Whether he goes or not is another kettle of fish. Seeing the hopes of these lovely people dashed so often by these military bullies has made me rather cynical.
Looks like you, like me, are a pessimist as far as Thai politics are concerned. After being here through two coups, it's hard not to be. My missus is over the moon at the result and I'm finding it difficult to infuse a bit of my doubt into her. I don't think we've seen the last of Laurel and Hardy.
They say that before every coup. I just can't see the military taking this laying down. Good result for Pheu Thai though, gives them a say without having to dodge the incoming hatred of the yellows. Can we anticipate Mr Suthep out with his whistle again? He's been unusually quiet since the military took power.
Like Thatcher in the UK, it's amazing how Thaksin always gets a mention after being out of power for many years. I would have thought Mr Prayut would be a darned site more peeved than him. Obviously a dyed in the wool yellowshirt.
Our "silly monarchy" are just the figureheads of our system of constitutional monarchy. A bit like you lot worshipping your flag. Saves us having an idiot like JB for our head of state.
I reckon that the huge amount of garbage chucked into the sea each day by the "outraged" Thais does a lot more harm to these fish than a guy touching them.
"When the situation escalated, the guards intervened, and in the ensuing struggle, Mr. Viljoen fell, hitting his head on the edge of some stairs."
Hitting his head on the bouncer's flip-flop more like it.
Big brave farang, that Thai guy looks to be about six stone wringing wet. What I don't understand is why the farang and his mates didn't get severely beaten up by dozens of locals, as is normally the case.
I agree. Knowing the vast amount of information out there pointing to the danger to life of incredibly addictive drugs, I can't imagine why anyone would dabble in them in the first place.
No doubt there'll be several apologists, they might even have invented a syndrome for it as with other types of bad behaviour.
Back to the subject in hand, RIP young man and I hope the girl is safe.
So you, like all the yellow shirts think that the army illegally seizing power is a better option than a political party democratically elected by the people.
It's getting just like the old days on here when some farang were cheering the military on, so you've got some buddies on here.
I'm was an experienced motorbike rider of many years in the UK and managed to stay accident free. My first time on two wheels in Thailand (Koh Chang) I had a prang due to a pickup appearing on my side of the road on a bend. That was 16 years ago and I haven't ridden a motorbike on public roads here since. The most I do is run my daughter's bike around the golf course perimeter when she's away and ride my bicycle on the same road for exercise. It's almost traffic-free.
Doesn't matter how experienced you are, the number of idiots on the road here make it likely that you're going to come a cropper sooner or later.