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Everything posted by ubonjoe

  1. The $100,000 health insurance does go into effect until September 1st in your case and not until you apply for your extension next year. You will need covid 19 insurance valid to the day you current extension ends.
  2. You got a 90 day permit to stay from the non-o visa you applied for. If possible you should change return flight a week or so before your permit to stay ends. You can get a re-entry permit to keep the remainder of the 90 days when you enter the country.
  3. I have moved this topic to the Phuket forum where you should get answers to you question quicker.
  4. Are you asking about applying for non-o visa at immigration. For that it cannot be done for family members of person on a a extension based upon retirement. If they have a non-o visa already the extension can be applied for.
  5. The only thing that has been approved is the for a new OA visa applied for after October 1st of 2021. And that is the $100,000 US insurance that includes covid 19 coverage. For extensions of a OA visa entry it goes into effect on Sept 1st of 2022.
  6. Covid 19 insurance is not required for any extension of stay other than for a STV. You only need the 40/400k baht insurance.
  7. Try the new site. It is a lot better. https://tm47.immigration.go.th/tm47/#/login
  8. That is equal to possessor. I also got a security warning when I opened site. And it show this. Their certificate expired today.
  9. They are trying to get more than the standard 1900 baht fee. There is no special fee for the covid 19 extensions.
  10. Maybe at some offices but not all. Some want a copy of most recent one or would make a problem if you don't have one in your passport.
  11. I possible at the least you should download it or do a screen of it to keep on your phone if possible. I would think you might be able to find someplace print it out though.
  12. There are no new forms. Probably a StM2 form for the terms and conditions and overstay rules if you have not had to one before. Many offices also require a copy of the visa that allowed the permit to stay your are extending. Some offices want a one year year bank statement for prove you kept the 800k baht for 3 months and 400k baht after that for your current. Others will accept bank book copie if it has been kept up to date.
  13. I was replying to this post to point out that Sydney also has has incorrect info.
  14. Tha does not mean it has to be a new report. The receipt for the previous report would be enough.
  15. You did it on the old website. On the old site after completing page one you would get a blank page if you had something blocked a popup telling you to contact your local office. On the new site there is only page to complete. New site: https://tm47.immigration.go.th/tm47/#/login
  16. You will need all the documents required to register as the possessor of your residence. Since the regulation for TM30 reporting for most people registering to do it online is not worth the effort. If on a extension of stay you only need to do a TM30 report if you change your address or enter the country with a new visa.
  17. They have accepted those for Thailand Pass and the COE since that is the only thing available in the US as far as I know.
  18. When? That was not needed before. I is fairly new since they started requiring a RT-PCR test instead of a ATK.
  19. I did a topic about nationwide appointment system before but is dose not include Bangkok.
  20. As far as I know there are no connecting flights to Phuket from Bangkok for a international flight. Bangkok airways was doing them to Samui before but don't think they did one to Phuket.
  21. This page makes it clearer. https://medium.com/thailand-pass/can-i-change-my-flight-post-approval-72bf360325dd If within 72 hour you only need to change your hotel and test reservations.
  22. As far as I know it you applied for the the Test & Go and have QR code for it you can still enter and do it. The only difference is that will have to do a 2nd covid RT-PCR test on the 5th 6th day after your enter the country. Info is here. https://consular.mfa.go.th/th/content/thailand-pass-faqs-2
  23. It should of been 119 that I have now fixed.
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