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Everything posted by ubonjoe

  1. For retirement it is here. https://thaiembdc.org/2020/11/17/nonoretirement/ For others reasons it is not required. For family members of a Thai it is here. https://thaiembdc.org/2020/07/11/foreigners_family/ Scroll down this page to find other non-o visas. https://thaiembdc.org/visas/
  2. Look at this page, https://thaiembdc.org/2020/11/17/oalongstay/ (link at the bottom of the page you posted a link to). But is has not been updated to the new $100,000 requirement.
  3. It does matter what your status is here is or what visa or extension it is required for all entries to the country. It has been required since the started allowing entries to the country again last year.
  4. To apply for a non-o visa at a embassy or consulate requires 90 days of the 40/400k baht insurance. It has been that way for over a year now.
  5. She will need to do the TM30 report. The rules state it needs to be done within 24 hours of arrival at her residence. Most offices are not that strict about it.
  6. Only the $50k insurance that is required for entry to the country. No change from what was required before.
  7. I have seen nothing detailing what the insurance has to cover. I don't think it will be a standard medical insurance policy. I think it will be more like travel insurance that is only valid for the length of your stay in the country.
  8. Double check everything is correct again. Leave the flight number blank since that is not required. A common error is not entering the entire arrival card number (for example AB12345).
  9. The $50,000 insurance that includes covid 19 insurance would be required for entry to the country and would need to be valid for your length of stay.
  10. A new OA via requires $100,000 of insurance and that has to include covid 19 insurance. See: https://longstay.tgia.org/guidelineoa A new non-o visa requires the basic 40/400k that is still required for existing OA visas and they need the $50k covid insurance for entry to the country. The newest info at the top of page is a bit more clear.
  11. Then hotel will not give you a receipt for the TM30 report. You will not need to do one at your local office unless entered on a new visa or visa exempt. Entering with a re-entry permit or a multiple entry visa that you used before for entry does not require one
  12. The airline would ask for the ticket out of the country. They would not ask for the financial proof. Immigration does not bother with asking for a flight out of the country or financial proof.
  13. The only embassy is in Washington DC the other 3 are official Thai consulates not embassies. There is never more than one embassy in any country.
  14. Starting on November 1st the requirement for entry to the country will be $50,000 of insurance for your length of stay in the country you get when entering the country instead of the $100,000 required before. That info was posted in topics on the forum and embassy websites a few weeks ago. Info is here on this embassy webpage. https://thaiembdc.org/visas/
  15. Some embassies and official consulates have staff working weekends to proceeds COE's. You may have yours in time to board you flight.
  16. The only change is for OA visas. You still do not need medical insurance for your extension of stay.
  17. The $50,000 insurance is only required for entry to the country. If entering on a new OA visa the new insurance for it will be required.
  18. You should be able to the online report now. It seems your local office may of changed to a different system. I applied for a extension in August and the app sill showed my old permit to stay date but I was able to do the report and change the permit to stay on it in September. After doing the report the popup message shows my new date on it now.
  19. You can use the COE you have now up to the 8th of November. After the 7th it may not be accepted.
  20. You may need to show a ticket out of the country within 30 days of arrival to the airline. It can be a onward ticket to anywhere. The certainly will not want to see financial proof. Immigration will not ask for the ticket out or any financial proof when you enter the country. You will not need the $50,000 baht insurance for anything after you enter the country. It is only needed for entry to the country.
  21. That is what is needed now. But nobody knows what will be required in October of next year.
  22. A TM30 is not required unless you change your registered address or enter the country with a new visa. If you have an extension with a re-entry permit or a multiple entry visa no report is needed. Your 90 day report will be due 90 days from the day your entered the country.
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