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Posts posted by Strange

  1. 24 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

    When will the Trumpy-boys get over the election. They are still campaigning for their idol whose feet of clay have already been exposed to the real world. Yet still this off topic nonsense. The anti-Trump resistance is  not about reversing the election. It is about protesting and opposing the scam that has been perpetrated on citizens.


    The perpetuation of fake news and ideologically tainted attacks that was part of the Trump scam is continuing here. People reading the post above may feel free to review the Community Reinvestment Act 1977 and its various amendments up to 2008 and make up their own mind about President Clinton's 'culpability' in the Global Financial Crisis that occurred after 8 years of Baby Bushes regime. The absurdity of the above claims are glaringly obvious.


    And it wouldn't be a right wing-nut rant without throwing in the term illegal immigrant and the totally fake and disproven claims about their alleged voting. Illegal Immigrants cannot exist in nature. A person cannot be illegal. Actions are illegal. These people are undocumented aliens.


    But hey, anything to wind up the angry old white men waiting for Trump to deliver their American Dream that fell out of their reach in their high school years.


    They are illegal immigrants. You want to spin it to favor your beliefs so its easier to digest, and people are beyond tired of being force-fed that flat out nonsense. Out of all the things in the USA to pick on, illegal immigrants should be closer to the bottom of the list than the top. Americans, real life, documented Americans are the priority. That includes ANY American, of any color, race, birth country. Not illegal border jumpers. 


    The ONLY people that think there is any scam going on are the progressives. The ONLY people complaining about EC, Popular Vote, Etc... Are a very select few hardline progressives that are so far left they fall right off the map. 


    In all honesty, when I read what you write up here sometimes, its glaringly obvious that this mindset is the reason that Hillary lost. On the plus side, Democrats & Hardline Progressives clearly have not taken one bit of notice and continue on with the "resistance" and have not and (hopefully will not ever) change tactics - thus ensuring the GOP majority everywhere. 


    Its one thing to have opinions and beliefs, its another to force feed it to people. No one likes that. 


    So please, Resist-away. Continue ensuring GOP majority for the forceable future. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, mcfish said:

    Yeah but what would I have done different? I wasn't going to let him walk and there is no polite way to ask a thief for your money back.

    If anything I was more than fair using an open hand and not a fist.

    Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk


    Im with ya. I would have done the same thing and not an open hand. 


    Of course hindsight is what it is, but in the moment I would have done the same. 


    But yeah can you imagine the hang em' high brigade here on TVF if a vid was released that just showed the beatdown? Things like this can get spun so far out its unreal. 

  3. 1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Do you understand that a lot more people voted for Hillary Clinton than voted for Trump?  Or is that your idea of "Fake News", too?


    You understand how the us has electoral vote system right? 


    You understand that Hillary clintons 2 million votes come from like 5 whole counties in the USA right? Not states, counties. 


    Yeah I get it, anything you guys can grab onto. Popular vote, Russians, etc.. There are only a very slim few people in the USA who don't support the EC system. Thats a fact. Not a partisan thing either. Plenty of Democrats support it. 


    Seriously nothing is ever going to change about this. I believe it requires a super-majority and that will just never happen because other than the hardline progressives, people are good with it and understand the reasoning. 


    This popular vote - the horse is beaten to death. Time to move on. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

    Maybe you should do as yor name suggests welcome to the black list. 


    Im not even entirely sure what your malfunction is... 


    21 hours ago, Deepinthailand said:

    Oh for goodness sake lighten up boy get a life. The man is trolling through the thread just passed a bit back. so trot off and play your games elsewhere please I don't frighten easily.


    Internet badass :coffee1:

  5. 1 minute ago, recom273 said:

    I also had a conversation with the asst director of a prominent secondary school who says she can spot every fake degree and usually lets them slide if she takes to the person, because she needs the teachers.


    Because she needs the teachers for a rate that will only attract unqualified candidates. They want degreed expats but don't want to pay for it. Your assistant director is the root cause of the entire issue. 

  6. 1 hour ago, simon43 said:

    Are you a teacher?  Your comprehension of Scott's post seems a little 'off'.  He didn't ask for names, only whether you knew anyone using a fake degree.


    For my part, I have never met any teacher who confessed to using a fake degree.  It isn't my business to check on the teaching credentials of my colleagues - that's a task for the school administration and recruiters.


    I know what you mean, but the question is a bit.... I dunno... 


    "Do you know anyone breaking the law?"


    Its a hell of a question imho. 


    On 12/10/2016 at 8:27 AM, Scott said:

    Do you know who has or is using a fake degree in Thailand?


