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Posts posted by jesimps

  1. 23 hours ago, Number 6 said:

    Regency is rum and it's everywhere???


    I've done too much research on this topic. In my opinion local alcohol is swill although I could drink Hong Thong or Blend with ice, soda at a Thai get together if I had to.


    I'm no fan of any "Scotch" under b700 although Bell's is sorta okay. Dewers price keeps bouncing around it's back to 759b. I won't touch it over 700. Piper's is a very poor value. Really dreadful stuff all "scotch" under 800-900L.


    I suspect many international brands are adding additional grain spirits to what's sold in this country Dewer's and JW Red in particular. They never taste good neat, always nasty bite andvtaste. Bell's, Piper's. All of it.


    600b should get you something that might not taste delicious but shouldn't make you wince.

    100 Pipers is distilled, aged and blended in Scotland according to the label and I find that it tastes like any blended whisky that I buy in the UK. But the OP mentions "Thai whisky" so I won't go on.

  2. On 3/2/2020 at 4:14 PM, Dale75 said:

    Well, I've drunk Scotch all my life, of all qualities. Over here I enjoy Hong Thong. I take it straight (like my Scotch) and it's fine and great value.

    If you drink with mixers (ugh!) and/or ice (ugh! again) I guess you would barely be able to tell the difference between Hong Thong and a UK Supermarket own lable Scotch.


    Except that it's only 35% proof, hence it's cheap like low alcohol whiskies in the UK.

  3. Reminds me of the abortion scandal. All those in favour of abortion have already been born. In this case, all those in favour of reducing generals in the Thai army by 50%, are already generals. Mind you, I can't say I disagree with this reduction because at the moment there are so many, that it seems like you get a generalship if you're first three times in the queue for the cookhouse.

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  4. 6 hours ago, sungod said:

    I'm baffled the way they are handling this, there is no consistency. A cruise ship and all its passengers are banned from entering, Thais are told to postpone travel to Japan and Singapore. Yet there are no restrictions on travel to or from China and the latest confirmed case in Thailand on Monday (from the paper we cannot quote) is a Chinese tourist from.........wait for it................Wuhan! duhhh........

    Four big loud Chinese youths were travelling up the escalator in front of me in Big C Pattaya Klang at the weekend. None of them wore masks.

  5. 12 hours ago, notasmartassknowitallfarag said:

    Absolute chav scumbags did this. I feel for the guy, hopefully they will get caught and no 500 baht fines please. 


    I also feel for foreigners here who get beat down 7 on 1, even if it was for being an annoying drunk. We all make mistakes. 

    "Annoying drunk" like the elderely British couple and their middle aged son that were severely beaten here by a gang of local yobs.

    I suspect that coronavirus may have been at the bottom of this.

  6. On 2/15/2020 at 4:09 PM, phetphet said:

    I also started getting them a couple of months ago, including flashes of light in my peripheral vision. I did read on the internet that the brain starts to ignore them after a while, but like you, I still keep thinking I am seeing mosquitos. No sign of them going away. Just have to get used to them.


    I thought it is just part of getting older, but after watching that video I think I wil get my eyes checked.

    The flashing lights could be the start of migraines. I get them about every three months on average. Luckily I very rarely get the headaches just the lights, which makes it dangerous to drive and a feeling of nausea to a greater or lesser extent. They disappear after about 30 minutes in my case. Don't get the floaters, at least not the eye ones.

  7. On 2/14/2020 at 11:42 AM, Husain Tula said:

    I must admit that I have not lived next to airport and yes, there is exaggerations in my statement to express how loud. Anyway, thank you for the comments

    The worst thing you could do is to move to the country. I live on the edge of a golf course, but in a small community close to a temple and a village and it's pandemonium. Dog noise is the chief culprit, closely followed by bass-heavy music from the temple, village and shacks in a 360 degree circumferance. Even from the golf course. Then there's the traffic on the dirt track next to me which seems to have the same volume of traffic as the Bangkok expressways. It's much quieter living in town I can assure you. My Thai wife of course, doesn't hear any of it.

  8. 4 hours ago, soalbundy said:

    We are still in the transition phase which means the fat lady is still singing. Carney's prediction wouldn't have come from him alone, he will have a huge staff of competent financial experts who have looked at the logistics and produced a report for Carney to read out and Carney himself is no amature in the world of finanze, I doubt that a man of his stature and position would be guided by bias but instead by data.

    In that case they all got it wrong as well as the lead idiot.

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