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Posts posted by Strange

  1. 5 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


             Anti-Trumpsters have accepted the election results.  That's in contrast to Trump and his supporters who said they would not accept the results if their guy didn't win.  Trump often said; if he didn't win, then the election would certainly be rigged.  Remember that?


                     Some demonstrated against it because they're sad and angry that a very flawed person was voted in. But that's one of the great things about the US: we're allowed to demonstrate. Wait until Trump begins trying to instate his harmful policies - that's when you'll really see demonstrations which will dwarf the anti-VN war or the current demonstrations.   Trump is contrary to what the vast majority of Americans want for their country to go forward.  Examples:  he's against tolerance of people who are different. He's against sane gun laws, and continued protection of the environment, as well as compelling very rich to pay their fair share, and against getting big money out of politics, to name a few.  Even Trump fans can admit that, if they're honest.


    Anti Trumpsters accepted eh? Now thats a stretch. 


    The thing is, honestly that you clearly miss throughout all of this, is that people that voted Trump feel the same way about HRC. 


    Here is the problem - Trump would have never won if the DNC picked a better person than HRC. That said, HRC might have beaten Trump (maybe) if her campaign was inclusive of not only Illegal Immigrants, minorities, gay communities, feminists, but those groups PLUS everyone else - the choked working class backbone of America. 


    Seriously a US president campaigning on ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, when the working middle class is stagnant and choked by the ACA & Taxes? What is up with that? 


    He not against 'sane gun laws' he's PRO 2nd Amendment and enforcing the laws that are already on the books. There is a difference and you should look into it before getting all jihadist about it. 


    This whole deal is the fault of not only the DNC, but HRC herself. 


    I really wish you would reflect on why HRC lost and get it out of your head that everyone is a racist because there are more things a play here than your 'feelings' 

  2. 51 minutes ago, sgtsabai said:

    Please define "snowflake". I can certainly come up with a definition of racist, misogynist, sociopath, bigot, homophobic, fascist,  but those certainly aren't "snowflakes". We do seem to have our share of them on TV and I don't mean snowflakes.


    I think it came from some extremely liberal/feminist (possibly) group and something to do with the "resistance".


    Like 1 snowflake is nothing but a bunch is an avalanche or some such stupidness. Could be wrong/too lazy to google. 


    Could have done with out all the racist stuff though. 

  3. 28 minutes ago, Xircal said:

    That's not was I was thinking at all actually. But Clinton would be the one to benefit if a discrepancy did arise and that's what I was trying to point out.


    The problem with the three swing states is that they all relied on electronic voting systems. Given the controversy surrounding Clinton's private email server and substantial evidence that Russian hackers infiltrated the system dumping large amounts of email copied from it, it's only fair to make the case that the three states in question could have been hacked in a similar way to manipulate the final result.


    There's a blog written by Alex Halderman who is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Michigan which deals with that same scenario: https://medium.com/@jhalderm/want-to-know-if-the-election-was-hacked-look-at-the-ballots-c61a6113b0ba#.tlescl1gq


    I mean its always a possibility, but in reality I think its extremely unlikely that Russia (or whoever) hacked/manipulated our voting machines. Anythings possible though and if thats the case then hell ill be pretty shocked.


    We are getting all conspiracy theory here so I don't want to comment much on that. 


    Anyway whatever I want Hill to be out on her ass but I want the president that got the most electoral votes to be president. Right now I don't see anything and neither does Jill Stein & Crew. 

  4. 10 minutes ago, svaldezi said:

    I took the water out manually. I just pressed function then spin. The water came out after that. As I was saying I guess this model does things different than other washing machines. I have never seen a washing machine that does the wash like this. Most washing machines do everything all at once. It would seems this one does not. 


    Yeah the ones in the states are different. The ones over here have a lot of pointless buttons. Sorry I missed this part:


    42 minutes ago, svaldezi said:

    So does that mean that I have to do everything "one step at a time". Like wash, then rinse,  and spin? I have never had a washer like this so I'm very very confused. 


    No its not one step at a time. If you select "wash" (and toss soap in) it will fill up, run, drain, fill up again with clean water, rise, then drain again, then spin like a bastard for 5 minutes or so. 


    If you select "rinse" it will fill up, run, drain, and spin. 


    If you select "spin" it will just drain, then spin.


