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Posts posted by Strange

  1. 28 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

    Dude he's a liar dude did you even read the article dude he was in the wrong dude




    So what if he did have a swapped pipe? Was it over 95Db? 


    Dude paid the fine, then complained about it, then got threatened, and had to apologize, and you want to hang him high and not the police? 



  2. 2 minutes ago, Wazza1 said:


    Its not over the top to suggest he should be deported, if he doesn't have a working visa he should be deported as running a website or having a YouTube channel where he gets paid is working and he's doing this in Thailand.


    You realize he is a Thai Citizen & American Citizen right?


    Also, so what if he wasn't, having a youtube channel is illegal? You need a working visa for a youtube channel? 



  3. 26 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

    What a pity Trump did not advocate the Electoral College when Obama won, instead calling it a disgrace. A little like his supporter base. He seems to like the EC now. STRANGE THAT ISN'T IT?


    I support EC, supported it prior to Trump, would have still supported it if Hillary Clinton won, and if somehow by some freak of nature Hillary becomes president due to a recount, I will support that too. 


    I don't care what Trump says on the subject and I didn't vote for him based on what he said about it. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

    What a pity Trump did not advocate the Electoral College when Obama won, instead calling it a disgrace. A little like his supporter base. He seems to like the EC now. STRANGE THAT ISN'T IT?


    Yeah Ive been in support of how we do it, for as long as I been alive. Trump, Obama, Hillary, whoever isn't influencing me. 


    Only thing strange is your fascination with trying to poke holes in literally everything to do with the USA, like, somehow, you are the only one that knows any thing and everyone else is stupid. Arrogance dude, nobody likes it. 

  5. 30 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

    From his own mouth in the origional post 

    "I feel bad and I'd like to apologize to the police,” he said in his latest video.

    “If you’re thinking about enhancing your exhaust pipe, don't do it. It disturbs other people."


    Dude, did you even look at the bike in question? Did you even look at the exhaust in question? 


    Do you think an apology, under threat of RTP, is an apology in its best & most honest form? 


    Why the hell are you so ready to hang him high? 

  6. 29 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

    As normal you guys are sucked in by the first thing that sounds sweet to your ears. No wonder you make it easy for conman Trump to control you, sheesh!


    The post, and information are across a lot of boards, and articles, yes, but that does not make it any less true. 

    IS the information a lie? No. 


    Is Trump conning anyone? No. 


    Electoral College for hundreds of years now. 


    Quit yr bitchin. 

  7. 22 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

    No need to scratch your head never once said I agree with the police, I stated the guy is a liar and deserves everything he got and possibly a bit more.


    What did he lie about? You mean the exhaust pipe that is probably from the factory, witch the police had no clue about, nor tested the Db, and proceeded to charge him for it, then threaten him about it? 


    What did he lie about? 

  8. 6 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    Thai law and its enforcement is like a game of Top Trumps with LM (which we can't talk about) being the ultimate card. The CPA is a close second as FarangBaanNok just discovered.




    Im sure he knows more than a lot of us about the inner workings of the Thai mind and what goes on, being he can speak better than probably 99% of Foreigners. He should have known better for sure but he is right. 


    Just infuriates me to think of the smug satisfaction the RTP felt knowing they targeted him, screwed him, got away with it, AND MADE HIM PUBLICLY APOLOGIZE. 

  9. 58 minutes ago, Dagnabbit said:

    There are 3,141 counties in the United States.

    Trump won 3,084 of them.
    Clinton won 57.


    There are 62 counties in New York State.

    Trump won 46 of them.
    Clinton won 16.


    Clinton won the popular vote by approx. 1.5 million votes.


    In the 5 counties that encompass NYC, (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Richmond & Queens) Clinton received well over 2 million more votes than Trump. (Clinton only won 4 of these counties; Trump won Richmond)

    Therefore these 5 counties alone, more than accounted for Clinton winning the popular vote of the entire country.

    These 5 counties comprise 319 square miles.

    The United States is comprised of 3, 797,000 square miles.


    When you have a country that encompasses almost 4 million square miles of territory, it would be ludicrous to even suggest that the vote of those who inhabit a mere 319 square miles should dictate the outcome of a national election.


    This is a good post. 

  10. 3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

            Trump and his ever-twisting spokespeople have been saying a Trump administration will ban Muslims from entering the US, "Until we can figure what the hell is going on."   Oh wait, almost forgot, Trump's spokespeople tweaked that, later, to mean:  "the US will ban Muslims from terrorist countries."  They conveniently don't articulate which countries those are.  Note;  the 9-11 bombers came out of Germany - so is the US going to ban Germans from entering?


           The biggest irony is: THE US IS A TERRORIST COUNTRY.   I'm American, but I'm also realistic.  According to Trump's parameters, NO AMERICANS WOULD BE ALLOWED TO ENTER THE US.   Put that in your pipe and smoke it.


    Damn Boomer take it easy. Americans are good people. 



  11. 1 minute ago, impulse said:

    Whenever you specify a maximum dB level, you have to specify the distance from the source where you're measuring it.  It's also common to specify a weighting that looks more at the frequencies that human ears are sensitive to.   I suspect very few people tuned in here know what that distance or weighting is under Thai law.  I certainly don't.  Anyone???


    I think most of us agree there's a lot of back pedaling and Monday morning quarterbacking going on in this case- from several sides.  "Saving face" in the local vernacular and "staying out of the hoosgaw" in the guy's vocabulary. 


