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Posts posted by Strange

  1. 4 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Do you realize that Hllary Clinton that almost 3 million more Americans voted for Hillary Clinton than voted for Donald Trump?


    You realize that this means absolutely nothing? Its mind boggling to me that people can not understand this. This phenomenon is the exact reason that the Electoral College was created. To keep tyranny out of the land from huge population centers. It does not usually happen like this, but this was not a usual election was it?


    I would have supported HRC if she won by these terms as well because I support the EC system. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Morch said:

    How do the "I don't care" and "Trump won!" "arguments" suggested earlier constitute anything but a free pass?


    Nothing happened? As in announced appointments of key positions, statements regarding the economy, foreign relations, and whatnot, ongoing conflict of interests issues, and yes a president-elect picking flame-wars on tweeter? That sort of "nothing happened"? The thing is if that's nothing, what would something look like?


    There are hysterical people. There are also Trump supporters reacting on par whenever the president-elect is criticized. And that's without factoring in Trump's own reactions to criticism.


    Trump supporters are not expected to be "freaked out" with regard to Trump. What's your point? I mean, other than painting anyone not supporting Trump as anti-American, anti-constitution or a liberal.


    Because most people (spare me the KKK Nazi Groping Rapist nonsense) voted trump knowing full well that it meant a whole bunch of unknowns. It meant getting Republicans back in play. It meant busting HRC back out on her ass where she belongs. 


    Illegal Immigrants, while not really a big deal themselves, are a problem from south of the border. People seem to get a tear in their eye for Alejandro farming somewhere for pocket change, but clearly forget and overlook the cartels in Juarez hanging people from overpasses and beheading people in Texas and the extreme terrorist level violence & mafia drug business coming out of Alejandro's home country. Non americans will never understand this as they are not exposed to it. Liberals choose to ignore it as it does not fit their agenda. Mexico is a country that has Thailand beaten 1000 fold on drugs, violence, corruption, murder, you name it, its there in extreme abundance. Even their own government can not control it and fear these cartels. 


    Key Positions? So what? These key positions are not there to self serve the people holding them. Its easy for the simple minded and easily led to believe it, but honestly, by that logic, it applies to both parties. Its not a exclusively Republican thing. 


    Economy? What economy? You mean "everything obama has done in the last 8 years"? In all honesty that would be a big fat nothing. Obama gets credit or sitting in the presidents chair and everything "getting better" around him. 


    Foreign Policy? Again, what? People should be a little nervous if they are on the US taxpayer tit. 


    You asked me what "something" would look like... Well I can't really answer that because I'm not nearly as soft as the "resistance" but things that literally effect a majority of Americans negatively. There is absolutely nothing a person or group of people can do for 300,000,000 people without any negative effect on SOMEONE. The electoral vote was won by Trump and Democrats are just gonna have to weather the storm. They had their chance and blew it, very hard. 


    I get it, there is concern. But the hysteria and "protesting" is a bit knee jerk isn't it? 

  3. 39 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

    op's post pics  bottom left corner. picture of top or front loader is a good indicator of what machine the liquid s suited for.


    11 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:

    Indeed the third from left seems intended for front loader (warm water?) machines.


    I guess (and only guess) that leftmost is least scented (for the boys with the dirty sports clothes).

    I can't find it in the descriptive text though.

    You can be sure that you will smell like a bed of roses if you use 2nd from left :biggrin:


    Just checked with the wife again, they are all for "washing machines" but 3 are for "hand washing" also. 


    But really, in all honesty, they are most likely exactly the same and the same price. Just little gimmicks to get people to buy it. 


    Id just do the sniff test and see what was the most appealing & dump that in. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Morch said:


    IMO, Trump supporters will continue to cling to their fantasy that the president-elect ought to be offered a free pass for anything and everything. They are too committed to admit the possibility that not all is right in Trumpland. That will only make their views even more illogical, which is neither a bad or good thing, just sad.


    No free pass, not at all, but sheesh nothing has even happened yet. Seriously. Nothing. Tweets, couple names of people being tossed around for spots. 