    The whole "Fuzzy" "Blanket" blah blah part will pretty much just be how long (time wise) it runs in the "wash" cycle - so not really any change in wash "pattern" its just time. 


    On mine its Power > Water Level > Fuzzy > Wash > Start and it will run through all the cycles and spin dry with the longest 'wash' time. 


    Clear as mud?

  5. 8 minutes ago, svaldezi said:

    Okay I did exactly as you said, but strange thing is that it wont let me do everything at the same time. I cannot do wash function then function "spin". I cannot do it all at once, like the washers back in USA. However I tried to do function spin and start then it worked. So does that mean that I have to do everything "one step at a time". Like wash, then rinse,  and spin? I have never had a washer like this so I'm very very confused. 


    Unplug it. Plug it back in. 


    Dont put any clothes in just leave the water. 


    Power > Water Level High > Function Wash > Press Start. 


    Let it run completely until it finishes. It won't drain until the end of the cycle. It won't overfill because it has a sensor to stop it. Its got to complete the cycle to drain so do the above and restart the cycle from scratch. 


    If that does not work I have no idea lol. 

  6. 48 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    I didn't know there were that many guys buying homes and then renting these homes out there for only 5,000 Baht a Month. I don't see any money in that but?


    I guess if you have a house you are not using, and you don't mind renters, then sure, go ahead. I couldn't be bother for only 200 Bucks. But Hey! Up-to-You!  


    You can build a cookie cutter 3 bed thai house with a tile roof on less than a ngnaan of land for about 1 - 1.3 million using day labor and being the contractor. 5k a month and thats 15 years. Most of the time the rents are more like 7-10k. Isaan way. 


    I dont do it but thats the idea some of the guys I know. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, thai3 said:

    Most foreigners, especially English teachers, blokes wearing cargo shorts and sandals, and backpackers of course. 


    I wear cargo shorts and flip flops and t-shirts all the time lol. I have good stuff but I'm not wearing that out and about in isaan with swamp-ass everyday. Plus my good stuff is from the states, dubai, etc... And Im not wearing that stuff and then hanging it out in the sun to get all faded over and over again. 

  8. Stein isnt even saying that its about Trump or Clinton its apparently about:


    13 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    "We're doing this to ensure the integrity of our system,"


    And if they thought there was actual evidence to get Trump out and Clinton in they would have said something. 


    13 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    There is no evidence of election tampering in the states where Trump scored razor-thin victories, but Green Party spokesman George Martin insisted "the American public needs to have it investigated to make sure our votes count."


    So time will tell. 

  9. 17 minutes ago, Xircal said:

    Now you're being childish.


    It stands to reason that there wouldn't be any point in contesting all three states if there was no chance that Clinton could gain from it. The fact that there is is something you need to accept like an adult; not like a spoilt little child who has just had his favorite teddy-bear taken away from him.


    Jill Stein is saying that the reason she wants a recount is not because she does not Trump as president, but because she is concerned about voter fraud/hacking. The "evidence" is something like "Pre-election polling vs Voter Turnout" or some such. 


    So basically Stein is doing this as an integrity check. Nothing to do with Trump or Clinton and neither have made a comment yet. 


    Of course thats what she is "saying" anyway. Reading between the lines she is just playing the long game. 


    Majority of MSM agrees the chance is virtually non-existent.


    So again, its not about Clinton but you think it is. 

  10. 12 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    Not saying it is better to rent to a Thai.


    What I am saying as a Foreigner myself is that there is no way in hell I would rent a place like this for any money. For sure not Long Term. Not saying others won't though. Good Luck!  


    I know what you mean, but there are plenty of guys that buy homes to rent them out. Im renting from one right now. 


    Not thai bashing but thais don't really take care of anything even when they own it.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Xircal said:

    Well, it'll be interesting to see what the results of the recount in Wisconsin reveal together with those of the other two contested states of Michigan and Pennsylvania. http://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-usa-election-recount-wisconsin-idUKKBN13K2DA


    Wisconsin alone won't be enough to topple Trump, but all three combined would mean Trump will be out and Clinton in.


    If a legitimate recount proves that Hillary won then so be it. Il be disappointed but not going to go full snowflake. 


    As it sits right now the possibility of a losing recount in not one, but three states is so unlikely its almost a non issue. 

