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Posts posted by Pdavies99

  1. OK.. Well, I just added 50 percent more yeast, and 50 percent more sugar.

    Started the machine 30 minutes ago.

    The loaf should complete baking in another 3 hours.

    Then we will see if the sugar might be the solution.

    How many teaspoons of yeast did you use?

    I am having the same problem using 2 tsp of Perfect yeast and 1 Tablespoon of sugar for a 750 Gm loaf

    Actually the trick is use less salt in general.

  2. Nearly always the yeast is dead, (How long has the shop kept the yeast on sale without cooling etc?)

    I suggest you buy powdered yeast and keep it in the fridge.

    As soon as you open it (vacumn sealed from purchase) the air gets in and if over 85F temp it will start slowly dying. You must keep in the fridge and put into several sealed bags to keep as much air out as possible.

    When you make the dough, prepare a pudding mix and leave for 10 minutes to see if yeast is bubbling, if no bubbles then it is dead.

    The water temp must be between 95f and 1115f, too low no activation, too high and yeast is killed!

    I am not suugesting other suggestions are not correct, but I make about 20 loaves a week without a machine and for me its always the yeast.

    Best Paul

  3. There used to be a Mini bus service operated by Koh Chang Travel on Soi Post Office, Pattaya...the travel agent appears closed down.

    Does anyone know of another Travel shop / Mini bus agent offering runs to Koh Chang (Hat Lek) border please.


  4. Hi I'm after a basic, no frills mobile phone, any idea as to price and where to buy, (I cannot find under 1000 Baht!) also is a 3g phone still a working option?


  5. Interesting!

    I run a lot and mountain bike every day, so trainers get punished.

    All the trainers I buy in Pattaya and Bangkok, Nike, Puma and Adidas fall apart, mainly the soles unglue but also the uppers as well.

    Yet, the trainers I buy in the UK have virtually no problems and I even throw them in the washing machine!

    I buy the same make as above and for hard bike riding I find the best cheaper make to be : EVERLAST, thesejust go on until they are simply worn out.

  6. Bang Saray is better and close. Hua Hin is better I believe. Phuket is better. However, it blows the mind that a country with inexpensive labor can have such dirty polluted beaches with litter. Is it that the govt cannot see Thais being perceived as picking up after falang (although most litter is really from Thais) or is it that the budget has been eaten up by a new Mercedes? I can't fathom why this is the way it is. Vietnam is far cleaner in the tourist areas.

    Bang Saray I very much used to like, but now they have to put beach chairs on the road, as the beach sand has virtually washed away and they are dumping very large rocks and concrete to try and retain the sand.

  7. Over the past few years, I have ridden my motor bike from Bangkok to the Cambodian border, I can assure you there are no clean decent beaches! I have been to virtually every beach!

    Of course there are some deserted beaches with potential, but many Thais being what they are, light fires on the beaches at night, deposit there empty bottles and rubbish everywhere, and the beaches are filthy!

    Then of course we have the madness with plastic bags.

    In general I will say Hua Hin has some nice beaches and a pretty clean town etc, but even that is ruined with weekend traffic.

    I think you may find some beach areas below Prachuip Kiri Kan and south maybe but this it!

    Please update me by message should you find a nice beach!


  8. "A wealthy Thai sitting in Isaan who purchased a KTM on finance, wants cash first and then EMS the greenbook later. No doesn't seem dodgy at all "

    Unbelievable?? If he had money he would not have bought on credit and now sell at a low price?

    Ask him to go with you to credit company, use his money to repay loan, go with him to vehicle licencensing, change name and then pay him with your money.

    If not get ready to be gouged!

  9. Big bikes are dangerous no matter who rides them.

    No more dangerous than scooters, if you ask me. It's not what you ride, it's how you ride

    Okay, may I say something?

    I had a Kawasaki Ninja ZX10R, a very fast bike here in Pattaya for a few years, now sold.

    The problems over here are; Idiots who pull out in front of me, cut me off on corners, other vehicles who have no respect for me, sand wash off on corners after rain, potholes on high speed roads, stupid drivers with no licences or driving skills and of course drunks.

    Every skilled driver knows that before starting a big bike, you put your mind ihn gear etc for great safe driving.

    So to finsh, after several years of chaos driving a big bike I decided enoughs enough and now have a no gears putter along PCX.

    Enjoy riding but stay alive!

  10. You don't say if you are using one... but how about a mosquito

    Initially we had a few bites inside the house at night mainly, and we are now quite diligent inside. We got a cot with a mosquito net but baby really hated it, and in any case a mosquito still got inside, so we stopped using it.

    As I now understand it it's not about preventing bites completely only the ones during the day. It's not as simple as it sounds and requires great vigilance but at least daylight is on our side. I can do this but I am doubtful about the Thais. On the whole though, she is well protected. For some reason the problem only cropped up recently which caught us napping. Up until that point I thought it well contained.

    I'll use sprays in the house, and the shock-bat even more than we do, and try to eradicate all mosquitos.

    Thank's for the insightful replies: helps me to get clear in my mind at least.

  11. What a load of drivel! Sterotypical mindset of the minority, "american troops coming back from the frontlines" "Thai people spit on the ground when the mention Pattaya " how on earth does this rubbish get bandwidth!!!

    Yes I completely agree, much more interesting would be a every picture tells a story but show pictures of SHAME!!

    (And they would be truthfull!)

  12. What most people forget is that in general all these countries suffer a much worse and long monsoon period ie 3 months plus of constant sheet rain.

    And of course some of these countries have appalling medical treatment out of the capital cities.

    I understand this time now is unusual because of the "el nino" effect but have you been in Cambodia or Vietnam in October / November !!

  13. Why don't you try to do the 90 days reporting online next time? It may work....[/quote

    I've assisted many friends living all over Thailand who state online does not work...yet they email there passport details to me and I am able to do it for them.

    To be honest the form layout etc is poor, but it will work.

    (You will get problems though, if you don't use ie for Internet connection)

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