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Posts posted by jesimps

  1. 2 hours ago, dunroaming said:

    It is not surprising given the events of the last couple of years.  Pledges broken and politicians lying about everything at the drop of a hat.  We are probably just seeing the veneer of respectability being peeled back and what is underneath has been there all along.   Britain is a country broken by those who are supposed to lead us.  There is little chance of any trust being rebuilt until we clear out all the current shower of inadequate fools who we "employ" to govern us.


    No quick fix I am afraid as this wound is very much self inflicted! 

    Britain has been broken for the last three years, mainly through remainers trying to block Brexit. Now we have a strong majority government so things will change drastically, as shown by the increased 10% public trust since the election.

    • Like 2
  2. 50 minutes ago, khunken said:

    In the Eastern Orthodox churches women are still required to wear some sort of covering on their head. Very often in photos & videos of rural life in Eastern European countries, older women will be wearing a scarf around their head.

    That is not to excuse countries like Iran in forcing their women to wear a scarf while they're overseas. Social media will be the catalyst for this to die out eventually as the younger women are more likely to oppose (or suffer) it.

    Yes, but surely they can still choose not too if they so desire. Same in UK churches, some women wear hats, others don't.

  3. Tourism may be down but it still took me an hour to drive into Pattaya from Phoenix Golf Course last Saturday evening. The roads were chocker with tour buses, I had to fight my way through mobs of Chinese and Russians strolling around and I couldn't get a table in the Beer Garden at the end of Walking Street. If you want to eat there these days, I'd advise you to get there before 6.30pm. I also did my 90 report at Jomtien a couple of weeks back and you couldn't move in the office. Arrived at about 10am and I was there for about 45 mins, everyone in front of me seemed to have problems, what's up with them? My report took about 30 secs as usual.

    • Like 2
  4. I'm not against issuing plastic bags per se, something has to be done about the garbage problem here. They should however have bags for sale at every checkout for people such as me who have a faulty "Save" button on their brain. There's more chance of me winning the jackpot on the lottery than remembering to take along shopping bags.

    • Like 1
  5. 5 hours ago, pitrevie said:

    Two years ago I also had to draw a map at the request of the CW IO. My address is an easy one to find near a very busy sky train station the soi clearly marked off a major road not down some side alley etc. In fact I have taken the trouble of producing a name card in Thai and English for the purpose of deliveries and on the back is a map showing the exact location again in Thai and English which I produced for the IO but that was unacceptable, she needed me to draw it out. At the end of last year I got a further 1 year extension and that experience along with the medical insurance requirement has convinced me not to apply for any further extensions. I have always had more than the required funds to support my visa extension and also an additional fund in a Thai bank to cater for any medical emergencies certainly far more than is required for this medical cover. However this place is getting like a bureaucratic North Korea but with the smile of course.

    "However this place is getting like a bureaucratic North Korea but with the smile of course."


    You got a smile? Lucky lucky beggar.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, bluesofa said:

    This has been claimed before regarding Thai traffic law and whether it states that drivers must give way to pedestrians at zebra crossings.


    If you can find the section that clearly states this, I'd be interested to see it, as so far I haven't managed to find anything.


    Yes, but it is illegal to go through a red light and they're talking about crossings with lights in the original post I believe.

    • Like 1
  7. 5 hours ago, impulse said:


    In most of the places I've lived and traveled, zebra crossings simply mean it's legal for pedestrians to cross there.  They don't convey any right of way.  The red light does that.


    Other places, like California, drivers do have to stop for pedestrians already in the crosswalk.


    If you always had to yield to pedestrians in a zebra crossing, these cars would never move...


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but in the UK I believe that if there's someone on the kerb waiting to cross then the vehicles must stop.

    • Like 2
  8. 12 hours ago, tinca tinca said:

    thais WILL NOT STOP for anyone crossing a zebra crossing... THEY HAVE NOT BEEN EDUCATED to the fact that people have the RIGHT to cross in safety....and is LAW to stop and let them cross....!!!

    With very severe deterrents for those ignoring the law. Hit them where it hurts; in their wallets, plus bans. Jail time too in some cases.


  9. 1 hour ago, chang1 said:

    I have not seen what the rules are so may be way off here.

    IOs can use their discretion on how rules are followed so can harass anyone they want and can interpret the rules as they want but obviously cannot go too far. 

    I would have thought that the date of entry trumps the date that the Visa was issued.

    When the Visa was issued, does it not have some wording like "must comply with legislation on date of entry"?

    As immigration rules change frequently, I am not surprised that officers follow different rules around the country and when challenged need to try and find the latest updates.

    Personally if I was in the OPs position I would try to find what the  relevant rules about this are and bring a copy of them, in Thai, before risking crossing the border or trying to extend the visa. At least it would show he was trying to follow the rules.

    Also I would not contemplate going to LOS without health insurance (been hospitalized twice in 20 years and known many others who have had problems) so would always be able to show something. Not so hard for me, for a few more years, as I have never stayed more than 4 months at a time. 

    Even if you were fit and healthy, had enough money in the bank to cover any eventuality and didn't want to waste loads of dosh every year on buying insurance which you would probably never use and which more than likely wouldn't cover you anyway? Up to you.

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