    I don't want the US to go tits up insane, and it won't. That much I know. But there are so many hysterical people claiming it to be, before anything has even happened. 


    Seriously there are some resident English on here and a couple progressives that have probably become full blown alcoholics over a whole bunch of nothing as of yet. 


    I have not read a single thing yet that should be freaked out about in regards to trump. But of course I'm pro Americans and Pro Constitution and not a liberal. 

  5. 13 minutes ago, Generalchaos said:

    Exactly as mentioned in the link, it is exactly the same from the Honda manual. I still feel it might be worth pulling the rear caliper and getting the nipple up to the 12 o'çlock position.


    Here is something interesting to try. Makes sense too assuming you did everything right. 



  6. 8 minutes ago, supee said:

    Thank you all very much for all the advise given.  all  are useful information that can help and guide me me to right directions.

    my sibling had a good job in bkk and she's stay in same job nearly 20 years it's not a massive incomes but it's reasonable for living life in bkk and she's very well educated. I myself live abroad and I do miss my families but I am in the position where I can go to visit them in Thailand anytime. but for her to be apart from family that she's only just built on solid ground of love and innocently  been destroy and too away from small little sweet child it's really heart broken for me to watch this going on. that's why I want to sponsor her travel just to see her happy.


    If she has a good job, been there 20 years, the company she works for can write an employment letter stating salary and what not, and provide proof of being paid by that company via bank records, every month etc.. Thats very good. 


    If she owns a house, in her name, even if its mortgaged, in her name, then thats great too because it proves she needs to get back to thailand to work and pay her bills. 


    If what you are saying is true, then if the Husband wants to sponsor her B-2 Visa, it should not be a problem. But you have to understand that the US is not Thailand. If you don't check ALL of their boxes, you will not get the visa. 


    However, there is nothing that YOU can do to help other than pay for visa fees. The US embassy does not care about you, or the husband, in considering her for the visa. Its 100% the wife that has to prove to the US embassy that she has enough ties to Thailand to return. The husband only sponsors and takes responsibility. Proves that he can support her as well. But all the money in the world will not get her a visa and all the sympathy in the world will not get her a visa if she can not prove to the embassy she has more reason to return to Thailand than stay in the USA and honestly thats gonna be hard. But it can be done. 


    As far as everything else you said. I would be interested to hear both sides of any story before making an opinion but you coming out with him being a "convict" like somehow he is undeserving of his lot in life - that is not helping. 

  7. 24 minutes ago, Scott said:

    My apologies, Don.   It sounded a bit condescending.   Is the picture on the detergent or on the washing machine?   I had the same problem in the past when my usual brand was out of stock.   I had no idea what to use.  


    Thats why I always get the powder. No confusion. 

  8. Just now, Generalchaos said:

    Yes, split system, but I don't think it is a true ABS, it is a Honda thing.

    There is a MC on the front bars and a MC on the rear pedal, when you whack on the front brake you only get the front brake (dual caliper), when you whack on the rear brake pedal about 30% of the braking force is transferred to the front, it is not a true ABS system.




    Did you do it exactly like this:



  9. 13 minutes ago, Generalchaos said:

    The combined brakes are working, if I stamp on the rear brake hard, you can feel the front brake biting as well, they just seem horribly soft.


    Im not mega bike techie but I thought it was a split system? Master cylinder on the handlebar and another on the foot brake? Or am I confusing something? You mean the dual rear caliper or the front wheel caliper is biting as well when you stand on the rear brake?


    If you have 2 master cylinders, you checked the level in both right? with the cover off and all that? 


    I know you know how to do it, just asking. 


    11 minutes ago, Generalchaos said:

    Maybe I will wrap some of that white PTFE tape around the nipple threads and give it another go.


    The threads are not tapered and it shouldn't matter they don't seal that way. You could easily pull one off and hijack a replacement from anywhere really though. Car shop, motorbike shop, scooter shop. Any auto shop probably has tons lying around they will give you free if its a concern thats what I would try. 

  10. How many times did you try it? I would bleed, then test ride, then bleed again, then assess. 


    Even with ABS it should still purge the air. 


