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Everything posted by ubonjoe

  1. I suspect your non-ed visa expired long ago and you are now on a extension of stay based upon attending school. If your extension is canceled you have apply for another extension on the day it is The done. The new extension will start from that day. If you were able to get letter from the school stating you are no longer attending classes on the day your extension expires expires you could apply for new one on that day. I some cases you can go to immigration early and they will post date the cancelation to the date on the letter and do your new extension on that day and it would start on that day.
  2. 1. You could apply for or a extension of stay based upon marriage to a Thai during the last 30 days of the 90 day entry form you non-o visa. 2. You might be able to apply for a extension of stay based upon attending school. You cannot changed the type of visa you used to enter the country without leaving the country. 3. You could a apply for a 60 day extension of stay to visit you wife or a 60 day covid 19 extension.
  3. The reporting window was changed last year. You can do it up to your report date now instead of 7 days. From the terms and conditions for online reporting.
  4. I thought you might of been told by your embassy to do it at Chaeng Wattana. Many of their websites only mention CW. You could change your address to the local office to do it. There is no big hurry to do it. You could do it the next time you have to go to Chaeng Wattana.
  5. I just called a 800 number and it rang until I got a message to call later. I am using True Online fibre.
  6. You can do the stamp transfer at the designated immigration office for where you living. Chaeng Wattana is not the only office it can be done at.
  7. You can prove 40k baht of monthly income to apply for the extension of stay instead of the 400k baht option.
  8. As I wrote do a search for a onward ticket or flight. Here is one site that come up. https://onwardticket.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjwmeiIBhA6EiwA-uaeFdOHpFr4bIUrj4VOooc2xm441MT8Q3jvlbMD5x_SuYMzo_PDI_s7yxoCNlwQAvD_BwE
  9. I have been using the direct deposit via New York since 2012. Still using it due to the fact I am using the income option for my extensions and have to show foreign transfers coming in every month and the transfers are shown as FTT. With IDP they are not shown as foreign transfers and it means getting a credit advice for each one of them.
  10. The flight out of not been required when or where you applied for a tourist visa before. It is certainly required now when doing the evisa application. Do a google search for onward ticket and you will find many sites offering a temporary throw away ticket for less than $20. The airline would would want to see ticket out of the country for a visa exempt entry within 30 or 45 days.
  11. As I wrote before he will not have a problem leaving the country. Immigration only checks that your permit stay in the country is still valid when you leave the country. That have no access to any 90 day reporting records.
  12. A non-o for retirement can applied for at the age of 50. Same for a one year extension of stay.
  13. You would be applying for a one year extension of stay based upon being the parent of a Thai. What you have to have is to legitimize your parental right at a family court or if you child is 7 year old or older it can be done at a Amphoe. I don't think there is any agent that can get around the legitimization of your parenthood.
  14. It is 50k baht if married to a Thai. If not it is 80k baht.
  15. It will only work on a mobile device such as a Ipad or IPhone. There is not ap for a mac. On Mac you using Safari you may to install a user agent to emulate internet explorer. See: https://www.dummies.com/web-design-development/how-to-activate-user-agent-switcher-in-safari/
  16. That message can come up for many reasons. The newest problems people have had is that they did a report in person and it was not recorded in the online system and they have applied for a new extension of stay since the last report and it was not entered in the reporting system that causes it to reject it for being on a overstay. You could try installing the mobile app that gives different messages other than the one message. It will inform you are on a overstay or outside the reporting window (false if you did a report in person since the last one) Links for them follow. Android app is here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=th.go.immigration.immeService&hl=en Apple app: https://apps.apple.com/th/app/imm-eservice/id1464624948
  17. I just went on the site, clicked accept on the first page and got to the second page using Chrome with a Thai IP. Try this address to take you to the 2nd page. https://extranet.immigration.go.th/fn90online/online/tm47/TM47Action.do?cmd=acceptTerm Not sure how you got that message it is down. When it is really down Chrome does the error.
  18. You can get a re-entry permit to keep the remainder of the 90 day permit to stay from a non-o visa valid when you enter the country. The re-entry permit will expire on the day the 90 days ends.
  19. TAT has nothing to do with the COE issuance. It is entirely done by a the MFA and the embassy or official consulate you are applying to.
  20. That is not exactly correct. The SSA sends it to New York the day before it is due. The branch in New York then processes the transfer to here and it is received on the same day it is due. You get the FTT transfer rate for the day it is received.
  21. Nok Air started flights for Phuket to Utapao yesterday with flight onward to a few other cities. A bit costly.
  22. They will renew your insurance that will be effective on the day your current policy ends. I assume you current policy ends on the same day or the day after your extension of stay ends. If not your new extension will end on the day it expires.
  23. Immigration does not issue visas other than non immigrant visas for those that qualify for certain extensions of stay. As I wrote a embassy or consulate do know anything about extensions issued by immigration. The might notice a suspicious visa that was shown as being issued by another embassy or consulate.
  24. He may of not been aware there was a fee charged by the New York branch. It is not shown anywhere on the transfer notification. I can recall a post by a member that was complaining that their transfer was less than what was sent. As it turned out he did not know there was fee. If signed up for the SMS notification of the transfer it does show the .25% fee but not the New York fee. Of course if you know how much you SSA payments are you would note the amount is less.
  25. I doubt it will be a problem. Embassies and consulate do not look a person's history of extensions since the do not know much about them. Their job is to issue visas.
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