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Posts posted by jesimps

  1. 1 hour ago, RichardColeman said:

    Talked to my wife about this again the other night, asking her how many of her friends actually voted for the 'junta' led parties. Conclusion was about 10%. I've personally never met one, and all the people she talks to - taxi drivers, market stall owners are all moaning about them. No way was this election not rigged - apart from 1/3 being elected by the junta pre-election. NO wonder they would not let it be overseen by foreigners.

    My missus says that most of her colleagues at the school where she teaches appear to support the generals in suits.

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, RotMahKid said:

    It's time that the people organize them self, without any political party and hold sit down in the city.

    It does not take much people to block the traffic, so with many people you can block strategic places easy.  If you can come with so many people to the sky walk, then you also can do this!

    Mr Suthep could advise them on how it's done.

    • Haha 1
  3. 4 hours ago, zhounan said:

    We need to open our eyes, the world is changing, just as the world economic centre is shifting from west to east. In a West in perennial economic and financial crisis, because it is stubborn with the nihilistic and materialistic ideology of Neoliberalism, it is committing suicide with its own hands. While in the East there is a lot of money circulating, especially in China. So it's no wonder that everyone is trying to get this slice of the cake. When they get the money in Burundi, I bet everyone will start studying the language of Burundi and open markets with that country and we'll go and kiss the ass of local politicians. 

    American capitalists are used to say Business is business. So, now, Chinese people have money, all pull down their pants. It's more logic and simple than you think. 


    Thanks for that Mr Marx.


    • Haha 1
  4. Only two things will lower the death toll on Thai roads, harsh deterrant and honest enforcement. To make these two work you need honest cops and officials. Also, it assumes that everyone has a licence for them to lose. Those who don't aren't really bothered by a points system. Until they get serious about the real underlying problem of corruption, nothing will change. Except for the bribes and they will get bigger.

    • Like 1
  5. 12 hours ago, Brigand said:

    A mix of both, but the pound could well go up a noticeable amount after the election result if there is a Tory majority. A hung parliament or a Labour coalition will send it tumbling again. Once there is some certainty in the UK for the markets to be relaxed about and the baht starts to go where it belongs then the pound might well head back towards what it's really worth ... which is about 50-55 baht.  

    You're right, but the fact that a lot of the usual Labour supporters back there can't see beyond their next pint, Dregs Corbyn's latest pie in the sky promises might hit home with them. At least this time the Tory's manifesto doesn't include any nasties like the last one. I honestly think that Terrible Theresa was trying to ensure a small majority to keep us in the EU.

    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, oldhippy said:

    So you think that bringing UK pensions up to European standards is not a priority - and that would not only mean defrosting pensions, but raising them substantially ?  The UK cannot afford such a thing?

    In that case, vote conservative or Farage and remain a century behind Europe.


    Gave your post an up vote by mistake. Pse delete.


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