    You held the brake lever down somehow when you cracked open the bleeder nipple right? And when the brake lever started to move down, you immediately closed the bleeder nipple before lifting off the brake lever right? You don't want to lift before the bleeder is closed.


    Are there any places on the bike where the brake lines are not steel? IE Flexible tubing of some sort? They can age and flex and take firmness out of the pedal. 


    lol this is a subject I do have to ask the wife about. I usually get the powder soap, and the little sachets of softer. 


    All those bottles (according to the wife) are clothes washing machine soaps, of the same brand, with different scents. 


    Again, if it was just myself, I get the powder soap and little sachets of softener. 


    Also is it common for you guys to wash whites and colors in the same wash? No way I would do that. 

  12. 4 minutes ago, Thanyaburi Mac said:

    The "at some point" is when the child is no longer a child, but 21 years old!




    Yep, but who knows the background story and how things ended up like this. Husband can sponsor B-2 as a felon and IR-1 as a felon. No problems at all. 


    B-2 is hard to get if she can't prove enough ties to Thailand. IR-1 is pretty much guaranteed if they take the time to do it. 


    But end of the day its going to take ALOT of work and commitment from both spouses for either visa. 

  13. 38 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    They will not give her a tourist  visa because they dont think she will come back

    Since the child's father is a US citizen , I think the child has the right to US citizenship also.

    I dont know all the particulars, someone else more educated on the subject might be able to help you there, But if the child becomes a US citizen and is of a certain age, he/she might be able to sponsor the mother for a permanent residency (Green Card)

    If not now at some future time. 


    Husband can do the same thing even if he is a convicted felon. The process is pretty long and very time consuming and costly, but if the rules are followed to a T, its pretty much guaranteed. Regardless of criminal history. 


    USA wil not interfere with husband/wife/family unless its an extreme case. 


    Sounds like she was denied a tourist visa, and thats gonna be hard to get. 


    But yeah the child is eligible for citizenship and can sponsor the mother as an adult as some point, worst case. 

    • Like 2
  14. 2 minutes ago, JAFO said:

    ATV. 4x4 500cc. Drive train looked Honda but couldn't see any names. Could be fun to dick around in the local mountains and rivers. My wife actually thought it would be fun too. I will fit in the back of my truck. Cost was 280K baht. I walked away and went and saw Underworld Blood Wars movie LOL.


    Chinese Knock-off no doubt. 






    Would be fun but for a limited time only lol

  15. 14 minutes ago, JAFO said:

    Meh I am cognizantly aware of what I am into here. I just spend more time adapting to the environment then complaining about it. I have found other hobbies to replace what I did in the states and that's fun. Like any hobby most get boring and we need new things to stimulate the mind. I am older now and still play but am on my toes a lot more when riding my R3. I did make a rule, I never ride at night here, no need. Really same in the states. Motos are what they are and most motorists in any country seldom look for them and night time exasperates this issue as the single headlight seems to blend with endless streetlights. I had so many close calls in the states with people cutting across 2 lanes as they just had to get to that <deleted> McDonalds or Taco Bell and damn near took me out, never looked, never saw me.  So at night here its my truck, no exceptions  As we age more common sense kicks in (at least for some anyways).


    Wasn't trying to come off like I'm trying to "Teach" you something, its just Thai Roads are so F****in unpredictable. Hazards in every country and on every road but there is a ridiculous concentration of dangerous idiots here in Thailand. Its not really about adapting, as its impossible. Its too unpredictable. Only option is defensive driving and even that only shields you a little bit. 


    Anyway I don't want to derail your thread with US stuff and rain on a perfectly good motorcycle topic. 


    On 12/9/2016 at 7:55 PM, JAFO said:

    The R3 is a fun little deal for 180,000 baht which leaves me 710,000 baht to go buy something else I do not likely need like maybe a ATV quad deal. LOL!!


    There are a few Raptors around here, I almost bought one a while back from a Thai for like 280K 4 stroke. Thing was sick. Had 2 stroke units as a kid in Texas. Where would you ride your ATV? I thought about doing some tractor work and making some jumps and sand pits, but meh. Pang. 

