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Everything posted by jesimps

  1. The fact that you're in Chiang Mai is well camouflaged under the large headline. Probably why you're getting so many replies regarding Suvarnabhumi.
  2. I had the same problem earlier this week, after years of trouble-free logging in I wasted two days attempting to receive the access code. In the end, I clicked the button to contact them and it gave me the option to change the method of receiving the code. One of the choices was the google authenticator app which I chose, and on using, got straight into the site. The Google 2-factor app is a good tool to have on your phone if you haven't already got it, lots of sites are asking for it these days, especially if you invest in shares, crypto etc. It only takes a couple of minutes to download from the Play Store and is very simple to use. By the way, my phone provider is AIS.
  3. Meanwhile there are dozens of deaths a day on the roads. A guy gets 8 years for killing a bar girl and cutting her up. This couple could get 3 years apiece for making love. Why don't they show it on here, then we could give our thoughts on whether or not it was pornographic ????
  4. Fair enough, but they've been skinning me for full UK tax during my 15 years here. I know what the rules say, but I still find it ironic.
  5. I would imagine that only applies if it happens when you and the driver in front are moving in the same lane. If somebody suddenly switches lanes, it doesn't matter how careful you are, you've little chance of avoiding a spill.
  6. Must be ten years or so now, friend was killed overtaking in the outside lane when another bike ridden by a youth came out of a u-turn straight in front of him. The youth had minor injuries.
  7. Typical Mafia tactics. If the "made man" doesn't pass on a suitable portion of his ill-gotten gains, he can end up with no knee caps.
  8. Most main roads in Pattaya are all dangerous, but Pattaya Nua is a pig of a road to cross, especially just down from the Sukhumvit lights.
  9. I have a feeling that it's only those who have something to complain about that complain. People satisfied with the service don't comment, because the service should be good, it's what they're being paid for. Those saying "negative stuff" probably have reason to. I hope that some day soon you have a really bad experience at your local IO, maybe then you'll be a little less smug.
  10. "Dual pricing is not just a Thai phenomenon with many countries having such practices, albeit more subtle and much more restrained than Thailand’s national park policies." A lot of countries have it based on residency. If you live within a certain radius of the attraction, you pay a reduced fee. However, this is based on your domicile, not your nationality. Thai policy is racist.
  11. The last place we lived, there was a farang with a Thai wife a few doors down from us. While he was away working in the ME, she had her "brother" staying with her. Each morning outside the house, she gave him a big unbrotherly tongue job as she saw him off to work. The farang always referred to him as "the wife's brother" and I didn't have the heart to put him right. Ignorance is bliss.
  12. I'm old enough to have served in both HK and Singers when they just oozed the Orient. I reckon you're correct about Thai "backwardness", long may it last.
  13. I went for a meal in the Beer Garden a few days back and Pattaya center was chocker with tour buses packed with Indians. Didn't see any Chinese or Russians.
  14. Other than a craving for power like the rest of the members of that illustrious organisation, I can't imagine why anyone would want to join them. Most normal people just want to relax, enjoy their retirement and leave the real police work to our hosts. They remind me of school prefects.
  15. Which is a good thing in my opinion, so that the legally owned guns can protect the owners from the bad guys who have the far more numerous illegally owned firearms.
  16. Or the Dutch guy who got 103 years for money laundering. You can also get 40 years for les majeste or defamation it seems.
  17. It did for an old RSM of mine in the British Army, if the flag you raised in the morning was as little as one inch from the top of the pole, he'd go mental and accuse you of setting it to half mast and charge you. You were only a lazy flag raiser once in that particular regiment.
  18. Quite right too. It's an antiquated and completely pointless law anyway, just like the restricted alcohol selling hours each and every day. Especially in a land that's trying to kick-start its tourist trade.
  19. I find it impossible in a land of almost permanent sunshine to understand why anyone would want to use a gymnasium, especially the tiny little gyms you get out here. For the past 15 years here I've jogged/walked along the beach/promenade or around the golf course, enjoying the fresh air and the views of the sea and the countryside, not some fat farang's beer belly. Each to his own I suppose. Get well soon to the guy who copped the dumbell.
  20. As someone married to a Thai for some 13 years, I don't have the option to do what a Thai would do in my home country. I still have to report every year with reams of paperwork, not forgetting the 90 day reporting as well. Plus the yearly trip to amphur for the Kor Ror 2 and the immigration home visit. Yes, your visit was a piece of cake, but sometimes for some, it can be a nightmare. How long did you have to queue outside just out of interest? Not nice when you arrive there and find the queue snaking up Soi 5. If I was a member of the disgustingly rich brigade, I would definitely employ an agent. Not because I can't do the thing on my own, but because It'd be so much nicer if someone else went through the process on my behalf.
  21. They say that the richest people in crypto are those who're deceased.
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