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Posts posted by Strange

  1. 8 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


    They are not illegal immigrants. They are people. Their existence cannot be illegal. Actions are illegal. people are not.


    It would seem that you already have you mind made up about the motivations of undocumented aliens in the US and your mind is closed to any other view.


    The amount of fake news being peddled about the undocumented aliens issue is profound. If you cannot prove your assertions, then you should not make them. Referencing YouTube doesn't cut it.


    The moderators have ruled against the use of fake news on TVF.


    They are Illegal Immigrants. 


    Mind is make up. 


    Dont care. 

  2. 22 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


    The reality is that illegal voting almost never happens. 30 times in a billion, you work it out, and that DOES mean there are NOT thousands or tens of thousands more. The figures are accurate.


    As you know, each state sets its own rules for voter registration, but almost all require some proof of citizenship at some point in the process (or inherited from a previous registration.)


    Using a passport is a non-starter since that would identify you as a non-citizen, and thus ineligible. Other means might scrape through, but it would drastically heighten formal scrutiny of one’s status, something most undocumented residents are very, very anxious to avoid since it risks them being exposed and deported. Attempting to register fraudulently is also a felony, which would raise the urgency of deportation even more.


    So, at the end of the day,  no undocumented resident would try this unless they were crazy - it is a self-controlling problem. They prefer to stay in the USA and work under the radar than to risk exposure for an attempt at voting.


    The only dedicated, proven attempt at influencing an election using fraudulent means was in fact a case by the Republicans when Rep Tom Feeney hired Clint Curtis a computer programmer to write a program to swing the result of an election in which ever direction he chose. Here is Curtis under oath, testifying to the fact


    Couple things- 


    1) No. Just because 30 were caught, does not mean anything. You know it, I know it. 


    2) Youtube how easy it is. Just do it. 


    3) "A" republican NOT 'The Republicans" 


    4) What would you know about Illegal Immigrants in the USA and what their motives might be? 


    5) They are NOT 'undocumented residents' they are ILLEGAL Immigrants. They are not US Citizens. 

  3. 23 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

    For crying out loud! ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS CANNOT VOTE, DEAD PEOPLE CANNOT VOTE. Can everybody start using what they have between their ears. In the last 10 elections in the USA totalling almost 2 Billion votes there have been 30 (that is THIRTY) cases of vote fraud that would fall in to this category.


    Couple things. 


    1) what would you know? Ever gone through the absentee ballot process? Ever registered to vote? No? Thats right. 


    2) FALSE




    Just because 30 have been caught does not mean there are not thousands, 10 thousands or more than have not busted. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, Johpa said:

    Uh, there is no room for imagination regarding the popular vote as the two million plus majority for Clinton is not anywhere near a close enough count to warrant a recount, the lead is unassailable. The states in which a recount is being considered are states where the margin of victory is, statistically speaking, quite small.

    Why any of this causes you memories of anal pain, well I for one would rather not speculate.


    Um, yeah I know. Still an enjoyable thought. And, you know, the only important states are the narrowest margin states.... 

  5. 4 hours ago, geriatrickid said:


    Truly pathetic and childish. Deriding Dr. Stein as a "scammer" only demonstrates your immaturity and  deviancy. I remind you that the only scammer in this matter  is Mr. trump, as he stood accused of serious fraud over his  non accredited "university" (sic). In case you forgot, he has been obliged to pay  out tens of millions and to disgorge his improperly obtained profits from his falsely described university. 



    What do you think Jill Steins motivations are? 

  6. The problem with messing with the idle screw is that if you play with it too much (wind it in too much) you take the carb off the idle circuit and onto 'part throttle' and everything gets all screwed up. 


    If it only wants to run with the choke all the way on, then its too lean. The choke is restricting airflow and thereby enriching the air/fuel mixture. Either it is a carb fueling problem or there is an air leak like another poster said. 


    If you buy a can of carb cleaner, get the bike running, and very carefully spray very lightly the rubber areas around the carb, manifold, etc, and the engine speed picks up you found the air leak. The engine will burn the carb cleaner like fuel and the RPM should increase if there is an air leak. 

  7. 38 minutes ago, simple1 said:


    It ain't a "big woop". The letter contained a death threat, so police will look to trace the author/s to ascertain if sufficient cause for prosecution, as I'm sure they would if aimed at any other group.


    The letter, signed only by “Americans for a Better Way,” said Trump was “going to do to you Muslims what Hitler did to the jews [sic].”




    I know what it says its just a dumb letter. Big whoop. They need to harden up. Police will look into it. 


    Yeah yeah Trumps fault. Yeah yeah 'republicans'. 

  8. 28 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    If you were really in favor of stronger fraud controls on voting, you would direct your attention to absentee balloting. That's where experts say the strongest possibility for voter fraud occurs. But oddly enough, absentee ballots tend to favor Republicans and no laws have been passed to regulate them. Hmmm..wonder what that's about?


     The justice department just about never goes after voter fraud charges. Oh, there was one exception. A U.S. govt. attorney in Alabama did go after 3 civil rights workers for absentee ballot fraud. He invoked 29 separate charges against them. It took the jury all of 3 hours to acquit them of every charge.  You know who that govt. attorney was?  Jeff Sessions.


