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Posts posted by Strange

  1. 31 minutes ago, johnnytuc said:

    Why do people always come out with this remark. It may be true but those 2 drugs are legal. Oh well cant worry about it off for me pint and a fag


    I think you are taking it as an attack on Alcohol and Tobacco, witch you like, and thats perfectly acceptable, and I partake myself, but its not an attack, its support. 


    Imho people that say that are arguing for the legalization/regulation of these 'illegal' substances as it would eliminate mafia, police corruption, incrimination, incarceration, etc... And the law would be the same as alcohol. "Sure, drink it, have fun, but god help you if you break the law while under it"


    Point is - alcohol is literally a poison. Breaks homes, kills people... Probably just as bad as some of these other drugs, but these other drugs are illegal, and by being illegal, cause more problems than they should. 


    Its just alcohol is used as a benchmark, and its damaging, intoxicating, and completely legal, but smoking a joint & playing video games could land you in jail, for example. Smoking Ya-ba and dancing with ladies is illegal but getting shitty drunk and dancing with ladies is perfectly legal, for example. 


    Such is the idea. Plenty for it and against it.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

    Do you know what an 'exit' poll is?


    Yes the 'hacking thing' was addressed before the election and all of you Trumpet blowers on here were supporting Trumps unsubstantiated claims that the elections were rigged. What a change of heart you have all had.


    Rigged is not the same as hacked homeboy. 


    MSM Bias, hypothetical 'polls', biased 'polls'....

  3. 41 minutes ago, Morch said:

    We've had previous topics dealing with supposed state sponsored hacking of secure systems. Some of these involved infrastructure and research systems which were supposedly not connected to the internet. As long as the devices themselves are connected through a net, it's not necessarily a question of tampering with individuals nodes.


    Sooooooo its not the Russians but an inside job? Talking about the Russians here and not previous alleged tapering in prior US elections by lone knuckleheads. 


    Are we really going to beat this horse? I mean voter fraud is so much more likely but, no, thats all tinfoil hat & stuff. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, TSF said:

    True. There used to be frequent deaths at Samui after people have mushroom drinks & omelettes then went off into the night on motorcycles and flying into coconut trees. Also read there are some pretty bad cases of young people being taken to the hospital at Koh Phangan after having similar accidents and falling off rocks after having mushrooms.


    Yep, but same same alcohol of course. Both will jack up the mind and the optics. 

  5. 46 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:


    According to reports   by various news outlets;


    Stein has cited "statistical anomalies," the differences between exit polls and actual results, and the possibility that election machines were hacked as the reasons for her recount effort. She says she wants voters to "be sure we have a fair, secure and accurate voting system.” many people including Trump in previous years claimed that the  election system is not secure and could  be compromised.

    I believe it is a legitimate concern based upon  the undisputed  hacking by Russians  and the actual close vote tallies.

    Michigan: Trump ahead 10,704 votes. 
    Pennsylvania: Trump ahead 70,638 votes.
    Wisconsin: Trump ahead 22,177 votes.


    It was a personal opinion question. Im perfectly clear on what Jill Stein is 'saying' and what the MSM is reporting. 


    Sheesh with arguments like that, I find it incredulous that people will dismiss the idea of fraudulent voting, but Russian hacking is perfectly understandable. 


    Can someone please refer me to a legitimate link that shows 'undisputed hacking by the Russians'?

  6. So many questions about why you are drinking water from a source like that knowing its contaminated by birds and the associated diseases and bacteria involved. 


    Like the another poster said, you gotta find out whats attracting them and remove the attraction. 

  7. 3 hours ago, webfact said:

    "I was kind of scared with everything going on in the media. I'm a Muslim, it's not what media portrays me to be," he told the newspaper. "If people look at me, a Muslim praying, I don't know what they're going to think, what's going to happen. But I don't blame them. It's the media that put that picture in their heads."


    Um, so, you don't think its the actual terrorists that put that picture in their heads? 

  8. 5 minutes ago, Silurian said:

    OMG...I lost EVERYTHING!!! The horror! The anguish! Nah, I can get immense joy watching the child-president be who he is. I smile with each gaffe...each immature tweet...each false promise falling by the wayside. It is better than Christmas!


    Easily amused? Lost the house, senate, supreme court too. But if tweets are enough to keep you satisfied then good on ya. 


    Its an all encompassing loss for Democrats. Unequivocal. Popular Vote is just a footnote. 

  9. 1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

    It might be good for youngsters to try 'shrooms at least once.  Hopefully they'll have a good trip.  Psychosomatic drugs like psilocybin can expand consciousness - and more often than not, users enjoy the experience.   Note: Many people in Thailand use another drug called alcohol, and the drunk experience is usually enjoyable.  One difference between alcohol and 'shrooms is: Alcohol often results in harmful, sometimes deadly outcomes.   Mushrooms; almost never.   I challenge anyone to name a result of a psilocybin high - where someone was beaten, or a vehicle was crashed.   You can't.


    Another advantage of such drugs: it widens perspectives.  Look at what Thailand is saddled with - people with narrow perspectives:   Thailand is now saddled with its 17th self-installed junta in 80 years, who's members keep postponing elections because they enjoy the power they took by force.  That's the sort of rulers (and kow-towing populace) a country gets when its people can't think outside the box. 


    Agree to a point, but to be fair, driving while under the influence of psilocybin is probably just as dangerous as alcohol. I don't think thats a good argument. Especially trying to drive at night, in traffic, with your optics all screwed up. 


    Alcohol is a legal poison though & I pretty much agree.  

  10. 6 minutes ago, Silurian said:

    Well, Stein isn't going to be the next President...the child wanna be king is. Donald's utter lack of decorum is so telling it is sicking. He can't stand the fact that someone thinks he is less Presidential since he didn't win the popular vote. Good, I hope it haunts him for the next four years knowing that he lost the popular vote by such a large margin that it is glaringly obvious...


    Well it looks like the after-the-fact footnote 'popular vote' is just about all you guys are gonna get out of this election cycle. 


    Cherish it. You lost everything else. 

  11. 9 minutes ago, Silurian said:

    It is obviously a thorn in Donald's side. He is such a child making noise about nothing. Yeah, what wonderful presidential traits just spewing forth from him. I feel safe knowing he will be in charge (NOT!).


    Noise about nothing eh?


    Well, there is this gem:


    31 minutes ago, webfact said:

    Stein, too, hasn't provided evidence of voting irregularities. She says "cyber hacking" affected the vote outcomes in those states.


    So what difference 'at this point' does it make?

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