    Pretty damn specific and a bit loaded even if the intentions are for simple discussion. 

  7. 2 hours ago, JAFO said:

    It is cheaper here to live here in Thailand by a bunch. I look at the R1 as luxury type toy like we look at the Aston Martin, Porsche and Ferrari in the US. You want to play, you got to pay for certain toys and those come at a premium. No different.


    Im jerkin ur chain a bit man. You and me are into the same junk, and those hobbies are almost un-obtainable here, even with stupid money. I mean we can debate the semantics of cost, but there is no comparison to what you gave up hobby-wise in the US to here. The US is no doubt the cheapest place in the world to be a gear head and that statement is undeniable. In my 9 years here its been about "making it work" with a selection of stuff we could easily find at a Napa at home. In this context, there isn't another country that can compare to the US. An R1 aint a Ferrari but I get what your saying.


    2 hours ago, JAFO said:

    I disagree. The R1 whether here or in the US isn't as much fun. In the US I never got to use the R1 nor my FZR750RR to anywhere near its potential. Sure those once in awhile blasts breaking 3 or 4 laws, risking having my insurance triple, paying outrageous speeding ticket fines and having to spend a weekend in traffic school were fun at the time I twisted the throttle, there are way too many cops and on "Any road USA" there are too many unknowns to go at speed. The insurance was already outrageous for something you ride sparingly. Only at the track was it fun because you weren't always driving defensively and worried in your mirror but that comes at an expense for track days and all the tech and safety check-ins.  Here in Thailand it is different in many cases. I find what makes the R3 more fun is because I am not overpowering the road and the situation and while Yes there are likely more road hazards then the US one thing extremely nice is I never worry about the police and the moto is very inexpensive fun:smile: 


    R1 plenty fun lol. I get what your saying but nothing can compare to a high RPM throttle twist of a liter bike. 


    I dunno, so many US roads where you can wind out a bike its incomparable but the end of the day its all about what makes a person happy. R1 or R3 or a scoopy. 


    I had a crash on an R1 in Issan at night due to some idiot pick-up driver with no lights at all driving in the motorbike lane. Broke 2 fingers, wrist, shattered a collarbone, and herniated a disc. Totaled the bike. Road rash scars everywhere and I was wearing jeans, boots, jacket, and helmet. 2 days in private hospital getting casted, rocks scrubbed out of my legs, etc... Not a single painkiller to be had. Apparently you have to be dying. Went home, they missed the collarbone, went back, it was in 4 pieces. They don't do repair surgery in Thailand for this bone unless you go to the big BKK hospitals. "Let it heal on its own" they said. "Could take 1 year to heal", they said. 


    I work offshore and chest x-rays are part of the medical. That would be me out of work "waiting" for 4 bone pieces to do something. Bumrungrad quoted me at around 250K++ for surgery. I ended up taking that 250K++ and flying my busted ass back to the states, picking up some obamacare, and having "Open Reduction Internal Fixation" with 14 screws and titanium plate through my collarbone & shoulder. 9 Weeks of not being able to use my right hand and 9 weeks of living with a shattered collarbone, without any pain relief until I saw a doctor at home. 


    Now I'm not complaining, I rolled the dice, I paid the price, I'm all healed now. The point is, all that stuff you are knocking about the US, the cops, the insurance, traffic schools, tickets, etc... Thats all there to make sure idiots don't drive shitty pick-ups with lights that don't work in the bike lane. Insurance is there to make sure we can get patched up. Its all there for a reason and its a bitch when you never use it, but a lifesaver when you need it. 


    Dont get complacent here cause it sounds like you are right on your way to it. Its still 3rd world no matter how good you feel about it. 


    Oh yeah, Thai ambulance? Yeah, they are vultures on a carcass wanting money up front before you can get in the back. Shits unreal. 


    Have fun man but don't forget where you are and what you gave up coming over here. Its not all about cost. 

  8. On 12/9/2016 at 7:55 PM, JAFO said:

    The price tag was 890,000 baht. LOL!!


    And here you are trying to convince everyone how much cheaper Thailand is than Cali in other threads lmao. 


    Ive had a few R1's here in Thailand. Sold them all. It is not possible to ride a bike with that kind of speed on Thai Roads. Chickens, Dogs, other people being idiots. Its not even fun to white knuckle the throttle keeping ur head on a swivel looking out for all the other dangers. 


    Im not even gonna mention service on the bike because I am going to assume you plan to take personal responsibility over that. 




    Yeah R3 probably better but not as much fun. 

  9. How many kilometers on the transmission? 


    Popping out of gear like you describe is very likely to need a simple overhaul, but as you have now learned, good mechanics in thailand are very few. 