  16. Just now, Deepinthailand said:

    Isn't it funny how you always appear  to back the certain person I was talking about??


    I was just casually reading through the thread, came up on your stuff. Calling people "boy" being kinda nasty. Im not sure how you choose to talk to people in real life but of course the internet badass comes to mind. You may think you don't frighten easily behind a keyboard, but you surely get ur feathers ruffled easily. 


    As for the OP-


    Squat Toilet

    Drink Drive

    Drive on the wrong side of the road on a scooter in flip flops

    Give corruption money to the police

    Flip Flops 24/7

  17. 9 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    A secret CIA report says Russia interfered in last month’s US election with the aim of helping Donald Trump win.


    So basically this is all we have. A not-so-secret CIA report saying Russia interfered. 


    Nothing in there after that other than opinion and conjecture. 


    Nothing saying if they were successful, nothing saying it was swayed, nothing saying anything. 


    Thats a hell of a clickbait headline though. 



  18. On 12/8/2016 at 6:50 AM, jacko45k said:

    You make a good point for most areas of Thailand where the heat is usually accompanied with high humidity. An underfloor system would not remove the humidity. It may even produce a wet slippery floor, or water dripping from the ceiling, and cause mold.


    Its not "may even produce" its "will 100% produce" a soaking wet floor, mold, disease, bacteria, etc. 

  19. Just now, Artisi said:
    On 12/7/2016 at 8:28 AM, Naam said:

    you don't seem to have the faintest idea what volume of condensate is drawn out of the air and drained by a single aircon unit when the ambient relative humidity is ~80%.


    On 12/7/2016 at 8:28 AM, Naam said:

    you don't seem to have the faintest idea what volume of condensate is drawn out of the air and drained by a single aircon unit when the ambient relative humidity is ~80%.

    Like a constant (badly) leaking tap.


    Its mind boggling how people underestimate the volume of water pulled out of the air in a Tropical climate like Thailand, or my home state of Florida (Wink Wink Naam) through the cooling process of ambient air passing over an evaporator, removing heat and collecting moisture. 


    I have one of those outside clay pot things about 2 ft high and 3 ft wide. 1 18K BTU Aircon will fill it up in 24 hours when its warm outside. Thats probably 4 gallons of water. Pulled out of the air. Cooling my living room. 


    Another way to think about it is the "Beer Can Effect" and how water condensates on the can immediately after you pull it from the fridge. 


    Think about if your floor was 50 degrees F and what that would look like with Thailand's ambient temps & humidity. 


    There is just no way, in reality, that you can cool a house with a refrigerated floor. 

  20. 3 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Like having declared bankruptcy several times over and defrauding people via a fake university. And pretty much lying nonstop. And if by "grownups" you mean Goldman Sachs, you've got a point.


    Several times, sounds like a lot, but when you have like 500++ Businesses its not even noteworthy. Its literally part of the business plan. 


    Trump himself did not intentionally defraud people with Trump U, its one of those things where his name was on something run by other people. Its not like he was there signing the checks and looking at spreadsheets, designing course plans etc.. 


    You see this right?


    In all honesty, these 2 things are nothing but clickbait non starters. 


    Lying? Well I don't think thats hardly anything confined to Trump, Republicans, Democrats, Progressives, etc... Its across the board. Trump did it, Hillary did it... 


    "If like your plan, you can keep your plan" <-------- Remember that Gem? Im still suffering from that one. 


    As far as Goldman Sachs, its a nothing burger. Gonna have to wait and see how it plays out, but to assume that "Goldman Sachs" is in "The White House" and "Republicans" are only in politics to "Serve Themselves" is so small minded its unreal. 

  21. 32 minutes ago, mcfish said:

    Yeah but what would I have done different? I wasn't going to let him walk and there is no polite way to ask a thief for your money back.

    If anything I was more than fair using an open hand and not a fist.


    Nothing you could have done different other than to think if 3K is worth a potential beatdown by a group of Thai thugs. 


    Personally that thought would not have crossed my mind at the time, seeing red & all. Only after would the consequences reveal themselves. 

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