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Everything posted by david555

  1. Keep anyway in mind that becomes (possible) reported to you'r home country by CRS reporting since 2022... 🤞
  2. Then we all become tourist's again ......like the latest 2 month visa exempt with 30 day extension possible ......and a border run / visit for some day's weeks , month's Only good adaptable for the "free birds single men"
  3. 37,41 Thb for 1 Euro say's Google just now this night at 03-17 hour Thai time
  4. Not specially concerning only Thailand , but because the more stringed CRS rules and fines , they don't like the trouble anymore to keep foreign based clients for all the hassle , i knew this was coming in 2022 , so i made my plan already in 2021 by leaving 1 Sept. 2022, as Thailand was strongly pushed to act as CRS member , they waited long time to apply in full , but needed to for fill finally ...
  5. 😉 A) That's one of the reasons i left 1 Sept. Th. after 14 years and went back to take official address in Belgium ,,,,,(pushing the reset button 🤭) and now coming only for the 6 month's to Thailand a year , giving me the privilege to get from my mutuality Solidaris (official gov. health insurance ) 3month's in a 12 month/ year period same hospitalization in Thai hospital benefits (not to pay) as in Belgium hospitalization , included repatriation dead or alive included by my annual pay for 119 euros . B Same moment i am no tax resident of Thailand , and not living here as under 180 days stay , as i need also to keep my official living address in Belgium to benefit that free hospitalization ... and under our Belgium law some may be absent for max. 1 year for touristic reason (or some other ) whiteout loosing your official address in Belgium under condition to report this to your communal administration before C) This might be a opportunity for you too as i assume you be Belgium too
  6. Nothing new for them , they did that before already , so it is just a return to a former flexible life
  7. So max, 6 month's lease contracts shall become a standard need requirements for condo rent for a big group of expats instead of the 1 year contracts ....... "Real estate's " / landlords , adapt to that or loose
  8. Beware for those special liquids to remove those stickers , as sometimes they take also the gloss from the plastics away as it did on my Samsung fridge ....., just test on a not much visible part first ...
  9. 37,28 Thai baht for 1 Euro say's Google just now a minute ago 😔 Not so long ago he was worth 39,53 on his highest point.....
  10. Who go stamp or passport on entering ,as even no visa sticker anymore...?
  11. many renters shall not pay the last month probably, to try to avoid that deposit scam ......or make conditions with the landlord upfront with them And as it can become a general problem it shall not be for 1 only individual so i guess some adjustments shall become on that matter , as it could inflict the selling and renting business in a whole , as the buying money could become EXTRA because that taxing .....
  12. Anyway the realestate rental guys shall have to be happy with 6 month' contract's instead of 1 year rent contracts if more go only stay just UNDER the 6 moth's Thailand stay and hop over to neighboring countrys as example Cambodia to avoid taxing & tax doc. hassle Changing times once more in Thailand
  13. 1 Euro to Th. Baht 37,91 ....by Google just now 🙄
  14. It happens also in western Europ that unelected becomes a pm installed by the winning party ....latest Politician winning "Wilders"party installed a high civill servant as Pm ( The Netherlands eg. "HOLLAND") Politicians are all alike ....Thailand is no exception 😁
  15. That is why the teflon baht is rising and dollar and euro declining...
  16. Other news claim rising Teflon baht is because the new Shinawatra pm ... Could be as my Euro also is declining ....
  17. I know some do not like to hear that truth.....but coup is indeed high treason ......gave himself an amnesty Comparable as now is happening with Taksin's case . TIT.
  18. Same is Prayut a coup maker ...which is punishable by dead sentence as high treason ....T.I.T
  19. This is the complete restoration of the wrongdoing from the Army to oust 2 elected Shinawatras .....better now late as never ....👍 🙏
  20. As they can not print gold ....as they do with paper money ...😁
  21. Just look at the European gold price a kilo 73131 € https://amsterdamgold.com/
  22. Even you can withdraw less than half after first 3 month's and refill in time up to 800(+) for next extension in case not staying the full year . just keep the needed money in time to transfer in again in a proper time frame
  23. https://www.gold-analytix.com/ Professional authenticity test of gold and silver devices
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