  12. Depends where I am. Out in the sticks, nobody. Lower Sukhumvit Bangkok, everybody. 


    Indians are particularly pushy but so am I. 


    Anyone with a permanent grimace on their face.


    ANY drunk Thai.


    Nigerians/West Africans. 


    Unfortunately for all the cool English dudes, there are a shit ton of arrogant america haters that feel the need to tell you why they hate americans within the first 2 minutes of knowing them.  



  13. 11 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    Being so close to the hospital and walking distance I think I would target single nurses as my prime renters. If you can add a bed or two you may be able to find 3 of them that will move into together and ask something 2,500 Baht each. Get someone to write and advertisement in Thai and find a place in the Hospital Bulletin Board to advertise.  Just a thought. 


    I dunno man sounds like an easy way to get a place destroyed. 


    If it was me I would rather rent to a foreigner pair for 5k a month than like 4 different Thais together for 8k. Also trying to get 3-4 random thais to pay their share of the bill on time etc... Sounds really aggravating for another $100. 

  14. 8 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

    :smile: It is nothing to do with prejudice, you seem to be an advocate of facts, well i am just quoting facts. Get over it.


    Naw ur trolling and clearly think you are better than americans. I don't know if anyone has ever told you but its pretty tiring. Nobody likes that noise and ill bet you can't take it in person just the same. 


    We can continue this via PM if you like. 


  15. 1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

    That's like comparing the quality of a Thai degree with a Brit degree ! Similar to comparing a Malus Pumila and Citrus Sinensis.


    Just goes to show everyone your heartfelt prejudice against Americans. An American Degree is just as good as a Brit Degree and AU Degree or any combination of the 3.

  16. 6 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

    Hmm, I have been 'harping on it' since 2000. I understand, you think throwing away votes is ok, because it suits your agenda, I happen to believe that every vote should count equally, as in most proper democracies ...


    We are not a 'proper' democracy. We are a Democratic Republic & you should watch the video. 


    I am a Trump supporter, but I had completely expected a Hillary win until I woke up Nov 9 AM Thai Time to watch it unfold. 

    Never crossed my mind to go all snowflake or riot or campaign against EC or anything because this is how we do it, and the ideas for it I support, win or lose. 

  17. 10 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

    I am not crying after the fact, I am trying to get it changed, everyone knows it won't change the results of this election, and that is indeed not even the point.


    So stop with the cry after the fact remark, that is not the issue, the issue is the flawed EC and I have given ample reasons why I believe it is flawed. The argument that it has been done this way for hundreds of years is a weak argument.


    Why YOU believe its flawed. 


    Its convenient that you are harping on about it after trump got the Electoral Votes. 



  18. 4 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

    Intelligent - Not! Is it too much to bear thinking about it? You should think about it because there is every possibility the scenario is correct.



    And so you pick a head of state that is not only NOT a politician but is not an expert in ANY aspect of Government. The USA chose a reality TV star to head it's country. Proof the criticism of it's educational system is completely valid I think.


    The recount would need all 3 states going blue. Not gonna happen and its just as likely that Trumps numbers would go up as well. 


    There were 2 choices. There were more names on the ballot, but there were only 2 choices. Its not like we had 50 of the greatest minds the USA had to offer and chose Trump. It was either HRC or Trump. 


    As far as the education system, you might, maybe, want to reflect on your own country before barfing up passive aggressive insults. We are pretty much tied as far as % of the population with university degrees. Yours is no better or worse than mine. 

  19. 2 hours ago, meatboy said:

    these medications are some of what was given to my beloved over 18 months with a 5month interval.

    doxy [antibiotic]


    prednisolone [steriod]


    and liver suport and energy tabs.


    Im not a vet but the local animal 'clinic' (misery hotel) did the simple 5 minute blood test.


    Gave us way overdosed doxy, and prednisolone. 


    1 day later I was in Thonglor and showed them the blood test results and the medication the local vet prescribed. 


    I was informed after all their tests were done that the doxy and steroid should not be taken together at all as its 'very dangerous'. 


    I dont know why but thats what they told me and I followed what they said. 

  20. 7 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

    So getting back to thread. What if just WHAT IF, the recounts in Wisconsin, Pen and Mich actually take place and the physical count and reconciliation of the paper vote shows HRC won the states and that a hack took place to influence the results. What then? Indulge me for a moment Trumpeteer's, what IF that is the case. Then what?



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