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Posts posted by jesimps

  1. 2 hours ago, GalaxyMan said:

    With the EU having a population of approximately 500 million and the UK only 66 million, I'd say that the UK doesn't have a very strong hand. Brexit is going to cost every single person in the UK more; can't say the same for the EU, which doesn't need the UK market nearly as much as the UK needs the EU market.

    Poppycock! The EU exports more to the UK than vice versa.

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  2. 12 hours ago, Scot123 said:

    Why do they say biker when riding a scooter? 

    Checking cctv one thinks maybe the poor guy was clipped by another vehicle. Not to easy to crash a bike on a straight road. 


    Poor guy, what a holiday for him and now his family. 

    Because it's a bicycle with an engine attached, just like all two wheel cycles with an engine; even Harleys.

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