    If the guy wanted to get some more YouTube clicks ($$$), he may buy or borrow an SLM and post up his results.  But that's probably not a good idea...


     I agree but it appears that the guy is nice enough, certainly learned the language better than just about 99% of other foreigners, has a license, wears a helmet, etc... 


    Everyone wants to compare it to Somchai and his wave with the throttle pinned like an idiot annoying the hell out of everyone because 'cool' and I don't think its like that in this case. 


    It appears his bike is the one behind his left shoulder as he keeps pointing at it. Dont look all that outrageous to me, and clearly the cops on the scene had not a single clue if it was modified nor if it was over 95 Db, but they certainly stuck it to him and did the research later. Hell, the Farang guy might not have even known himself if it was 'modified'. 


    I just don't agree with this stuff and the fact that the RTP came out publicly with the threat of the Computer Crimes Act is a joke, and plays to the generally accepted mindset of the Police - "You better not say anything bad, or you will be arrested"


    He should have just paid, kept his mouth shut, had a beer and complained with friends, but geez.... 


    Left shoulder. 


    Screen Shot 2016-11-30 at 10.58.20 AM.png

  12. 19 minutes ago, impulse said:

    Sound level meter or not, if the scooters running up and down the road hurt my ears from 50 meters away, I can tell they're exceeding the limit.


    Agreed but was dude riding a souped up wave/cub at wide open throttle? It wasn't until after the fact that the police had to actually go to a motor cycle shop and see if the pipe was swapped, and a swapped pipe isn't illegal I don't think, and if it is, maybe the RTP should be hanging out in just about every local market where they sell wave parts by the boatload. 


    95 decibels is pretty freakin loud as well, but I'm sure if you took an SLM and stuck it right by the exhaust outlet of a bran spanking new wave & and pinned the throttle, you'd get well over 95Db. 


    Its all subjective. We can all agree that the thais love some scooter noise, but was Farang doing that?

  13. 1 hour ago, Deepinthailand said:

    And farang never lie or bend the truth oe exaggerate to suit there needs as in this case do they!


    Im scratching my head here trying to figure out your motivations for supporting the RTP. 


    The point is their clear selective enforcement of the law and double standards regarding what a Thai would pay and what a Foreigner would pay. 


    If the law states that they can fine a person up to 1000 baht for an infraction (hypothetically) and they dish out 100 & 200 baht fines, let a lot pass un-fined, then stop Farang and hit them with the full price, thats BS, and then if you complain about it, your threaten publicly under the computer crimes act. 


    Is it legal? Yeah I guess. 


    Is it Right? No its not. 


    Is there intimidation involved? Clearly. 


    Now all that said, I would have just paid, right or wrong, just to get out of there and I wouldnt have posted a video about it. Especially in todays climate regarding foreigners in Thailand. 

  14. 1 hour ago, claffey said:

    Hold on a minute! The police have explained their implementation of the law and the guy apologised. It's clear that he was in the wrong in this case. Looks like you have a chip on your shoulder. Jai yen yen krap!!


    Jai yen yen when ur on the receiving end of a 1000 baht hoe slap eh? 


    Ok maybe he had a swapped exhaust, but how the shit do the police know what 95 decibels sounds like? Is it the training they received in the art of being a human sound lever meter? 


    Paying your ticket is hardly an admission of guilt when the only other option is going to jail. 

  15. 2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

    I've driven, at night and during the day, stoned on psychosomatic drugs.  Got pulled over once (on 'shrooms) for driving too slow - with a warning by a smiling cop.  Another time, I drove a hundred miles at night (on mescaline) in the suburbs of Washington D.C. and it felt like I was cruising in a fast spaceship - not a hint of trouble.     


    I can check all those boxes & more, and I'm a firm believer people should be able to pick a mushroom out of a cow turd and eat it, if they are so inclined, or roll up a plant and smoke it, if they are so inclined, but I don't think I can advocate driving under the influence of it. 


    Even if 7 MPH feels like 100 


    Driving drunk is probably more dangerous but still. What feels safe while under the influence, probably isn't nearly as safe as clear headed and psychotropics really mess with thought process, probably more than the vision, and thats probably not a bad thing in limited doses, but in the context of piloting a car around other people, naw, probably not a good idea. 

  16. 2 hours ago, Deepinthailand said:

    I have seen lorries and busses pulled over at police road blocks. ones I've followed down to block spewing out smoke problem is when they get down to low speeds on approach to block it's a normal noise sound and the smoking exhaust has ceased. They must call each other on phones and let people know where the blocks are? I have seen police on bikes hide in tree line on road and as lorries ect pass there on there radio to tell the block. 


    Ive seen these tandem trucks running in convoy through Issan with lookouts. 


    If I've seen it, then the police have to know about it. 


    There are scams and corruption in this country that I'm sure 99% of us don't even know about & frankly probably couldn't even comprehend. Myself included. 

  17. 22 minutes ago, webfact said:

    The motorcycle in question had a special exhaust pipe that was louder than 95 decibels, so the officer said he is guilty.


    8 Years and I have never been stopped and had my motorcycle checked for decibels and I have had some loud ones. 


    Anyone had that done? 


    This all sounds like a bunch of BS to me, and police intimidation won. The infuriating thing is allowing 10,000 'modified' bikes to roll past but pick out whitey in Isaan and hoe slap him for 1000 baht. 

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