    And by the way, several states run by Republicans in both the executive branch and the legislative branch did conduct massive voter ID fraud investigations. They found virtually nothing.


    Yeah, how does absentee ballots favor 'republicans'? This whole thing is a shit show because voter ID/whatever effects whites just as much as blacks and republicans just as much as democrats. But... but.... but... Thats racist!


    Yeah yeah its always the republicans fault for everything. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

    There's a difference between accepting something, and protesting against it.


    Theres a difference between protesting against something, and destroying shit, assaulting innocent people, assaulting police, blocking roads, getting in peoples faces ad nauseam. 


    5 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

    I'm also saying that Trump and his sheeple WOULD NOT HAVE ACCEPTED THE OUTCOME, IF HRC HAD WON. Trump said that repeatedly.


    No he didn't. He didn't say it repeatedly, over and over again. 


    6 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

    Today's article in NPR shows a very recent tweet by Trump where he claims if the election was fair, he would have won the popular vote.  He repeats a false claim that 3 million HRC votes were fake.  NPR investigated where the claim came from and found it to be based on nothing but lies.   It's proof again that Trump sheeple will suck up anything uttered by Trump and the mean-=spirited people he keeps around him.


    People vote illegally. It happens. Its easy. There are legitimate step by step guides on youtube and unequivocal proof that it happens. Illegal Immigrants, Felons, anyone that can not vote, if they were so compelled, would vote HRC. 


    Proof? Well thats gonna be pretty hard considering any kind of stringent voter ID laws get shot down as racist. But logically speaking, its easy, its possible, and does happen. IF they did it would be for HRC - why would they illegally vote to deport themselves? Would it be enough to sway the popular vote? I dunno. 


    This whole subject is why I support stronger voter ID laws and yeah we as a country can still make sure everyone gets to a polling station and votes. 

  10. 15 minutes ago, iReason said:


    Yee Haw!

    Alot of flat out, unsubstantiated, warped outside of reality, BS in that post.

    Too bad the Trumpeteers don't have the intelligence nor the inclination to research who is really on the dole in 'murica...





    Lest we forget the corporate subsidies. BILLIONS.

    But that's ions away from their simple minded parlor/trailer park talk...





    Nothing wrong with Americans on the dole.




    Because they are AMERICAN


    Illegal Immigrants should never even come into the equation 

  11. 2 minutes ago, ricklev said:

    Yeah. New air filter and fuel filter recently and the last time they cleaned  the carb I think they replaced the float. It was running bad then but worked ok for awhile. That was about 500 kilometers ago.   After that time I noticed there was gas leaking out the base of the carb so they had to fix it again.


    Its foolish for me to take it back there but it's convenient and I don't guess they are overcharging me. 


    Buy a new carb. You will have better luck with a base tune carb than getting somchai to wrap his head around it. 


    It might not be the carb though, people always assume it must be the carb when things are running like a turd and a lot of the time its ignition. Thats probably even more difficult to get somchai to understand. 


    I think you said the bike in question is 10 years old? Might be time to trade it in on a newer model in all honesty. Diagnostics are pretty hard without knowledge. 


    That bike plus 10-15K will get you something good. 

  12. 44 minutes ago, sgtsabai said:

    Somebody has been snorting the right wingnut powder. Jill Stein has nothing to gain and she isn't a sell out to the Clintons, where's the proof, where is any evidence? Get a grip on reality, oh wait, I forgot right wing teabagging Republican fascist supporter. They live in an alternative universe, what's it's name, oh yea alt-right, the code name for racist.


    American elections are screwed and have been since at least the un-Supreme Court gave the presidency to what was the worst president ever, although if the fascist manages to survive the Republican coup he will soon take that dishonor.


    How did you feel about Jill Stein before the election? 


    How do you feel about Jill Stein now that she has pushed for a recount? 

  13. 12 minutes ago, Don Mega said:


    I dont doubt you at all, luckily I dont eat any of that lot, infact I dont any Thai food as it is all rancid <deleted>.


    Yup, same same. I don't know about the price of food in AU, and I know you bros have some good beef, but as it pertains to Thailand, its gonna be cheaper in AU/US for a good quality plate. 


    Thai food is some junk for the most part. 

  14. 4 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

    Uggh, I'll take my chances with Thai street food rather attempt a hotdog, rancid things they are.


    If we are honest here, pork balls, blood soup, bologna type meats are just as bad, if not worse, than an american hotdog. 

  15. 2 minutes ago, thehelmsman said:


    Simply a matter of fact. My women has her jobs and I have mine.


    Fair enough. To each their own. 


    Personally I can take care of myself under any circumstances and need nobody. Regardless of 'jobs'

  16. 2 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    Trump planned to return to his New York home on Sunday ahead of a series of Monday meetings with prospective administration hires, including Sheriff David Clarke of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. He's seen as a possible Homeland Security pick. Clarke's vocal opposition to the "Black Lives Matter" movement has made him popular with many conservatives.


    Please oh please give us Sheriff David Clarke. 





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