
  19. I did my first in chiang rai drivers license office about 8 or so years ago....they put me in a room full of Thais with headphones to watch a video screen...i was only farang and they set mine to English.i was actually enjoying watching the video which showed all thai drivers observing all traffic laws which became like watching a surreal comedy....video lasted about an hour i think but after 30 minutes they came and got me and said "finish"....took my pic gave me license/$$ and sent me off...oh and a lady at the counter tried to line me up with one of the cute gals that also worked there...best driver's license exam ever
  20. according to mr google....all in your head THC can only be activated when there is heat that is applied to the marijuana plant. Without this heat, you will just smell the plant itself.
  21. If you are reasonably healthy medicare may be enough...i would at least get a really good full physical before leaving Thailand to hopefully at least be aware of any ticking bombs and then insure or not accordingly.
  22. I have always thought thai girls have some of the most beautiful skin i have ever seen. Covering that beauty up with tattoos is a damn shame in my book....and yes i know it's their skin.
  23. https://www.snopes.com/news/2016/07/28/daily-caller-throws-another-temper-tantrum-after-being-debunked-by-snopes-com/
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