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Everything posted by 473geo

  1. Gotta understand really really rich people fly their entertainment to a destination of their choice ????
  2. Your wife is what I see as a classic Thai beauty, and as I recall in maybe last year's photo she has retained her looks as classic Thai beauties do. Well done lovely story.
  3. During covid there has been a whole new set of travellers come of age. These are people of the present not the past and they may well fancy a trip to Thailand. 500 baht is not going to influence their decision in the slightest, they are looking for the Thailand experience. It is really sad that there are those who continually run Thailand down, usually people who must have long forgotten their first visit and the jaw dropping newness. Tourists will still choose Thailand, despite the best efforts from those for whom it has apparently lost its allure.
  4. Covid has contributed to 10%+ beneficial rise in the exchange rate I guess that should about cover it!!
  5. No surprise, the mechanics of funding the country germinate the methodology. Its a valid charge as infrastructure improvements which benefit tourists do cost millions Of course 500 baht maybe a step too far for some, the price of a beer or three a reason not to holiday in Thailand, just who these paupers are will no doubt become clear. Might I suggest just a handful of miserable people who put principle before common sense
  6. Not really I get a notification every time money is taken from my accounts, I have an approval method on my phone also. All my COE Flight info quarantine data covid tests, held on my phone. I think you guys don't wish to see the obvious benefits, in fact reading your posts it would appear you have a similar affliction regarding Thailand.
  7. Good read Rooster, I fall into the let the wife sort it category. Small bank letter issue at my first immigration year extension application, so a quick trip back to the Bank to rectify. A few minutes of discussion then my wife calls the immigration officer. Hands the phone to the bank manager. Discussion as to what would be acceptable all sorted.
  8. On both counts I think, most get married for sex and to spend the non sex time with someone they enjoy being around.
  9. I think you missed out the part "with sufficient funding" to sustain a long term relationship. A guy can behave as you say but he better have the means to back it up or he is on the back foot from the start!! On so many levels actions tend to speak louder than words in Thailand
  10. As one of my old farming bosses used to say "Trouble is, if I take a lump of sod to the shop or bank, they will not accept it as payment"
  11. Right thread, if parents are in financial difficulty the offspring are under immense pressure to salvage the homestead. I myself recall giving my father my life savings years ago when he was in a financial mess!!
  12. This posts clearly shows you had little understanding of the immense pressures placed on your wife due to 'family obligations' in Thailand. I suggest many farang are oblivious to the pressures their partner has to deal with.......makes me very proud of my wife who has worked hard to strike the right balance. It certainly ain't easy!! As for the topic unfortunate for those who are not able to control a conversation.
  13. I hesitate to think given the reactions here, do you run for cover if a Thai says hello? I return the greeting to Thai people with little understanding of what they say most occasions.???? I reckon responses ares based on the assumption, and possibly correct, that most contact with 'expats' would be male on male, if the op was female expat, would the responses be different?
  14. But not a fat lot of good when it comes to understanding and assisting In dealings with Thai officials ????
  15. Ear all, see all say nowt Eat all, sup all, pay nowt If tha ivver does out for nowt Do it for thissen
  16. Ha ha I love seeing the expressions when I approach usually shopping somewhere, it is real fun, sometimes a nod, most times a hello, maybe a passing comment.............wow how scary is that I must learn to be more 'normal' ????
  17. When business dress relaxed at work I continued to wear a Tie. One director asked why do you continue to wear a Tie? I informed him I had many white long sleeved shirts that had years of wear left in them! The said shirts no matter how crisp and neat the crease in the sleeve, looked way too plain and cried out for a colourful tie. Oh says the enquirer is that all, I'll get you a few casual 'company' shirts. Of course never happened, the white shirts, and ties continued to wear well until I left ????
  18. I figure if some entity really wished to do me some disservice they would find a way to access my data relatively easily! so I try to be straight in data I provide, thus a repeat question will get the same response if checked. Other than that have dealt with AI and on one occasion was actually supplied with the answer, mostly though if I submit a question have usually been through the simple. First level options provided by AI customer service.
  19. I am staggered, a forum bursting with eloquent wordsmiths is failing to convey sarcasm to their audience ????
  20. In my teens I decided with my lifestyle be lucky to reach 40!! Thus continued accordingly. Work was great as in those days did not have to interfere with drinking. So worked, travelled, partied and drank. Reaching 40 realised life had other plans, but as not yet revealed continued. ???? At 50 met my now wife, and my future became visible, progressive lifestyle changes, spare cash to set up a modest home in Thailand, very happy and contented with part 1 of my life, looking forward to enjoying part 2, the part where I enjoy and remain active by choice not necessity. I understand people who continue to work through choice, it's not the same daily grind if one can step out at short notice, but for me to wake up to breakfast in 30c warmth and not have to go to work provides the base enjoyment of the retirement years I see as a bonus ????
  21. There are people who don't enjoy the roller coaster? Essential part of the fun of life ????
  22. In answer to the OPs question, I recently moved here 6 months now. I spent many years as a single guy taking in the many delights of Thailand party lifestyle. When enjoyed to the full, and of course noting the changes over time mainly to my preferred destination Phuket, I married and began part two of my plan to retire in Thailand. 15 years and one son one daughter later here I am. Modest home all paid for a long while ago, dropped on a bit of overtime at work ???? have an old truck, repairs are very affordable so did not feel the need for a 'showey' new truck, instead bought some land for my family where we now run 4 cattle, from a farming background this is a hobby my wife and I share. So settling in, read up over the years on immigration docs, working in an office admin role made things easy to understand. However my wife has organised extensions so far and we are well positioned for my extension for a year shortly. I have noticed with Thai on Thai there is a certain 'get it right' attitude and perhaps just a little more 'understanding' well appears to be working for me ???? Well here I am in part two of my life having worked and had much fun in part one. Part two is a different type of enjoyment, still always learning adapting, that doesn't change, being a family man now is fun, challenging, but rewarding. Yes I am here and so far the level of expectancy is met, on occasion exceeded. Just lucky I guess ????
  23. And so it goes on! Entrance to Thailand is easy, obtaining permission to stay is not too demanding and remember this applies to the majority of non Thai Why is this not good enough for so many? Why not just get on with life without seeking some 'special' recognition for all non Thai people who spend a bit of money in Thailand. The whole notion is ridiculous there are opportunities if you really do have the money! so let's ignore the invalid expectation of those who actually don't spend a great deal in the grand scheme of things, be happy with what you can achieve, accept that Thailand allows you the lifestyle of your choice, and quit moaning when process in place covers all non Thai 'aliens' not just those of you who appear to think your contribution is worthy of relaxed controls.
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