    Having difficulty getting it to go into gear (and popping out) is likely worn synchro & dog teeth on 3rd & 4th gear. Im not sure how your particular trans is setup in relation to what gears share what shaft but yeah sounds like an overhaul is whats needed. 


    10 year old truck, second hand transmission, ill take a stab and say 15k baht installed probably 20k. No reason to get a brand new tranny on a 10 year old truck. Manual transmissions are stone cold simple to swap. Can be done in 2 days easily. 

  10. This is kinda tough as the place is rented and personally I would not want to re-wire anything. Plus you don't really need to "add" anything to get your place functioning. There are plenty of things you can do that probably are not the safest, but commonly done. 


    You don't need an earth/ground with RCBO. It sorta measures any difference between L & N so no need earth. 


    Air con, hot water shower, the big stuff can be wired from main power (before the main breaker) and installed with a breaker on the wall near the appliance. Air con does not really need an RCBO or earth. 


    You can get a stand alone RCBO and mount that by your existing breaker unit, rewiring is nothing just moving a couple wires. 


    Your question about the Air Cons and bypassing the main breaker - thats completely normal (how the thais do it) and it will usually have its own breaker in the wall in the room. Thats why it stays on when the main breaker is off. Its not any more unsafe than going through the main breaker. 


    Your other appliances, kettle, rice cooker, iron, washing machine, will be fine with the current setup but the toaster oven might trip a breaker. In that case you can just run a dedicated circuit to the kitchen with its own breaker and appropriate sized wire from before the main breaker, bypassing it. 

  11. 12 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

    Listen Dude I speak as I find I have read the article and am comenting on those, were you there? if so please speak up and tell us all what happened. You seem to have an agenda but I can assure you it will not be with me. If you can't be bothered to post anything factual as I have done feel free to trot on Dude. 


    More mockery. The death throws of defeat.


    It aggravates me when people are all "Hang em High" for nothing. Yeah he apologized, but why are you so hell bent on disregarding the threat of prosecution? Disregarding the actual bike? The actual fact that his bike was never actually checked for Db level, but fined based on Db level? 


    Then complains about it, then gets threatened by the police. 

  12. 1 minute ago, TransitPolice said:

    Awesome - Thanks for the quick reply @Oxx and @Strange.

    Are 250mg ampules the only easy way to buy Test enanthate here?

    I want to take a lower dose than what I've been prescribed - but my Dr was at a loss how to dose it without wasting half of it.

    I'm not too keen on keeping an open amp or prefilled syringes around either. Throwing half away seems like the best option.

    Thanks again


    Ur wading into territory we can't talk about.


    Only advice I can give is for you to go to some pharmacies and take a look & ask around. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

    Who mentioned what the issue is? I didn't, you did, so answer away. If you are college educated you may realise that the contents you refer to are completely meaningless so further discussion is futile. Good day.


    Meaningless eh? 

    Donald J. Trump won didn't he? 

  14. 6 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

    Google is an amazing thing, you should try it some time, you might learn a little truth about the Fraud Meister General himself Donald J Trump rather than just copying everything from Breitbart and Infowars.


    So the issue is not the facts included in the post, but the fact that it was brought over here? 


    Are you denying the truth of the contents? 

  15. 10 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

    DUDE calm down Dude you'll have a heart attack. go have another beer things will look beeter to you then. My goodness what a hiss fit your having. I'm telling the truth but as they say the truth hurts don't it Dude. Ps read my post nowhere do I say deport him in fact I say quite the opposite. cheers Dude


    So you got nothing but mockery and his public apology forced by the RTP under threat of prosecution. 

    Seems legit. 

  16. 2 hours ago, TransitPolice said:

    - Is it legal for me to purchase Testoviron Depot OTC from a pharmacy? 
    - Is it legal for the Pharmacist themselves to SELL it to me? 
    - Is it legal for me to purchase Testoviron Depot from an online shop based in Thailand? eg: http://www.dr-olivier-clinic.com/product/testoviron-250mg-am/ 
    - Is it legal for me to possess a 20 week supply? (it generally comes in a 20x ampule box)

    Thanks for your help. 




    Most large pharmacies sell Testoviron Depot (enanthate) in 20 amp boxes & if they don't have it, can order it easily. 


  17. 1 minute ago, Deepinthailand said:

    And your point Is?? just quoting what the man said. Dr Watson


    Do you have some insight as to weather or not the bike was actually modified and above 95 Db? 


    What the shit do you actually know? 


    Yeah, he said the bike had a different pipe, under threat of Computer Crimes Act, but does that itself mean that it was over 95 Db? 


    Dang man whats your problem? 

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