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Everything posted by jesimps

  1. I'm still trying to be approved for level 1. I've sent them every document known to man and still been refused verification. I buy Bitcoin from Coins Co TH, but I want a Thai exchange with a good selection of altcoins, which Bitkub has. Every year I use my docs to have my visa extension approved and I had no problem becoming a client of my local banks. I think the problem is that Bitkub's verification team aren't qualified to scrutinise documents printed in English, don't realise that the UK doesn't issue national ID cards and can't understand Thai Immigration visa stamps. I'm still trying and will continue to badger them until I'm accepted, but the process is taking a lot of time and effort.
  2. Never had a hole in one in 60+ years of playing. Never been close. Always swore that if I got one I'd walk away from the game forever. Go out on a high so to speak. Would've save me years of misery, lost sleep, money and agro from my ex wives.
  3. People have a right to moan wherever they are, personally I'd rather moan here than anywhere else. I think those who imply that they don't complain are hypocrites, especially the "If you don't like it here why don't you leave" crowd.
  4. A lot I should imagine. Not so much the Chinese, they tend to marry their own kind.
  5. Can't speak for the kids, but the stress level of my missus who was a teacher went up exponentially. So much so that she quit and is now quite happy in her new job.
  6. Correct. I didn't even know I had termites until they ate my kitchen units, skirting boards, door frames and ceilings. Cosmetically, everything looked ok, it was the permanent buzzing noise that gave them away. Everything softwood, woodchip or plasterboard had to be replaced.
  7. From someone who used to have air shots on the green, never stand up on the shot.
  8. He was in Swiss man's house with a loaded gun, whether he wanted the money or the wife is immaterial.
  9. Yes he does, he went on my ignore list several years ago. He's also a big supporter of military coups.
  10. I'm 77, had my first AZ Jab last month, no side effects at all. Looking forward to my second AZ (hopefully).
  11. I've been waiting a month now for my Bitkub verification and have heard nothing from them except for an email saying "Welcome to Bitkub", then at the bottom, please send your passport photo and selfi (which I'd just sent). My wife waited ages and then after weeks of phoning them, she failed the verification. I've read about these verification problems from lots of people, seems to be a thing with Bitkub. You're one of the few successes IMO. I've been with Coins.co.th for quite a while now, but am confined to Bitcoin. They don't do alts. You also can't place limit orders, it's purely instant buy/sell. Good exchange for beginners.
  12. The last time that I was scammed on price was at a place I least expected it, it was at the Death Railway Museum in Kanchanaburi. I had to pay far more than my Thai wife. It was the first time in years that I'd been caught out. That was about two years ago and I haven't been fleeced since.
  13. Is it me getting older, or are ambassadors getting younger? When I worked for the Brit Foreign Service, the Old Man of the embassy really was an old man.
  14. Ah, the demon drink again. It attracts the virus don't you know. What non-westerners can't seem to comprehend is that to most of us, an enjoyable night in a restaurant is a meal accompanied by an alcoholic drink of some sort. I won't visit one until they resume serving wine with a meal. As for being charged for gambling whilst playing a harmless game of pool.....No wonder so many eating establishments are going to the wall.
  15. "Two days later dog had been fed poisoned food and that was the end of it" I've often thought of doing the same to the nine noisy abominations in next door's garden. I've suffered them for six years now. If it wasn't for the fact that the owners are quite nice people and friends of the missus, I would have done it long ago. Although not a dog lover (think God made a mistake when he gave them that obnoxious bark), I used to quite like them until living here.
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